Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 29 "Game Day"

Daily Summary: Well being so anxious about today I really didn't get all that much sleep last night. But I still managed to wake up nice and refreshed for the morning. I went to breakfast with Phill and then went to class. Class was totally boring and I just kept thinking about today and praying that God will take the nerves out and for everything to go as planned. I believe my English class is going to be this way all year and it is going to be real hard to stay focused during the boring lectures. For example today was first grade stuff and we learned how to put commas in sentences. It is hard to believe sometimes that I am in college. After class I usually go to chapel but today I went back to the room and did my daily reading only because I am not going to really have all that much time since I have class then I go straight to the game. I chose the daily verse on Bible Gateway. I usually try to look at that one every day and if it applies to what is going on currently in my life and today's it was so I chose it. Anyways the game finally came up and we got out there and everything. I have been praying so hard for God to take the nerves out of my mind and to help me focus and I actually started today. I wasn't really expecting to do so but I was in the line up and I was stoked and nervous at the same time. I tried my best to push it all out of the way and play as hard as I can. I ended up going 0 for 1 with a walk and a sacrifice fly. We also ended loosing the game which was super disappointing but we didn't hit as a team very well at all. I am still glad that we got the kinks out and the nerves as well and we should definitely be ready to go for the next game. After the game I talked to my parents for a while and they were all real proud of me and it was nice to see them. I then went to dinner played a few games of ping pong and then got ready for another exciting 3 hour class of photography tonight. Hopefully it will be pretty interesting and not to boring. We will see thought. I don't think I am going to be really doing anything for the rest of the night either. I am pretty tired and I have a lot to do tomorrow. Then I am off to Hawaii on Saturday! I'm stoked. Alright well if anything goes down I'll definitely update but other then that. Good night.

Daily Reading: Mark 9:34-35
Jesus here is talking to His disciples about who would be the greatest. The disciples were caught up in their constant struggle for personal success and were ashamed of it once Jesus asked what they were arguing about. Now it isn't wrong for believers to be ambitious and everything the only thing that would be wrong if it pushes aside obedience and service, that is when it becomes sin. Pride or insecurity can cause us to overvalue position and prestige. In Gods kingdom, such motives are destructive. The only safe ambition is directed toward Christ's kingdom, not on out own advancement. We must renounce pride and status seeking. They are Satan's tool not Christ. Serving others is real leadership. Jesus described leadership from a new perspective. Instead of using people, we are to serve them. Jesus mission was to serve others and to give his life away. A real leader has a servant's heart. Servant leaders appreciate others worth and really that they're not above any job. If you see something that needs to be done, don't wait to be asked: take the initiative and do it like a faithful servant. Don't approach life expecting high positions, honors, and special privileges, Look instead for ways to help others. When reading something like this I instantly think about what I always think about, baseball. Me being a freshman in college playing on a team that consist of mostly seniors it is tough to really comprehend the fact that I am a youngster and I probably am not going to be treated the best. It is so hard to accept this fact but without the experience of being young then when I get older I will never grow past the frustration. It is hard to explain but it works the same way when first starting a career. Most of the time we will start at a low position and work our but off in order to receive a promotion. If we instantly receive the promotion without having to work for anything then we will expect everything to be given to us and there will be no work ethic in the future. We will also feel more accomplished and be able to recognize and have a heart for those that are now below you and you will be able to be their mentor and help them through the things you went through. So therefore Jesus said it right when saying we should have the hearts of servants in our work. In order for us to be first we must be last.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for today in giving me the opportunity to start and I pray that I will soon get another chance to do so. I thank You for keeping our heads up after a tough loss today. I thank You for keeping us all from injury and everything. I pray that in the next game we will be able to hit better and win some games Lord. Next I would like to thank You for getting some nerves out of my mind and playing to the best of my ability. I pray God that You will give us a safe trip to Hawaii and not only play well but to have fun why we are there. I pray that no one gets into any type of trouble or gets hurt. Next Lord I would like to pray for some remarks that I make that aren't very Christian like. I know they are wrong yet I still continue to do them maybe only to get a laugh or something please keep me from not only saying these types of things but thinking them as well. I pray that with that You will help me strive to have a more Christ-like attitude and help people to see You through me. I pray that if there is anything going on in friends or families lives that they may be struggling in or if they may have problems that You will be the person they go to. For the ones that don't know You God please help them to some how find your light. Please use me in the process Lord. I pray now for me to be able to get rid of any kind of frustration and anger please help me to be mellow at things that may seem difficult. Help me not to worry God and to trust in what You have planned for me. Please also keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation and help me to bounce my eyes God. I pray also that You will help me find that dream girl I always seem to be talking about Lord. Help me to be patient in the process in finding her and help me to know when the times is right. I pray God for my friends please help me to make new friends here at school and outside of school Lord and to grow in the relationships I have now. Please help me to always be myself and set the example God. I pray that You will continue to give me the strength to write this blog every single day. It has now been over 4 weeks and I can't believe how much I have accomplished already. I love You so much God and I thank You just for life itself and the fact that You have given me everything a young man can dream of. I owe it all to You. I pray for the unspoken prayers and thoughts Lord. Please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them. I love You so much.

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