Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 21 "Is it Fun Anymore?"

Daily Summary: 3 weeks!!!! Today started out pretty basic just as most mornings do here on campus. I went to bed way to late to be able to get up for breakfast but a text message did wake wake me up around 8:30. I went to bed a little after 1 so 7 hours wasn't enough sleep so I tried my best to fall back asleep so I gave up after 15 minuets. I just laid in bed for a while until I got an allergy attack and sneezed for times. Got down from bed and just got on the computer and had a delicious bowl of cereal. Then for some reason I keep on listening to the band The Main. I have been listening to them for a while now and I don't really know why. They aren't a Christian band and every song is basically about the same thing. Girls. Maybe it is because all their songs are pretty catchy but I don't know. All well. After eating and everything I took a shower to wake me up then I went to work out for a while. After that I headed back to the room and decided to get in the Word before lunch and practice. Many people ask where I get my verses from and how do I decide which ones to pick for my blog. Well what I have been doing is picking out some kind of topic and typing it in on For example yesterday I typed in the word Love and then I got every single verse with the words love in them. After that I go through them all and pick the one that appeals to me the most and then boom I just elaborate on it. Other times I'll just scroll through my Bible and talk about verses that I have circled but maybe haven't really studied them before. Well after reading I headed to lunch then went to the locker room to get ready for another loving day of practice. I was asked yesterday, is baseball even fun for me anymore since I do it every single day and it never stops. It is something I have been thinking about quite a bit lately. The truth is I haven't had this much fun playing since before high school and when I played during the summer but it does take a toll on me. It doesn't become fun anymore when the team isn't really team and it basically seems divided my college team doesn't really have this problem at all so it's nice. There are definitely some days I stand out there wondering what the heck I am doing out there. Then again there are days where I think to myself about how happy I am and I couldn't picture life without baseball. It becomes frustrating when I have a bad day out there and I don't play all that well but the sweet thing is about baseball I can go out there the next day do good, and then completely forget about the day before. When I am really down I realize that if it wasn't for baseball then I wouldn't be here at Biola. Now that I am here I can't picture me being at any other school. I love the people and everything about this school and I am so glad that God has blessed me with the ability to play this wonderful sport. Anyways practice went really well today. I was 2 for 3 in the inter squad game and I also pinch ran like 30 times. We also had to run a great deal at the end of practice because there was some things that weer ran pretty sloppy. After practice Hawkins and I hit for a little bit then I went up to my room for a shower. I was exhausted from today. Every muscle in my body was kind of aching. I couldn't wait to just have a relaxing night. I went to dinner and sat with my buddy Nick Woodward. He is a pitcher on the team and was dying to get his name in my blog. He is a funny dude and is a definite hypocrite when he makes fun of bros. He has a So cal sticker on the back of his truck and still makes fun of them. I think its hilarious. Well anyways I was once again to lazy to walk back to the room so Nick gave me a ride back to my dorm and I headed straight up and sat in my comfortable chair. I am definitely going to bed a decent hour tonight. I actually cant wait to just climb up to bed and fall asleep. I was hoping for a more exciting day today but nothing has really been going on. I might be going to hang out with Hawkins and watch the new episode of lost that is coming on tonight or maybe hang out with a few other people I'm not sure but what I do know is that I will be asleep before 10. Oh that's right! Tonight is Wednesday so if all else fails I will have Generate to keep me company. Nice! Well if anything else goes down I will edit it but other than that that's it. Night.

Daily Reading: Ephesians 4:2-3
Today I typed in the word humble in the Bible Gateway search bar. Being humble is something that I have been trying to pray for almost every single day since I started this thing. It is something that I have always struggled in and being humble is something that I think is a great character trait to have. I try my best to stay humble, it becomes difficult when I am joking around with friends or when I am out on the baseball field. I do this obviously to make me feel good about myself. I know it is pretty lame that I do that but everyone loves hearing good stuff about them. When we don't hear enough about ourselves then we just talk about ourselves. After reading this verse I instantly was convicted and realized that I still need to continue to be humble in to keep working on it. This verse also talks about being patient and bearing each other with love. Each one of these things are all important in becoming more like Christ and having a Christ-like attitude. The next verse saying that we should make every effort in doing these things. Now no one is ever going to be perfect here on earth, so we must accept an love everyone despite of their faults. When we see faults in fellow believers , we should be patient and gentle. There is always going to be people out there that annoy us deeply I know myself for example have really been annoyed with some fellow believers from church. Rather then dwelling on that person's weakness or looking for faults, I should be praying for them. I should be trying even harder to hang out with them so that I will be able to compatible with one another. I usually tend to run away from my problems so if I am upset with someone I usually ignore them. Christ teaches us otherwise and it is something I should definitely keep from doing. To build unity is one of the Holy Spirit's important roles. He leads, but we have to be willing to be led and to do our part to keep the peace. We do that by focusing on God, not on ourselves. It is so easy to become selfish in just running away from anything. When I am upset with someone I usually just ignore them for a few days and then when we both get over it I decide to talk to them like nothing had ever happened. This is a bad thing to do because if I never learned how to deal with the problem before then it will most likely come up again. We should all try are best and put in every effort to talk to the ones we have a problem with most rather then the ones we are fine with. Love everyone equally, be humble, and have patience in all of it. Let's pray.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for giving me the strength in these wonderful writings everyday and giving me the time to get them done at a decent hour. I thank You also for the impact that every single one of these writings have had on me and on others. I pray for the people that read this can let me know if there is anything I can do to change or make things better. I would next like to pray for the things that were involved in my daily reading section today. I pray that I will be able to be humble in my words and thoughts Jesus. I pray for the people that may annoy me and the fact that I run away from my problems with them. Please help me to make every effort to be able to talk with them and fix things the real way instead of just ignoring to problem. Help me to be honest with my feelings and also to be able to take the fact that I may have done something wrong to upset them. Also help people to come to me when they may be annoyed with me Please give me the patience I need to be able to talk to these people and the patience for when they talk to me. I pray God that You will help me be able to become closer to my family. Although I am away from them most of the year please help me to stay in contact with them and hang out with them whatever chance I may get. I pray also for the friends and family that may be going through some rough times in their life. Help them to be able to come to You with their problems because You are all powerful and can fix everything. Help them that if they need to make any kind of sacrifices in order to fix these problems give them the courage they need. Help me also in making sacrifices in my life so make myself more like a Godly person. I pray also that anyone of my friends or family that isn't Christian please help them to be able to somehow fund You God. Please use me in that process if necessary and help them to come to me with problems or advice. I pray for my frustrations in life God help me to get rid of all these and fix the problems by praying about them rather then growing a burden on my mind and making the problem worse. Help me to do this no matter how big or how small the problem may be. God help me to be more of Godly person. Help people to see You through me and my actions. Help me not to be ashamed of what I am doing here and to be open at all cost. I thank You for how You have been shaping me into this person through these 3 weeks that I have been doing this. The time has literally flown by so quickly and I see myself slowly transferring into the person You have always been pushing me to be. I love You so much God. I pray next for the dream girl which I am seeking, please help me to be patient in finding this girl and help me not to jump the gun. Please keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation God. Help me to make wise decisions and to not let anyone down. As I became tired today I was getting frustrated and annoyed with little things during practice. Thank You for helping me not to blow up or anything and also to pray to You right as it was going on. I felt at peace for the rest of practice knowing that You were by my side. God thank You for today. Although it was again not very interesting it was still full of fun and laughter. I pray all these things in Your name.

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