Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 19 "Nailed in the Head"

Daily Summary: Well today started super early since I didn't got to bed around 2:00AM. I would of went to bed earlier but my friend Emily stopped by the house pretty late just to say whats up. During that process of course I accidentally woke up both of my parents even though I was outside. I decided to spend the night at my dads house since my cousin had moved out and I finally got my room back. I'm not to sure if I mentioned that yesterday but all well. Well after falling asleep I woke up around 9 and had a bowl of cereal. The usual blah blah blah. I didn't really get ready to head back to school since I had practice later on anyway so I just came back how I woke up. I packed up the car and left and as I was leaving I realized that I forgot some stuff over my moms house and had to go over there to get it. It was just a camera and a pair of shoes but I couldn't leave them behind. As I was at my moms house I then realized that I forgot my milk and yogurt in my dad's refrigerator from when I went grocery shopping. So I drove all the way back to my dads house and grabbed that. I got on the freeway and then once again I realized that I had forgotten my straightener, and the cords for the old xbox I was bringing for out dorm room. I don't know what it is today but for some reason forgetting stuff just seems to be whats going on. Alls I know is that I am not going to get frustrated over any of these situations and I am going to just deal with the fact that my mind isn't working to well. Praise God! Well I finally got back to school unpacked everything and then relaxed up until lunch started. I walked all the way down to lunch and the place was closed! I was like ya got to be kidding me. It isn't a bad thing to honer Martin Luther King Jr. but I was hungry. I walked back to the room and just ate some fruit and a peanut butter and honey sand witch. It was real good, the peanut butter was all natural and organic. Yumm. After eating I got ready for practice and headed down to the field. Today was going to be good because it wasn't to hot at all and a little overcast so it would be easier to move around in everything. I don't like the heat whatsoever. Anyways practice went alright I felt pretty exhausted the whole time while I was out there. It was most likely from the lack of sleep which I encountered. The funny event of the day was when we were taking fly balls in the outfield and the one hit to me went pretty deep and was going to go over the fence so I decided to jump on the wall and try to rob it. Now behind out fence there is netting so that the balls wont hit passing cars that are driving by. So after I climbed up the ball bounced off that extra netting and nailed me right in the head. I couldn't do anything but laugh just as everyone else was. It didn't hurt as bad as I though it would and it actually got me in a better mood then I was. This probably won't help me in remembering to bring things back to school next time. Ha well practice was once again fun today although my shoulder is still hurting pretty bad. I iced it today and I plan on getting an MRI this week. After practice I went back to my room and took a shower. It was nice and refreshing and woke me up enough to walk down to dinner and hang out with a few of the guys. After dinner I was too lazy to walk back to my dorm room so I had my Buddy Burket drive me. I know I know, it was cold out and my legs just didn't feel like walking anymore. I got back to my room watched the rest of a NipTuck episode then jumped up in bed for a late nap. I got up hear around 6:30 and then finished this up. It feels so nice to just lay here. I am really looking forward to fall asleep for more then 7 hours tonight. It should be nice. Today was really short and I didn't really do much because of how tired I was. Tomorrow should be more exciting. At least I hope so!

Daily Reading: Matthew 7:1-2
Judging others. This is definitely a problem for most people. I can first off say that it is a huge problem for me. I mean your reading about the guy who picks out girls within the first 5 minuets of meeting them. Now don't jump the gun I will be friends with anyone it is just the fact that I decide whether or not I could ever go out with her within the first 5 minuets. It can all change maybe once I get to know them but it is pretty rare. Anyways, these two verses really keep me in check to where I should be at when I do judge others. It is one of a million things I am working on right now and it is another thing that I struggle in. This verse has showed me that when I judge others I should think right away that I should judge others as I would want to be judged and that God will judge me they way I judge them as well. God should be the only one to judge me or anyone and I shouldn't take that out of his hands. I should also treat these people as I want to be treated. I need to be able to always give people the benefit of the doubt until they give me a reason not to trust them. In order to be a loving person that is trying to have a Christ like attitude not judging someone is a great way to succeed. Jesus would never back down to someone just by the way they looked or acted. He is a man that loves everyone and cares for everyone. It is so hard to think the way He does. Being judged by God is the only thing we should really all fear in life. Fearing in God's wrath will help us make decisions throughout our life time. So when thinking that I will be judged the way I judge others is a tough thing to think about in God's terms because I have judged some people horribly in my life time. There is some people that I never even gave a chance. I completely ignore them just because they are nothing like me or don't fit into a certain category. It is really lame to think about how I have actually treated some people. It is even lamer that without forgiveness and for me to change the bad hobbits God will also judges me just like I judged those people. Focusing on God and praying is the best way to overcome any area that we may be struggling in and definitely for this. I haven't been as bad for a long time and I am still working to get better at it. I just need to keep a smile on and realize that everyone is the same through God's eyes and they should be through mine as well. In the end I really should over come this struggle that I have had and be able to love everyone equally.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
As I am not in the best of moods today and right now please help me in the things I may be going through. I am probably like this because of how tired I really am. I seem to be getting annoyed really easily at things that I shouldn't be getting annoyed at. With being tired I am also impatient so I ask for help in that area as well. I thank You God for the time alone you have given me tonight so that i may really reflect on the kind of person I have been in these past few weeks. I noticed that there are still many tings that need to be changed and there are also so many things that have been changed that I couldn't have done it without You. I thank You for Your generosity God and for all of Your wonderful power. I thank You for another wonderful day at practice. Please help me to continue to have fun and everything there and to also keep trying hard to get better. I pray for that hard Lord because I am really struggling in putting in the extra work I need to get better. I shouldn't be only relying on practice and I need to step it up a notch. I pray for that strength Lord. I would like to thank You that I have been eating pretty well these past few weeks. I already feel a lot better and like what I am doing is working. Lord I would like to pray for the upcoming season. Please help me to not be nervous if I ever get a chance to play. Please help the other players to play to the best of their abilities father and for them to refrain from getting injured. I pray for my injuries as well, please heal whatever hurts in my body God. Especially my shoulder. I also pray that You will give me a refreshing sleep tonight so I will wake up refreshed and ready to work hard tomorrow. Lord again I pray for the dream girl that I am seeking. Please help me to be patient in finding this girl. Next Lord I would like to pray for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please help them in whatever they are going through and use me to be able to minister to them God. I pray for the friends and family also that don't know You God. Help me to help them Lord. Help others to see You through me. Help me to have a Christ like attitude. Help me on when I judge others Lord. Keep me away from that sin and help me to love everyone the same. I also pray fr my enemies, please help me to be able to talk to them Lord and to let them know that I am sorry for whatever I have done. I pray for my frustration and anger I have God please get me rid of this meaningless gesture and that if there is a problem in my life please help me to ultimately go to You for whatever it may be. I pray for the unspoken prayers tonight God please help for them to come to mind so I may pray for them. I would next like for You to help me in writing my blog here everyday God. It is such a blessing to be able to do this everyday but it also is very difficult. Help me to manage my time better so that I may finish it each and every single day God. Help me to also get a lot out of every reading that I do and for every thought to come to heart. Help me to be completely honest and for me not to live a lie. I pray for all of these things in you wonderful name.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you again for letting God speak though you to open my eyes on how I am judging others.
