Monday, January 12, 2009

Day 12 "Bad Day but not Really"

Daily Summary: Why the harsh title? Well here we go. I woke up super early for some reason and couldn't fall back asleep. I slept in an awkward position because it hurt to much to lay on my right side. So around 7:45 I got out of bed went to the bathroom and since I woke up super early I decided to go to breakfast. I went with Hawkins and had delicious fruit and a bagel. Then I came back and relaxed for a little bit before I did a little core work out. After that I drove to Anaheim to meet my mom and go to lunch with her. This is where it all began to go downhill. I don't know if I mentioned it before but driving can make or break my day if I get lost or people drive stupid that are around me. I didn't think today would be a problem only because I have driven there a few times and I worked there all summer so I started to drive from school to my moms work. After a while I felt like I had been driving for a while, then I realized shoot I missed my turn! So I tried to go through on this one street to get there quicker that didn't work out so I typed it up in my Iphone. Now with the Iphone GPS system it is always facing north so when I'm not driving North I get confused on which way I should turn and what not. So of course I turned the wrong way and began to get frustrated because I was late and my mom was waiting for me. Oh yea being late is another thing that gets me frustrated as well. Adding to that today was the first real hot day in a long time and here we go my air conditioner stopped working! I couldn't believe it so I finally got to my moms work and picked her up. I was pretty upset at this point and tried to pray so that it wouldn't ruin my time that I was spending with her. My mom new right away that something was wrong and I told her and getting it all out helped me out a lot. So with God's help I pushed back most of my frustration and had a good time going to lunch with my mom. I dropped her off around 12:10 giving me about 20 minuets to get back to school and water the field before practice. My iphone said it would approximately take me 17 minuets to get back to school with traffic so I was like perfect. Ummm that didn't work out so well. Not only did I hit every single red light I got stuck at a train that got stuck on the tracks and took 10 minuets to get going again. So I was 10 minuets away and had three minuets to get back to school. I guess when we ask God for patience He probably wont automatically give us the patience we need but He will most likely give us an opportunity to be patient. I just wish He could of done it at a later time haha. I tried my best to not get mad at the situation and still got back to school at a reasonable time, watered the field, and got ready to go. Baseball is usually my ultimate source to get things out of my mind and to definitely turn the day around so I was really looking forward to it. Basically practice didn't really go as planned. My arm was absolutely killing me not really from my tattoo but my shoulder feels like something is definitely torn. Also I have been playing center field since October every single day and today all of a sudden he puts me in right field. This has hap pend before in my career and went horrible I was never left with an explanation on why or anything but it really got in my head for some reason even though it isn't that much of a big deal. With that I wasn't comfortable playing all day and I definitely didn't play to the best of my ability. I felt pain throughout my body in places I have never felt before. For instance m left hand felt like it was broken the whole day then after practice it was perfectly fine I'm not sure what was up with that. Well after the super lame practice I was pretty down and just wanted to go back to the room but I pushed myself to go in the weight room for at least a half hour and lift some weights. I am definitely glad I did because it got my mind off things and then I headed straight to dinner and sat with some of the guys from the team. This also got my mind off things by just talking and joking around with them. They are definitely awesome guys and really make my day sometimes. After dinner I headed back down tot he dorms and played some ping pong before I took a shower. I beat my buddy Pennington 2 out of three games but no big deal. Haha he is real good though and we usually go back and forth on victories it's pretty legit. Then I messed around on the computer and took a nice refreshing and cleaned up the tattoo a little bit. I planned on just relaxing for the rest of the night but my buddy Bobby knocked on the door and asked if I wanted to play some Cactus cooler pong which is basically Biola's version of beer pong but we use Cactus cooler. It was pretty fun but it made me pretty sick drinking all of that nasty soda. I won one game but lost the other but it was still a good time. It was kind of late by the time I was done so I rushed up here to finish up writing this blog. I took a deep breath and thought of my day and realized that all of the stuff I got frustrated over was real meaningless and the fact of the matter is every day cant be good, I can't do great in every single baseball game, and there is always time that I am going to run a little late. The main idea is that I should look to every opportunity that God gives me as something that makes me happy and I definitely shouldn't wish that He would give me these opportunities at a later time. After all I ask God for these kind of opportunities all the time so I should jump at every situation. I am definitely going to be doing some more research on all of these things and how I should really handle certain situations. Overall I am happy that these situations happend so that I no not how to handle these situations. Well that is basically the day so I will talk to Y'all tomorrow.
Daily Reading: Psalm 119: 9-16
