Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 17 "Short Day"

Daily Summary: Okay so I woke this morning after going to bed around 12:30 and for the first time since I have been back at school my alarm had to wake me up. This is never good because that means I didn't get a good amount of sleep. Although I got about 8 and a half hours it still wasn't enough. Anyways I got up (slowly) and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and clean the tattoo. Then I poured myself a bowl of cereal and walked down to my car to go pick up the lunches. My body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds and I still wasn't completely awake. The sun wasn't helping either. Well I went and got the 7 containers of lunches all by myself barely making it in time for practice because I was moping around to much. After I got there I finally started to wake up. We did some batting practice and then played a 12 inning inter squad game. I felt awesome during batting practice I was hitting the ball well so I was hoping to have a great one during the game as well. It didn't really turn out like I wanted to but I managed to go 2 for 4 with a walk. I also had a good day playing in center making some running catches. I probably got at least 8 fly balls or so. Although practice was super long I still had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone. After practice I headed straight to my room took a shower packed everything up and headed home! I don't really know why but I was absolutely stoked to be home. Maybe I wont really hang out with my family and do to much with them whyll I am here but just being in their presence is enough for me. I did a favor for my mom when I got home. I watched the kids why'll her and my step dad Ron went out to get something to eat. They haven't been able to go out together for a long time so I was happy to give them a hand and let them hang out with each other why I got to hang out with my little brother and sister. We just watched a couple episodes of survivor man and played some wii sports. Earlier in the week a few of the guys and I were talking about whether or not survivor man was real or not. It seemed for the most part pretty real and even if it isn't it is still pretty cool to what he is doing and to see all of the places he goes. Then later on after my parents got home it was kind of late but my good friend Emily invited me over to watch a movie. I headed over there and we hung out for a while and played ping pong for like 3 hours. We never got to watching the movie but I still had a great time just chilling. About 12:30AM I headed home completely hungry so I stopped at In N Out. It was delicious I must say and it hit the spot big time. Today I didn't really do all that much since baseball took up most of the day. One thing that kind of went on today that is worth mentioning is how funny I think it is when people still talk about me like I am still in high school. Now most people say this kind of thing being sarcastic when in literal terms they get mad at the person making fun of them or saying stupid stuff but I think it is hilarious. I am glad to know that they are taking time out of their day to think about me. The people don't even know what kind of person I am these days. I have changed so much in this last year that it is hard to remember what I used to be like. I have no regrets in life although I do wish that I could of made better decisons. The things I went through only built me up as a person today so I now know what is right from wrong. Anyways I hope tomorrow is better then today's blog and that more interesting stuff will happen. Sorry it really wasn't to interesting today.

Daily Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16
Now this is a very popular verse and it is also one that means a lot to me. It is pretty self explanatory in what it says about what scripture really is.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. A definition of scripture couldn't be explained in a better term then this. There is something in God's word for every occasion that happens in our life today. I just think it is hilarious that someone can say that the Bible isn't true whatsoever when there is so much history behind it and proof that what it says is actually true. It is also funny to me to think at although the Bible was written thousands of years ago it still applies to every situation that we come across in today's day in age. It amazes me when I am struggling with something and a single verse changes the way I think about what is going on and everything is better. I can't put it into words on what the Bible has really done for me. The most impact that a single book has had on me is James. I have mentioned this before but I can't mention it enough at how much it has really changed my life. The Bible should be used on every occasion big or small in dealing with issues, teaching others, rebuking others, or just working on your relationship with God. The way I deal with my Scripture reading is trying to become closing to God by reading and knowing what is in His Word. Through becoming closer to Him I use the scripture I read to obtain wisdom to help me be able to act and live just like He did.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for this wonderful day and the strength You gave me to get through the long practice I endured today. Thank You also for the not to much pain going through my body. I do pray for my arm Lord is it hurts bad every time I use it. Please ouch it Lord and heal it. God I also thank You for giving me the chance to come home this weekend it was really nice to hang out with the family and a good friend. I pray that You will bring me an exciting day tomorrow Lord and also a wonderful experience at church. I pray that You will keep me from becoming frustrated at little things Lord and that when bad things come my way a bunch of times in a row please help me to just go to You right away and for You to give me the patience. I pray for anything that is going on in my Friends or families life that they may be struggling with to lift them up and show them Your miraculous power God. I pray that the ones that don't know You please help them to not be able to get caught up in the lifestyle that they are in and for them to some how come to You. Please help me to be the example towards them and to also help guide them on the right path. Help me to have a Christ-like attitude and help people to see You through me God. Help me to be happy and get a wonderful rest tonight. Please humble me God in the accomplishments I may have and help me not to boast about anything Father. Lord again again I pray for the dream girl and help me to be patient in finding the right one. I pray for the people that may not like me becasue of our past experiences between us, help them to see the new me God and really show them what I live for and that it has nothing to do with the past. Please keep me from sexual temptation God. Please also tame my tongue and for me to not even think about saying some type of bad word. Help me not to look down upon people either God. And Lord in the reading today I would like to thank You for Your Word. It has shaped others to lead me to You God and has helped me through so many situations. Help me not to be confused when I read Your Word God. Help me to be the man You want me to be. I pray for all of these things in Your powerful name.

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