Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 22 "I'm Going to Miss You Garrett"

Daily Summary: Now last night after practice was one of the more lazy nights that I have had since I have been here. I literally did nothing besides go to eat. I got in bed and watched Generate on the computer till about 9 then I came down and charged my computer and was just messing around on some sites. The message was on abortion and Pastor Tony did a great job in explaining everything like always. It kind of felt nice just doing nothing for a night and just kind of relaxing. Eventually I went to bed I don't know what time but it was definitely earlier then normal. I woke up super sore this morning from working out. It's going to be an uncomfortable day at practice. My whole upper body hurts pretty bad. All well it's definitely worth it. I then did the usual cereal eating then I got into the word. It fascinates me to hear the good things that God is doing in not only in my life but in others. Yesterday my mom called me super excited about something. She was telling me how much my little brother has really been touched by what I write here. Her and my brother Jacob sit down and read one every single night before they go to bed. She told me that Jacob told her that he wants to work on the tough things he is going through too and also want to ask me some questions when I come home. My mom said that Jacob has already been changing his attitude and is trying his best to not become frustrated at things. This is truly an answer to prayer I pray for my family and friends every single night how they would come to know Christ better and look to Him for their problems. This is truly an answer to prayer and I am so happy to see God moving in my little brothers life. I spend about 2 good hours a day on this thing and if that two hours gets 1 person to change their life or is some how affected by what I write. Then it is definitely worth every second. Even if it doesn't affect anyone else it definitely effects me and the way I run my life. I thank You God for the miraculous things You are doing! Well after thinking about all of that I took a shower then cleaned up my dirty room. I haven't cleaned it all week and it is about time that I did. I get used to it by living by myself. But my roommates are moving back in this weekend and my alone time is running out. I can't believe school is already starting on Monday. These 5 weeks have literally flown by big time. I don't have class on Mondays so I get an extra day, it is my way of cheating the system. Well anyways after cleaning I headed down to lunch. Then I went back to my room played some ping pong with Hawkins then went to practice. Today was yet again another inter squad game. It was a lot of fun and I went 2 for 5 but lined out to both the third basemen and the center fielder. I am seeing the ball much better then I have been lately and it is working out well. Thank God. After practice we all got our gear for the season. If you play a sport you know that getting new gear and uniforms is better then any Christmas or birthday present. It took a long time to get it all since all the seniors and everyone was first but I still managed to get a pair of pants that fit me and everything so it was all good. After that I went to dinner ate then came back to my room ya know took a shower and everything. Then my mom called me and I talked to her for a while. I was kind of stressed about a few things going on so I vented and what not and afterwards I totally felt better about everything and realize that I shouldn't worry about anything and just put my problems in God's hands I can't express that enough. Soon after that I was checking my facebook and my great friend Garrett posted a video. Garrett was one of my first good friends here at Biola and we have so many memories together and I love him so much. Now Garrett is from Washington and was already thinking about not coming back after this year because of some things and how much he missed home. I tried my best to convince him to not do such a thing because I would miss him so much. Basically the video said that he won't be returning THIS semester. He is coming back to pick up his things then he is out. I couldn't believe it but I realized that how much he has really prayed about this decision and how he put it in God's hands. I am going to miss Garrett so much. He is an awesome man of God and I can't wait to see what God has in store for him. I promised myself that I am going to save up and go see him sometime in Washington and it is something that I am definitely going to be doing sometime before my college life is over. This is going to be a long time before I am going to get over the fact that he isn't going to be here anymore. I LOVE YOU BUDDY! Well after that sad stuff I basically just relaxed for the rest of the night. I might be hanging out with my friend Katie Owen later on. She just got back from her home in Kansas City, Missouri and she is stoked to be back. I again am pretty tired so I will be going to bed at a decent hour.

