Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 28 "God Called Women What?"

Daily Summary: I just wanted to start out with the fact that the blogs/ writings are probably going to be getting shorter and more straight to the point. Only because it takes over an hour almost 2 hours to fully complete the blog and I don't really have that much free time during the day with school and everything. Also it also may be really hard to be able to do the writings in Hawaii. I will definitely keep up with them but I am not sure if I will be able to post them up online until I get back. Anyways this morning it was real tough to get out of bed. I stayed up a little longer then I probably should of last night by I just didn't feel like going to bed. After I forced myself up I got ready and went to breakfast with my buddy Kurt once again. We read through the next two chapters of Amos and God is expressing His disappointment to Israel. In chapter four we were astonished to see that God calls the women of Israel cows! We had no idea that this was said in the Bible so it was really interesting to find that out. I guess if a women relates to a rebellious Israelite then I will be able to call her a cow. Ha well anyways after breakfast we went to chapel. It wasn't the best chapel I went to but it was still alright. The concept of how the Holy Spirit moves in us was the main point of the message. After chapel I just went back to my room and had some alone time before practice. I got some homework done and shopped around for some photo supplies. I needed some film to take pictures in Hawaii. I can't believe I'm leaving in only a few days! Crazy stuff. After that I went to lunch and played some ping pong with my roommate Phil. It is so much fun beating him time and time again. Ha jk. While I was at lunch I saw my friend Garret my best friend who is no longer attending the school. He was back to pick up some stuff and it was really nice to see he him one last time before he takes off back home. He said there is still hope that he might be coming back next year which would be totally awesome! I am still planning on going to see him sometime maybe this summer. After that I went to practice, today was supposed to be a pretty short day but it ended up being decently long. We just hit and did a little bit of drills nothing to big or anything like that. I am just pretty excited about our first game tomorrow and I can't wait for it to be here. After practice i went straight to dinner came back and showered then went to class. As I walked in I found out that there was a bunch of people that I new in the class and it seems like it is going to be a lot of fun and a great experience throughout the semester. After class I just came back to the room finished up some homework for tomorrow then headed to bed for a good night sleep. Today was definitely awesome day and I am still pretty intrigued at the fact God called the women of Israel cows. Good night y'all.

Daily Reading: John 11:25-26
Hear Jesus says some pretty powerful words about who He really is and how we should do everything to follow Him. Jesus has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins. This is because He is the Creator of life. He who is life can surely restore life. Whoever believes in Christ has a spiritual life that death cannot conquer or diminish in anyway. When we realize his power and how wonderful His offer to us really is, how can we help but not commit our lives to Him! No matter what we may be apart of God should always be involved and apart of our lives. If there is anything that we ever want to succeed in He should be the one we go to because HE IS THE WAY! If there is anything that we aren't to sure about doing or if we have to make some kind of big decision then we should go to Him first because HE IS THE TRUTH! He is also of course our life and we would be dead without Him. When we not only believe in Him but have a loving relationship then we are promised eternal life in every single way. Death is something that many people fear because they don't know what is going to happen after that. I believe everyone thinks about this constantly and almost do anything to forget about it. Truth is that they might be avoiding the fact that there is a God out there and they just don't want to take the time to commit to something like that and change their lifestyle. What they don't know is that the God they may be thinking about will help them out in the troubling process of recommitting their life. That is why He has created a Church body which is your family who will be by your side every step of the way. Now us Christians should never fear death if any thing we should be looking forward to it so that we will be able to get out of this corrupted earth and be somewhere where there is no things such as sadness, anger, depression, frustration, or any kind of earthly sin. No money to worry about or anything just complete happiness and peace! It is our job to go out there and show other people God's word and Truth so that they too will be able to enjoy not only what would be a great experience but a great life! Do you believe?
Daily Prayer:
Dear heavenly Father. I Thank You for another wonderful day and keeping Your grace around me. I truly felt You throughout he day and I was able to watch my actions so I would be able to act more like You. I thank You also for getting me through every single day of practice since school has started. I have barely had any days off and I thank You for the strength You gave me to get through it all. Now as our first game of the season is tomorrow please help us to come out strong and really achieve what we have been working so hard for. I pray that You will also help us to have fun in doing so and that if we win or loose we will still praise You God. I pray that if I get an opportunity to play tomorrow that You will take the nerves out of me and help me to play to the best of my ability God. I pray for the sickness Tex has Lord that You will heal him God and for anyone else that may be getting sick. I pray for our Hawaii trip that You will not only keep us safe, and help us in playing the games but to help us to have fun as well. I pray now God for my friends and family that may have struggles or may be going through a rough time. Please help them to seek You for help and to also praise You when things are good. I pray also for the ones that don't know You God. Please give them the chance to find You Lord and please use me in the process. With that I pray that You will help me stay positive and have a Christ-like attitude. Help people to be able to see You through me Jesus. I pray that in whatever kind of mood I may be in that I will look to You without even thinking. For I know that you timing is always perfect even when it seems as though you are super late. I pray now for the churches I am or was apart of. They are going through some financial difficulties and need money in order to stay a float. I pray also for any struggling business God that You will somehow turn our struggling economy around and put everyone back on their feet. I pray for our new President. Please help in with the decisions he needs to make and help him to make the right ones. I pray now God for help in finding a dream girl of my own. I pray that You will help me be patient in the process God. Please help me to say away form earthly pleasures and sexual temptation. I also pray God that You will help me control my anger and frustration. I pray also for the injuries and pain I experience in my body. Please put Your hands on them so they will be healed. I pray now God that You will help me be the person not that I want to be but what You want me to be. There is so many different things I may want my body to maybe look like or something like that but the truth is. You made me this way and I should use every inch of it to serve You God. So I thank You for the way You have made me. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers God that You will help them come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for all of these things in your wonderful name.

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