After reading this passage, it made me think about all the problems in my life. Whether it may be homework, baseball, girls, or whatever it troubled me when I realized that sometimes I don’t put God in the center of my situations. Especially for what happened today. Reading verse 9, it came to me right away that I ask myself that question all the time and I often struggle trying to find the answer to that question. With all of the problems that I may go through there is nothing that is so bad that God wouldn’t be able to handle the certain problem. The second half of the verse answers many questions by just stating that all of the answers on in God’s word. All I have to do is live according to God's Word and really commit to what it has to say. It has all the solutions on how to handle myself in every single situation. As I continued it make me think of how I must seek the Lord and give Him all of what I have because everything I own is His. He gave me everything, He died for me and yet I ignore Him all of the time. I know that this destroys God and it destroys me just thinking about it. I need to seek Him and obey all of His commands and it will bring joy to my life. I need to stand strong for what I believe in and keep his powerful words in my heart at all times so that way I won’t be tempted to stray off and sin to my Lord and Savior. I need to be able to express my thoughts to others and memorize and meditate on these things so that way I can share His wonderful glory to others. These verses had a very strong impact on me, I often stray away from the old testament and never have really read this passage and understood it like I do now. I need to really buckle down and praise God for what He has done for me in my life. After all he sacrificed his one and only son just so I can have countless breaths here on earth. It made me think that if someone in today’s world dies for me such as jump in front of a car and died just so I can live. I would do anything to serve that person and his family for the rest of my life because I would not even be here if he didn’t save my life. Jesus did that for me, and yet I disobey him all of the time, after reading the verse many times I feel that I have changed my thoughts on a few things in life and need to commit to God’s word more then ever before. He is the most important person of all and he should come first. I may have explained a few of these situations before but I just can't get over the fact that someone would actually die for me after all the stupid crap I've done. I love my Jesus so much and I will continue to love Him for the rest of my life.
Daily Prayer:
Oh Jesus,
First of all please forgive me for all of the times I became frustrated and upset today. Every single one was a sin and some of the stuff I did like yell at myself and basically call myself a failure while playing sports was definitely something I should never say to anyone including myself. I would like to pray for the strength I need to get through these situations the way You would. Help me not to get frustrated over meaningless situations. Thank You for the time You gave my mother and I today to just talk about everything and really connect with each other. Please help her to pray more often and spend more time with You everyday. I would also like to thank You for giving me such a wonderful mother I couldn't imagine having a different one then her or having someone else bring me up. I love her to death and I thank You so much again for Her loving attitude on everything. Next Lord I would like to pray for my friend Briana, she applied for a job so if it is Your will please help her to get this job that she needs so she will not be a burden on her parents. I pray also that whatever she may be going through with her Jehovah witness friends that they will come to an understanding on the situation and for everything to work out. I pray also in that way that they will be known to your Truth not what they think is the Truth. Next I would like to pray for my friends and family, whatever struggles or things they may be going through help them to whatever they need. I also pray for the non believers I know help them to seek and find you Lord and help me to be able to help them in any single way. Please get rid of the laziness I have had lately and help me to get in the weight room and eat right. Help me also to be able to keep my room and my things clean in respect to my roommates and others. Help me to take care of all the valuable things I have for I would have none of them if it weren't for You. I pray that You will also help us to find the money I need for college next year and help us with the loans and grants and all that jazz. I would also like to continue to pray for my friend Josh and his family. Please help them to look to You in their time of loss. I pray next for the things people may have asked me to pray for them for and they slipped my mind. Whatever that has been going on in their lives please help them Lord. I would like to pray for the pain that I endure on my physical body. Especially my shoulder, it hurts like crazy please put Your healing touch and help me to be able to work through the pain and overall heal what is messed up in there. Again Lord please help me to find that dream girl of mine. Someone who is absolutely beautiful in every single way inside and out and loves You God more then anything. I would also like to pray for more friendships in my life and for me to also build stronger friendships with the ones I have. Especially Lord give me the strength I need to have a better relationship with You. I pray also that you will guide me to Your word for the answers I need. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and glorious name.


  1. I totally feel you on the frustration thing, I deal with that every day, I have a ridiculously short fuse, its tough, but God has helped me so much in the past year, but I still have a long way to go.

  2. Your words about all the problems we go through that there is nothing to big for God to handle, as Christians I think we all forget this and need to remember God is right there.

    Also, Thank you for reminding me to pray for my daily frustrations. Your daily frustrations have help me to look at myself more closely.

    Thank you so much for ministering to me and allowing God to speak through you.

    You are a answer to pray. i know this is a lot of work, but God is using you in so many ways to speak to the heart of others.
