Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 8 "Shoes"

My Shoe Collection
Daily Summary: Well I fell asleep last night after watching Generate online. It is awesome being able to worship God like that in my dorm room. It is definitely something I really miss being away from home as I mentioned before and especially since I usually have class on Wednesday nights and I can't watch it online so it was really cool to do so. Anyone who lives in the Riverside/Corona area I really encourage you to check it out or if not check it out online you can do so by clicking here. Well this morning was basically like every other morning cereal, work out, shower, ya know blah blah blah. Then later on I decided to start reading something my step dad got me for Christmas. It is called the Illuminated Bible. There is a lot of controversy about this particular version of the Bible. It's only the New Testament and it is in the form of a magazine. It is full of pictures and things and it is supposed to be a less graphic version of the Bible while letting you explore a blunt version of it's true meaning. The author also wanted people to actually us the Bible as something they read every single day no matter where they were just like you see people reading a magazine. Now I haven't read much of it myself so I was curious on how much it really compared to the actual Bible I read everyday. I will talk more about this in my daily reading section. God's Word is God's word. It doesn't matter what form, language, or version it may be in it is still something that should be a guideline to our lives regardless. After reading and going through it my buddy Josh was here turning in his chapels makeups and we went to lunch. We just talked about crazy stuff the whole time, it is crazy that we never have met each other before because we have so much in common and lived not to far from each other. He is definitely a cool guy and we plan on hanging out this weekend. Well after that I got ready for practice and headed down to the field. It was another one of those boring typical practice days where the outfielders ran the bases while the infielders worked on drills and what not. It isn't a bad thing because it is real vital during the game and its not so bad running either. Hitting went real well for me today I was nervous about my swing and what not but it seems to be on an every other day basis hopefully I can fix that soon. Other then that it was just another day of practice. After practice I did the usual came took a nice refreshing shower watched an episode of nip tuck and got some dinner. Came back read a little more of the Word and just text some Friends. I appreciate all the messages from people telling me that you enjoy what I write it is a blessing from God that y'all are actually reading what I am writing here. I may be repeating myself but as much as you say that I am inspiring you, you are inspiring me to write more and take things much more seriously. So I thank you big time! For the remainder of the night I just kind of relaxed and enjoyed the time by myself. I better not get used to this because in a few weeks it is back to the race with school and both roommates in the room all the time. Which isn't a bad thing of course I just like being by myself sometimes, kind of like when I am alone in my room at night during the summer or back in high school. That is another hing I miss. To round out the day I played some ping pong with some teammates and just hung out. Well hopefully tomorrow will be a more exciting day then this one. Other then that this was basically the day. Type to ya tomorrow!

Daily Reading: James 5:1-6
Right off the bat in reading this un-formal kind of Bible, I realized that there were no verse numbers or chapter numbers or anything like that. It was simply just like a magazine would be with pictures on some pages, titles, and then paragraphs right afterwords. I chose James because it is one of the most familiar books that I know and I would be able to compare it from the Bible a lot better. In this section of James is proclaiming the worthlessness of riches not the worthlessness of the rich themselves. The money that we make today will be worthless when Christ returns, so instead of trying our best to become rich in money we should focus more one becoming rich in our relationship with Jesus Christ. Now of course we are going to need money in order to go about in life and to be able to afford to eat and have a place to live. It is the love of money that makes us sinners and causes people to oppress others in order to make more. This is also a warning to Christians themselves to be careful in what they take in as a possession and for them to make sure that they do not put this posses ion before their relationship with Christ. Money is one of the main things people put above God and it is something that is very hard to maintain. Of course we couldn't all do it alone but with God's help it will be fixed in no time just trust in Him and seek first His kingdom and God will generously give you the courage and strength you need to get through your oppression. That makes me think of all the things I may put before God. It is not as bad as it used to be but I used to be really into Nike shoes. I have a ton, with regular sneakers I think I have about 14 and that doesn't include all of the baseball cleats, running shoes, and things like that. If I saw a pair in the store I like I didn't Care if it was going to be my last dollar I would probably buy them. As I came to college I realized how meaningless that all really is, and that I could be using that money for wiser things that I actually need not just some pair of shoes. I haven't bought a pair of sneakers since July and I am real proud of that. I have bought some baseball shoes but those were something I actually needed. In the end God is always more important then shoes or any other earthly pleasure and we should keep that in mind the next time we buy those $300 pair of jeans.

In comparing the scripture of the Illuminated Bible to the scripture of the NIV Bible, it really isn't to much different other then a few synonyms of words and no verse numbers. Overall it still shoes the title meaning of what is about to be read and still gives us a clear view of what the main point is. Overall this book is something I really enjoyed and plan on using more and more in the future.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
I thank You for the day. Thank You for the wonderful night sleep You gave me and for the great feeling of being refreshed in the morning. Please help me not to put things before You Lord and to not have vanities among me. Help me not to be selfish with the things I have and thank You for all of my possessions. Next Lord please give me the desire to want to work harder at things especially working out. It is hard to do that by myself when I am not being pushed by a friend. I like to thank You for helping me stay away from any type of sexual temptation lately, and I pray that You continue to do so. I pray that You help me to seek Your kingdom above all the things I do so that when I am tempted I think of You right away and stray away from the temptation. Please help me not to get frustrated with small simple things that aren't worth getting frustrated over. Lord next I would like to thank You for the man who put together the Bible Illuminated and all the other people around the world who take their valuable time to focus on making the Word a better thing to read and something that anyone could understand no matter what their lifestyle may be. For all of the controversy that goes around involving You help people to understand that some of this stuff is meaningless and help them to come together and realize that You are GOD and no matter what shape or form You are in You are still the one that provides us with life and gives us the Love we need.I pray for my family Lord especially the members that don't know You. I pray that somehow they will come to know You and Your wonderful grace. I pray that You can give me the courage to talk to them about it all. I also pray that they will come to me with whatever questions they have about You, Church, or anything affiliated in that matter. Next I pray for the ones that do know You, help them to keep their Love growing for You. Next I pray for the relationships I do not have with my brothers and sisters along with my step mom. Please help me to grow in my relationships with them and help me to be the brother I never really was and also the step son. Help me to treat everyone equally no matter what side of the family they are from. Next Lord I pray again for the girl of my dreams help me to be patient in finding the right one Lord. I also pray that you will continue to help me grow in the relationships I have with my friends and for me to also make new ones. I pray for the Friends I have that are going through troubles, injury, or war Lord that you comfort them and be with them at all times. I pray for the baseball season coming up that You will help us all to play to the best of our ability and for us to ave a wonderful season. Keep us from injury as well Lord. I also pray for school coming up. I am nervous about putting school in with traveling for baseball. Please calm me with that and help me to be able to manage and get all of my homework done. I thank You for my grades from last semester and for the commitment Yo gave me to be able to do the long homework assignments and to make it to almost every single class. I pray all these things in Your wonderful name.

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