Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 10 "Answer Your Phone"

Ya See Even Manny Ramirez Never Misses a Call.

Day Summary: So I get up this morning and get to my car to pick up lunches for players during practice since we go from 9:45 to about 2:30 but when I got there they said that there was no order put in so there was no lunches for them to give us. This sucked becasue most guys rely on the lunch and don't eat breakfast because practice is so early in the morning. Thank God that I had cerial in my room and got to eat something quick before leaving to practice. Anywayz we had a scrimmage that took up most of the practice time and it went alright. I went 2 for 4 with a homerun. It was cool to hit one especially since the new bat I have that I haven't like to much is finally starting to feel pretty good. The next few at bats weren't so good I stuck out and grounded out to short. It's been three straight games that I have struck out and it is one thing that I hate doing and usually don't do as often but I have been trying not to let it affect me as much. Also during the game my shoulder was killing me basically the whole time. I had to make one throw and I felt like it was going to fall completely off. It usually feels like that on a Saturday only becasue I have been using it all week. It is going to be nice to be able to have a day off tommarow. Well after practice I called my dad like I usually do everyday after practice to let him know how it went. He didn't answer so when that usually happens I called my mom's cell. She didn't as well so then I began to get frustrated. Later on I tried calling my step mom to see if she was maybe with my dad but you guessed it, she didn't answer. One thing that can turn a great mood into a bad one is when people don't answer their phone. Yea maybe one occaisonal missed call is alright but seriously to call someone and for them to answer like 10% of the time is rediculous. Why have a phone? Shoot and the thing that is even worse they don't answer and then they don't call back ever. I end having to call them back a few hours later only to hear a lame excuse why they didn't answer their phone. After all this, I mentioned yesterday that I am hanging with my bud Josh tonight and we are going out to Corona to hang out with some friends that go to school with us. I called him for his address and everything so I can meet him at his house. You guessed it, not only did he not answer his phone was completely off! Enough complaining it really isn't all that big of a deal anyway I will talk to them when I talk to them. It is just something that is frustrating to me and I am slowly but surely learning to deal with it. After going back to my room and settling down, taking a shower and what not I get all prepped up and waited for a phone call or something to hear from Josh. In the mean time I watched an episode of NipTuck, and messed around on facebook and myspace. Around 5:00 I finally got a hold of Josh and I felt terrible to what he told me. THe reason why is phone was off was because his grandpa had past away earlier. This is a true example to why I should not jump to conclusions to why people may not answer their phones. I will definitly be praying for Josh and his family in the process of dealing with their loss. After all that Josh still wanted to hang out so I headed over to his house and we drove out to corona to meet our friend Carissa from school. She is definitly a super chill girl and her family is awesome to be around. We went to chipotle and ate some huge burritos then just chilled back at her place and watched Eagle Eye and ate some home made brownies. LEGIT! I had loads of fun and to cap off the night we headed over to my moms house to spend the night. My friends Emily and Mandy stopped by to say whats up. It was awesome seeing them and hanging out but it is gonna suck because I was out late and I have to be at church by 9 tommarow. All well I need to make some sacrafices in order to worship my God! No big deal. Talk to ya tommarow.

Daily Reading: Colossians 3:1-5
In the section of scripture we actually had to memorize these verses along with the next 12 after them for a final in one of my classes last semester. While reading the first few verses it first made me think of my whole life of being a Christian. Through all the ups and downs it made me realize what my ultimate goal really is and that is to spend eternity in heaven with Christ Jesus. I should set my heart to make sure I do things for God and not for selfish ambition into my daily routine. While focusing on what is above, there would be no need to focus on the secular. While Paul is describing the new birth, Christ has made his home in us and our new life has begun. Now it is our job to live the life that God has planned for us. We can get caught up on things that are a waste of our energy: making money, dressing the nicest, having the big mansion. Since the fullness of God is in Jesus and we have that fullness of God is in Jesus and we have that fullness, there is always a better way we can focus our attention on what is right. As we look forward to and seek what our Lord and savior desires, he will give us the capability to overcome the temptations and meaningless things we go through everyday. Loving and serving the world just as God loves you, we should live our lives everyday trying to be him. One thing that I have tried to do in the past is wake up everyday and pray to God and ask Him; “How can I serve you today? Give me the opportunities to do what You need to be done.” While practicing this, I was astonished at the circumstances which God put before me, it seemed as if I couldn’t have a full conversation with anyone, Christian or not without bringing God up. There were times, were it seemed like I wasn’t even talking and it was God speaking through me. This is the ultimate goal for me is to have people to see Him through my actions and personality. When we first commit to Jesus our bodies should be left behind because we no longer live for us we live for Him. Christ keeps us alive by living in us and it is up to us to keep it that way and not to walk off the right path. Take heart that our salvation is is true and live each and everyday for Christ so that we will be prepared for his return. Continuing in the next verse is saying that we need to get rid of all sinful things in order to be more like Christ because he of course did not sin. Each one of these things is a problem for me in some kind of way and I have been trying real hard to get rid of each one of them. Today frustration was a problem with me in people not answering their phones but after really thinking about and realizing that it all is meaningless my frustration just blew off right away where it usally doesn't do it that quick. In the end we all need to be more like God in every way and let go of the sinful things that haunt us every single day.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for a beautiful day today and for the wonderful practice that I had. Thank You for making me feel comfortable at the plate and not geting to stressed when I didn't get a hit. Thank You also for reminding me to pray every time I get up to the plate or to Thank You for my accomplishments along with my defeats. Thank You also from keeping me form any serious injury today. I do pray Lord for my shoulder as it is in a bit of pain. Please remind me to ice it every single day after practice no matter how tired or lay I may be. Next Lord I would like to pray for strength into becoming more like You. Help me to set my heart on whats above, not on earthly things Lord. PLease humble me with the things I have or the talents I may have. God I would like to pray for all of my freinds and in whatever they may be going through right now the believers and the non believers please help them in the problems they may be having and if they are hurting in some kind of way. I pray that you contintue to help my baseball team to grow in talent and in character together. Lord whoever keeps steeling money inside the locker room, please help them to be caught and somehow be able to return the money. Please forgive them for what they have done and help them to realise how much they are hurting young college baseball players that don't have the time to work and earn the money they may need. I pray that You help me to find my dream girl Lord. The one that Loves You more then anything. Give me the patience I need to be able to wait for someone like her. Also Lord as today I became frustrated with people not answering their cell phones please help me to refrain from doing so and help me to handle those types of situations in the way Jesus would. I pray for all the people that may need jobs but can't because of the economy level please somehow find a way for them to earn a paycheck. I also would like to pray for the rough times our country is going through with money or anything like that. Please help us to get out of this debt Lord. I would next like to pray for my friend Josh as he lost his grandfather today. Please bless the family and help them to look to you when feeling loneliness and when mourning God. Help me also when I conversate with mom not to get upset with her because she may not understand things or she can't hear. This is a true struggle to me especially since her intentions are so great. Please also protect things that are affected by the winds that are in the inland empire and for the drivers that also may be affected. Please bless tommarow and guide Joey's hand in doing my tattoo. I pray for all things in Your wonderful Name,

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