Saturday, January 24, 2009

Day 24 "Good Bye Hair"

Daily Summary: Wow, last night's sleep was awesome I slept through the whole night and I would of slept even longer but my friend Chad called me from the team asking how the field looked from the weather. I still felt awake and refreshed more then usual. It is amazing how praying for the little things makes such a difference. Everything still looked pretty wet on the field and I thought we were definitely going to be okay to play but a few minuets later I got a phone call from Hawkins saying that the game was canceled. I was real disappointed and really didn't know what I was going to do with myself because I was really looking forward to hanging out with my family and everything after the game. Since it was only 8:00 by then I just sat around and waited up for lunch to roll around 11:00. I met some of the guys there and we talked and hung out blah blah nothing really to interesting. As I was coming back I realized that today was the day that everyone was moving back in since classes start this week. I just got my books in and I am ready for class to start I can't believe that I actually am but I will be taking some fun classes. It was really cool to see all the old faces I haven't seen in over a month especially the guys on the floor. Later on I played some ping pong with my buddy Calen from the team for a while then came back up rested and watched some Nip Tuck. I did this for a while and got more bored as time went on. Eventually I went back down and played some more ping pong with Calen then went to dinner. After that I went over to some of the guys house for a little freshman initiation thing I wasn't to sure what to expect but I new it wasn't going to be pretty. It ended up being a load of fun, although everything we did was quite embarrassing. It was really cool though to have everyone laugh and to make a total fool out of myself. At least I wasn't the only one. At the end we all got our heads completely buzzed to a size "0" Now I definitely didn't look as bad as my roommate Phill but it is still a scary site to look at. Afterwards we just kind of hung out with the guys over at their house and then called it a night. It was a great day although a majority of it was pretty boring. I ended up going back home tonight so I could see my parents one last time before going to Hawaii and also to pick up a few things for the trip. Tomorrow I will just be going to Church and hanging out. Most likely getting made fun of because of my bald head. By the way it is a little short today only because I really didn't do all that much. I am not getting lazy! I promise.

Daily Reading: Galatians 6:1-5
The basic structure to these verses explains that we should do good to all people. Anyone that we know that may be caught up in sin we should use are spiritual gifts to restore them the bet way we can but we must be careful because while we are doing this we may also be tempted with the sin they are committing. Carrying each other's burdens is fulfilling the law of Christ. If we walk around giving people the impression that we are perfect and nothing is ever wrong with us then we are deceived. I have seen a lot of this kind of act growing up and I have also been in that same situation. Acting like someone we aren't will only cause more problems in the long run. Cracking down and finding who we are in Christ is the only way to really fix this problem and he we always have his arms wide open. When we do our very best we always feel good about the results. There is no need to compare ourselves with others. Everyone makes comparisons for many reasons. Some point out others flaws in order to feel better about themselves. Others simply want reassurance that they are doing well. When we are tempted to compare, look at Jesus Christ. His example will inspire you to do our very best and his loving acceptance will comfort us when we fall short of our expectations. No Christian should ever think that he or she is totally in dependant and doesn't need help from others. No one should also feel excused from the task of helping others. The body of Christ (the Church) functions only when the members work together for common good. Humbly and gently we should always be ready to help the person that is in need for help. We never know when we may need this type of help and therefore when we help others we should e treated the same way we treated them. Sometimes even a simple prayer can change a persons life. Time and time again, I sit and church and see so many people walk up when the pastor declares and altar call. I get the goosebumps for every single one of them. In my experience in doing that I felt relieved and like all the weight was lifted off my shoulders. I can't express how happy I am for each and every single one of those people. No matter what they may be going up there for, each and every single one of them is an answer to prayer. The comfort of the people that they talk to and the fact that they are automatically excepted for who they are and forgiven for everything they have done in the past is amazing. No one forgives like Christ forgives us. I have to ask for some type of forgiveness each and every day. There are also times where I forget about my sins because I am so ashamed of what I did. I need to be able to take everything to God no matter what the circumstance may be. The guy died for me I mean come on the least I can do is talk to Him and be honest with Him about everything. I love Jesus He is the Man.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for this wonderful day. Although I got my game canceled, had nothing to really do, and got completely humiliated, You still managed to keep a smile on my face and let me have some fun. I pray today that I can really crack down and not be ashamed of my Faith. I pray that I will loudly shout Your name and set the example to others that may not know You. There are some people around me that go to this school but maybe don't follow You like they should. Please put a hand on them God and also use me to talk to them and share with them what You are really about. I pray this also for my friends and family that don't know You Lord. Use me in any way possible. For the friends and family that do know You God that may have problems please bless them and give them the people they need in order to talk with them and really vent. I pray for the Churches that I am or may have been apart of that You will bless them with the money they have and keep them going through this financially tough time. I pray for all of the businesses going under God that You some how flip this economy back upwards so that more people can work and not loose their jobs. I pray now for the frustration and anger that sometimes comes upon me. Keep my eyes focused on You God so that nothing little bothers me and help me to understand that everything happens for a reason. God please keep me from any kind of sexual temptation and desire. Keep me away from any kind of earthly pleasure God. Help me to be mature and humble in the things and acts that I do. Help me to turn small things into fun. I pray that You will keep blessing me with friends and the things I need father. I pray that You will bring the right dream girl to me father and help me to be patient in the process. I pray for the physical pain that I am enduring right now. Especially my shoulder. Help for them to heal so that I may play baseball to the bet of my ability. I pray also for this upcoming season Lord. Please help us all to have fun all year and bring us to victory. Keep our team close and help everyone to get along. Keep us also from any type of injury. I pray that You will make our trip out to Hawaii both safe and fun Lord. Help all of our packages and things to get there without any kind of trouble. Please also to help me keep up my diet as I become more and more tempted to eat unhealthy each and every day. I pray for all of the unspoken prayers Lord. Please them to come to me so that I may pray for them. I pray these things in Your name.

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