Daily Reading: Proverbs 6:20-26
We should obey our father and mother for this is one of God’s Laws and here it is stated that it is always available. These words are valuable to a young person so that his young mind can be trained into doing things in a God-like way and stay away from sexual sin. Once that the words of wisdom are in your life they will become permanent and cause protection, guidance, and counsel wherever we are. It is absolutely outlawed that we lust towards a women even if she encourages attention by going along with your glance because it is wrong for her as well. These verses apply to me in a great way. Although I would get annoyed with her words of wisdom they stuck in my mind and heart and if I were tempted to do something wrong then instantly her words would pop in my head and I would refrain from doing the sinful act. Sexual sin is hard growing up as a teenager and without the right guidance it can lead to a whole lot of trouble. I am very fortunate of my mother and I thank God for her every day and that she is the reason why I am not involved in sexual sin. This verse also makes me realize that when I become older and ready to marry a women that it is going to be unnecessary for me to even think about another women in a sexual manner. It states this many times in the book of Proverbs and throughout the Bible which makes it clear that this is one thing that God will judge us on to the max. Now we don't have to blind ourselves from every beautiful women or girl that walks by us. It is fine to acknowledge a beautiful creation that God has made but when we take the second glance that is when it becomes a sin. Sexual temptation and sin is one sin that truly affects a person's behavior for the rest of their life. It is also one that hurts God in a horrible way. In 1 Corinthians 6:18, Paul says that every sin that we commit is done outside of the body but whoever sins sexually sins against our own body. Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit , who is in us, and that we have received from God. We aren't on our own so we should be honoring God with our body. God created sex to be a beautiful and essential ingredient of marriage, but sexual (sex outside of marriage) always hurts someone. It hurts God because it shows that we prefer following out own desires instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit. It hurts theirs because it violates the commitment so necessary to a relationship. It can often bring disease to our bodies and it deeply affects our personalities which respond in anguish when we harm ourselves physically and spiritually. Many people say they have the right to do what every they want with their own bodies. Although they think that this is freedom, they are really enslaved to their own desires. When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit fills and lives in us. Therefore we no longer own our own bodies. Therefore when we sin against our own body we are sinning against the Holy Spirit which lives in us. If I lived in a house in which I rented and someone else owned I would obviously take care of everything so that I won't have to pay for any kind of damage. This is the same thought that God owns my body and I am using it to live my life. If I engage in sexual sin and damage my body which he owns I will have to pay the ultimate price which is death. See Revelation 6-8.

Daily Prayer:

Dear God,
I thank You for this great cool day and a break from the heat. God as I read and learned more about sexual sin please help me to try my best to flee from any kind of sexual temptation and for me not sin against You. Help me to cherish the body You have given me. Lord I pray for anyone that this may be a problem to especially the ones that are close to me. Please help them to flee from any sort of sexual temptation and to realize how much their body really means to You. God I pray now for my awesome friend Garrett. He lives for You God and I pray that in the wise decision he has made to not be returning to Biola for it to turn out for the best. I pray that you will guide him towards the right path and to help him decide what he can do to serve You. Next Lord I would like to pray for baseball. There are some days where I become stressed about little things please help me to get over it and realize that there are bigger problems in life. With the problems I do have please help me to get through them by trusting in You Jesus. I pray for the pains that I encounter while playing the game. My shoulder hurts so bad Lord please do what You can into healing it. I pray for the other small pains for them to also be relieved. I pray for the upcoming season that if I am to get any kind of opportunity to play for me to make the best of it and play to the best of my ability. I pray this also for all of the other players as well. Please help to have a winning season and to make it as far as possible. I also pray for the Hawaii trip that we are taking in about a week. Please help all that to go well and for us to get there and home safely. I know it may seem weird but please help me to find an Internet connection out there so I may keep up with the blogs. Next God I would like to pray for my friends and family that are going through a rough time please help to look to you for the answers they need. For the ones that may not believers please help them to some how find You God. Help me to be able to talk to them or just plant a seed by having a Christ-like attitude. Help others to see You through me Jesus. Help me to be able to deal with my frustrations and anger better God. Help me with the little things in life that I usually ignore. Please fill me with peace and joy. Keep me from worrying. God I pray for my dream girl. Help me to be patient in finding her Lord. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers that You will help them to come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your wonderful name.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is difficult at times and Satan wants so much too keep you from writing this, I pray that you don't listen to the father of lies and listen to Gods leading in all of this. He will bless you and give you the time you need to write this. Don't worry about tomorrow for today has a enough trouble of it's own!! Please pray for the finances for our Church, giving is way way way down.
