Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day 11 "Tattoo"

Daily Summary: Well Josh and I woke up super early to make it to a 9 O clock church service and I am super glad we did. It was amazing. Josh loved it and so did I. Pastor Chuck talked about how people don't get it on what a Christian really means and everything and how important your relationship with Jesus Christ really is. The thing I loved the most although I have heard it before was when he tlaked about people who think just believing in God will get you to heaven, there wrong becasuse Satan and his demons believe in God so does it mean that they get to go to heaven? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Well after Josh and I left church witht he Holy Spirit flowing through us we visited a few of his family members and got a quick bight to eat. After stopping by his house we got my car and drove to Joey Foote's house to get my new tattoo. I was super nervous but super stoked about what he had drawn up to put on my shoulder and begin my half sleeve. It came out wonderful! Although it took forever to finish. I felt horrible for Josh and his cousin they had to sit in the Tattoo place for almost 5 hours. It took almost 2 hours before we even started then 3 hours to do the tattoo. It was the most painful thing I think I have ever been through but definitly worth it. I got the idea of the tattoo after sitting through a sermon on how Jesus is God. There are many different names for Jesus and God but the ones that have always stuck in my head were Might God, Prince of Peace, and Everlasting Father. So basically I asked my tattoo artist to draw a picture of Jesus sitting in a thrown lifting a weight in one hand and throwing up a peace sign in the other hand. Sounds rediculous right? I didn't think so the way my mind thinks about how Jesus really is, is that He is infact the most fun loving person to be around and also has an awesome sense of humor. So the weight would stand for mighty God and the peace sign would stand for Prince of Peace. Since I already have the word Everlasting in script writing on the inside of my bicep eventually I'm going to add the word father underneath it to combine all three names on one arm. I am totally stoked for the entire half sleeve to be completed but it will probably take a little over a year or so before that happens. Overall I am super happy about how the tattoo turned out. Most people when looking for a tattoo especially one that involves Jesus want it to be full of super detail and really serious looking. I chose it to be the complete opposite. I wanted it to be a happy funny Jesus because that is the way I think about Him. I thought of it like there is a lot of people who don't want to become Christians or anything becasue the don't want to be bossed around and told what not to do and things like that. So with Jesus looking all serious and what not why would they want to hang out with someone like that? Why not have a Jesus that looks fun and and enjoyable person to be around. After all that is what He is one enjoyable loving person that died for us. Don't get me wrong there are some amazing Jesus tattoos out there that really have a wonderful meaning I just chose to go a different route. Well after going through the great amount of pain I took Josh and his cousin back home and then went to Jack in the Box to eat some dinner. They had a great deal for $2.99 which I totally took advantage of. After that I headed back to the room, cleaned up my tattoo, and just relazed and watched nip tuck and what not for the rest of the night. I really enjoyed today and hanging out with Josh the last couple of days we are becoming to be two really sweet freinds and I can't wait for some oppurtunities to hang out with him more. Tommarow is another basic Monday, working out, practice/ scrimmage, and hopefully working out again. Thats the day! Sorry everything is so short today. Not to much really went on since I was at the Tattoo place for 5 hours.

Daily Reading:
Revelation 21:4
Revelation is one of the best books in the Bible at least it is in my opinion. It may be scary on some occasions but I never waste my time in fearing of anything like that especially death or destruction. I think it would be totally cool to be a part of the rapture and then feast with Jesus in Heaven. It would also be amazing to see Jesus walking the earth once again. Although it is tough to think that even though there will be no Satan for a thousand years which includes no temptation or blocking us out from out relationship with God. People still wont believe in Jesus. EVEN THOUGH HE IS WALKING ON THE EARTH AND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR EYES! It's disgusting to think about but that is just how corrupted this horrible earth really is. This particular verse shows us how the new earth and heaven are going to be like. Basically the New Jerusalem. It is awesome to think about how life is going to be once everything takes place. Can we even think about it though? No tears, no pain, no death, no fear? With the world we live in today it is hard to think of such peace. Imagine never having to worry about getting sick, getting old, or just not having to worry about anything. We shouldn't worry about these things anyways but they would be things that wouldn't even cross our minds. This is just another pure example of how much a personal relationship with Jesus Christ really matters. Our goal shouldn't be heaven our goal should be to please Jesus because that is the only way to get to heaven and experience these wonderful things. After He is the Alpha and the Omega, The First and the Last, The Beginning and the End.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for the beautiful clear day You gave us today. Both Josh and I noticed how far we could see in Corona. I haven't seen it that clear in probably years and it was amazing to be able to see for miles. I thank You also for the powerful message Pastor Chuck gave everyone today and pray for the people that walked up during the alter call for them to really stay committed to you not only while they are in church but outside of church as well. I thank You for the time You gave Josh and I to be able to hang out together and share our experiences with You. Thank You aslo for giving us the time with Dave for him helping us with Prayer and wisdom. He is truly a faithful servent of Yours Lord and please help him to continue his wonderful ways. I thank You for keeping us safe in all the driving we did as well. Lord I would next like to pray for Josh's family as they still continue to deal with their loss. Again help them to look towards You for the answers they need and the hurt they may be feeling. I pray also for Josh and his girlfreind as they live far away from eachother and still try to maintain a stable relationship. Please help them to focus their relationship on You and for them to work things out. Lord please help me to stay humble in everything I do as I have been struggling with that lately. Please also help me not to become frsutrated with things whether they are meaningless or meaningful. Help me to look to You for all of the answers. Lord give me the strength to learn more about You so that I may be abe to not only grow my relationship with You but to be able to talk to non believers and edjucate them with the Love and things You have. I thank You for guiding Joey's hand in giving me a tattoo today he did an excellent job. Whatever he beleives in help him to somehow fund You God. WIth the life struggles he may have and everything bless Him witht the things he needs. Lord again I would like to pray for that dream girl of mine, one who wants to have a family and would give anything for it. Help me to be patient in finding this dream girl and help me to never give up on her. I also would like to pray for my family especially the ones who don't know You. Help them to come for me for answers so that I may lead them to You so that You made guide them on the right path. Help me also to continue inspiring people into reading what I right here and help them to be impacted on the reason I do it and it is to serve You. I have never been this consistent in reading and talking about Your word and I thank You for that. Please give me the strength to keep on going and going everyday for the rest of the year. Help me to be able to make more friends and to grow my relationships with the ones I have. Help me to ge up and work out in the morning and be able to eat right and not to become selfish. I have proven myself so far with this form of worship please help me to grow a commitment in eating and working out so I may not be self cautious about the way I look. For the unspoken prayers and the ones that remain in my head please bring them to me so I may talk about them to You. I pray all of these things in You Powerful name.

1 comment:

  1. What a cool looking Jesus tatoo, and with a clever meaning behind it, awesome
