Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 13 "Bowling"

Daily Summary: This morning I woke up pretty tired and real early. I new it would kind of affect my day if I decided to go to breakfast instead of falling back asleep but I chose breakfast anyway. It was indeed delicious. Fruit, Yogurt, and a Bagel. After that I walked back to my room and layed down and watched NipTuck for a little while. I got out of bed around 9:30 and just ran around and cleaned up my tattoo bushed my teeth and what not. Then I remembered that I was supposed to go down to the field at 10:30 and help put up a batting cage net. Although I didn't feel like it I went anyway just to serve my part and what not. It turned out being a good time hanging out with the guys and talking and what not. After about an hour and a half we called it a day even though we were only about half way done but we had to be finished by tommarows practice so it wasn't really a big deal. We all went to lunch and ate together in the cafe. It was a pretty bomb lunch today they had this awesome honey mustard chiken sanwitch it was amazing. I have been trying my hardest to eat healthier and everything and I already feel more energized then I have been before so it's pretty legit I must say. After practice I got ready and headed to practice. I felt a little better today about everything and had a bunch of fun today. Although I didn't hit to well once again, I just tried to put that behind me and not let it ruin the day. It is hard for things that have always affected me in negative ways to not effect me anymore but it is part of growing up and being a better person and most of all it helps me be much more of a Godly person. It is something I have really been working on and I have figured out that it definitly isn't easy. An exaple of this happened immediatly after practice when I was walking back to my room. My buddy Hawkins called me as I was walking away and told me to go pick up the machine that was laying on the ground and put it in the cage. He didn't do it in the nicest tone and it was actually quite disrespectful. Most of me wanted to just start walking away but instead I just dropped my stuff and did what he told me. Now I may of not have gone with the most happy attitude but I still did it anyway. After that he again talked to me that way by telling me to pick up the remaining baseballs. I did this as well and the situation made me think of the verse in Matthew saying to turn the other cheek or if one asks you to walk one mile walk two instead. Anyways I was preety annoyed with him after that but I again tried my bes to not let it bother me. SO eventually I went back to my room, took a shower, then ran to stater brothers to grab some lotion for my tattoo since it kept becoming pretty dry. During that time Hawkins called me up and asked me to lift with him. I didn't really want to but God caught up with my prayers and was telling me to not miss a day. I already showered and everything but I went anyway and we didn't do to much but I still went and did some good work. We also went to dinner and ate real quick then went back shwoered again and went to the basketball game. It was a pretty good game I got to sit with Josh so that was really cool and we are going to hang out tommarow most likely and I cant wait. He really pushes me to get to know more people and take me out of my comfort zone and that is someone I relly need in my life right now and he is awesome. After the basketball game I went with a lot of the baseball guys mostly the seniors, to go bowling. It was the center fielder's birthday. Chris (Tex) turned 23 today. He is a real cool laid back guy on the team that I have learned a lot from and always has words of wisdom so it was really cool to hang out with him and all the other dudes as well. Hanging out with them I always feel like a little baby. I mean just thinking about how Tex was 4 and a half before I was even born and I am on the same baseball team as him. A couple of the guys are engaged or close to it and at my age I cant even think about that right now. Its all good though I really enjoy their company. After bowling and what not we just headed back to the school and I came in my room, got ready for bed, and then headed to bed. It was an awesome day and I hope tommarow will be just as great!

Daily Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:2
Meaningless! This verse is the beginning of the this wonderful book written by Solomon. Now Solomon had absolutely everything. There wasn't a thing he couldn't get. Near the end of his life he began going over all of the things he had done and realized that most of it all was meaningless. A common belief was that good peiple prospered and the wicked suffered but that hadn't proven true in Solomon's experiences. Solomon wrote this book after he had tried everything and achieved much, only to find that nothing apart from God made him happy. He wanted his raders to avoid these same sensless pursuits. If we try to dinf meaning in out accomplishmets rather then in Go we will never be satified, and everything we pursure will be wearisome. This is all so true in life. i have been over the fact that everything apart from God is meaningless. We should eat, sleep, and walk in God's name. There is nothing we shouldn't go to Him for guidence for, for help in, or that we shouldn't thank or Praise Him for. Everything I have wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Him. It is so hard to think of all the things I have worked real hard to get and still didn't make me happy in the end. Then I look back on all the things I did for God such as this blog and think about how happy it makes me each and everytime I complete the prayer and the daily reading. It feels so good when I am done. I love every peronal moment with God. With reading and going over this verse I am going to try and make more goals for God rather then selfish pleasures. There are a few exceptions in making these type of goals. It is always great to have a list of personal goals and spiritual goals. With prayer and trust in God all things are possible. With the personal goals they should be ones that would break your faith or casue you to stumble in you relationship with God in any single way. I am currently working on this and I cant wait to reveal it for everyone to see. Well today's reading was pretty short with a short explanation but I hope all of the basics where brought up and were delt with. Focus on God's pleasures not on earthly pleasures.

Daily Prayer:
Oh God,
As I am real tired and didn't get home till real late I would like to thank You for the strength You have given me to be able to complete this blog and everything that has to do with it. I pray that You will help me take out the meaningless goals and things in my life and help me to focus on the goals that are to become closer to You and help me to become more like You Lord such as these writings. Help me to keep my mind off earthly pleasurs and sexual tempations God. Help me to not get so upset over meaningless things or for me to let things effect me in bad ways. Help me to be a good sport when I think I am not being talked to in the right way or anything. Help me also to remember to pray and to help me to pray more. Help other to be able to see Your light through me. I pray for my friend Em-head that whatever the things she is going through to just lift her up and help her to become closer to you. I pray that you will continue to help our friendship to grow. I pray that that all of the friends that I may have lost contact with back at home for me to be able to talk to them more and still be their friend as well. Help me to also make more friends around here and everything as well. Help me also through this to help me find my dream girl God. Help me also to be patient throught this. Help me to find the one! God I would like to lift up my freinds and family that whatever struggles they may be going through to lift them up in a positive way and for them to find you somehow. Help my non believer friends and family to come to me with any questions about You. Help me to shine Your light. Help me to also excell in baseball Lord as I am struggling in a few areas of the game. Help the upcoming season to aslo be blessed Lord and help us all to play to the best of our abilities and for us to remain injury free. I pray that anyone trying to find a job to be able to find one that suits them. I pray for our country also Lord as the economy is bad please help to raise back up so people can start hiring and make more money in order for their small businesses to grow. I pray for the job that I seem to have for it to work out and for all of the paper work to go well. I would like to thank You for getting rid of some of my self catiousness today when outside. Keep me from complaining Lord. Please continue to help me stay commited in working out and eating right. Please help me not to be tempted by sweets or coolkies God. I pray for all of the unspoken prayers as well Lord. Please help me or anyone out in anyway that seeks You Lord. I pray these things in Your wonderful name

1 comment:

  1. Haha duddde, I finally got to reading your blog from yesterday, it cheered me up, just looking at us now compared to the past and seeing how we put God's word to use in our own lives, and the ending of the prayer made me laugh, not sure if it was supposed to but it did(not to be tempted by sweets or cookies, although I fully understand the seriousness of this temptation).
