Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14 "Thats What She Said"

Day Summary: Wow I can't believe it has been two weeks now since I started this blog. Time is absolutely flying by and I see myself already growing spiritually and becoming more of a Godly person. Again I can't thank everyone enough who takes the time to read this, it means so much to me you have no idea. I hope to continue this daily routine for the rest of the year and hopefully longer. Well after going to bed around 2:00AM this morning I woke up around 9:30 and had a bowl of cereal. I was tried this morning by an old friend asking me to call their school, act like her dad, and have her signed out of school. I haven't talked to this person in forever and I felt totally used by what she was asking me to do. I didn't even have to think about doing what she asked, I told her straight up that there is no way that I would lie for her or anyone. I have been praying for an attitude like this towards these kind of sinful things so that I won't even be tempted by them. God is definitely answering my prayers in this matter. I will also be deeply praying for my friend in all ways and hope that whatever the problem she will be lifted up and figure everything out. Well after that I watched and episode of NipTuck and relaxed for the rest of the morning. Later on I went to lunch then got ready for practice. I wasn't really to sure what we were doing today but all I know is that I was prepared for practice and was set out to have a good day in it. Right before practice I received and email from my step dad about how he read my blog and everything and was also concerned about somethings in my life. My mom couldn't of picked a better man to wed with and I thank God for him. It is awesome to see how much he truly cares about whats going on in my life and everything even though I haven't even known him for a whole year. I am so happy that he takes the time to do what he does and I can't wait to come home this weekend to hang out with the family. Well after replying to the email I headed down to practice and watered the field. It was pretty simple for the most part and my swing felt good for the first time in a while. I again was faced with some kind of trouble about the way someone was talking to me but it went in one ear and out of the other. I quickly forgot about it all and didn't let it ruin my day. I had loads of fun today for the most part at practice besides the fact that my shoulder is still totally killing me. Before I go to bed every night I am going to to some extra special stretching exercising to strengthen my rotater cuff and possibly take some of the pain away. After having a pretty good practice I went to room and all of a sudden felt Satan attacking me. I had feelings of sadness, loneliness, and hate in my mind and I just couldn't get rid of it. I tried to do random things to get rid of this horrible feeling but nothing was really working. After a nice shower and what not I went to dinner. While walking up to the cafe I called my mom. Without even saying much she instantly talked about my blog and everything I right here. She was telling me how much it made her cry and how much she truly loved what I was doing. It almost brought tears to my eyes when she told me how it is so amazing to look back on how she ministered to me at such a young age so that one day I will become a wonderful follower of Christ. With that she mentioned that she would of never thought that I would be where I am at today and actually me being the one ministering to her. I love her with all my heart and I wont ever stop mentioning how much I do actually love her and I am so happy to be the one ministering to her in any single way. Well after talking with her I got some food and sat down with some of the baseball guys. For some reason after talking with my mom I was really on fire and cheered up so I was totally myself at dinner and talked the whole time. They are always messing with me about what I am going to put in my blog for tonight and if an event happens they would ask me if I am going to put that in. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't just because I forget. Well as we were all hyper and what not we were talking about something I don't remember what but someone said something and I pulled a "That's What She Said" joke. Instantly my friend Andre (Doc) laughed and said "Oh so you going to write that in your blog?" shoot talk about a confession. Then my buddy Steve asked how honest I really was in my writings and if I truly told everyone everything. To be honest I write down everything I do good or bad and I share most of it with everyone as long as it wont offend anyone else. I told him that and said you know what I will tell everyone that I pulled a that's what she said joke and heck I'll even name the day that' what she said. Now I am one of the guys that think Jesus is just sitting up their helping everyone out and everything but also has a great sense of humor. I am not saying that saying "That's What She Said" is the most Godly joke but sometimes when someone says something to set up that kind of joke it's hard not to say it. If it were to inappropriate I try my hardest to refrain from the words and rarely say them but if I think something sinful it is just as bad as saying it so when I'm hyper and wont shut up I usually say it. The bad thoughts is something that I will definitely be praying about. They also couldn't get over the fact that I couldn't stand sleeping over peoples houses. A couple other friends have asked me the same question and it is just something I don't enjoy doing. The main point to the situation is that I like to wake up in my normal atmosphere including my own bed, my own bathroom, and my own bowl of cereal in the morning. I have been this way my whole life and people may try to change whats up but unless I am with a grip load of people all crashing somewhere I wont ever change the fact that I don't like sleeping over peoples houses. Kind of a random fact but I thought I'd throw that in. I also don't really like people sleeping over my house but that is a different story. Ha well anyway after dinner I came back to the room and remembered that tonight is Wednesday so that means I get to watch Generate online! As I have mentioned many times it is something that is so amazing and is really moving the inland empire in such a positive way. I love how God is really moving in that Church. It was an all worship night and I loved just looking at my computer screen and lifting up my arms and worshiping just I was there. I love it!!! With watching Generate and everything I thought of something. After practice when I had that lame mood swing I realized that I didn't once ask God for help and ask Him to help me snap out of what I was going through. It shocked me in finding out that I didn't actually go to Him and I thank Him for again letting me find my conviction. It made me think of how many times I actually do this and I felt horrible. I then asked God for forgiveness and asked Him to be reminded of Him when I need Him most. Well after kicking myself in the head and watching the rest of Generate. While leaving the sight I checked out Pastor Tony's blog and saw a video on aboriton. It killed me on the inside. I had never really thought about how bad abortion really is until seeing this video. It is something I kind of put aside in my life along with a few other controversies decisions that people make in life and I have kind of thought concrete about. I have deeply changed my view on abortion and will also pray for the people that maybe considering this horrible thing. After seeing that I climbed up in bed and wrote my prayer and everything and thought about how great my life truly is in all areas despite the family problems, the friend problems, or anything. As long as God is in my life then that's all that matters and that should make my life the best one of all! I love my God so much and I can't wait to see what is planned for me!

Daily Reading: Micah 6:1-8
Through reading this I came to realize that God is confirming the people of Israels guilt. God throughout the time spent with Israel, with taking them out of Egypt and everything, He was very patient with them especially for all the times they had sing against him. It makes me think of the times that God has done some miraculous stuff in my life and I just kind of take advantage of it and don’t give Him anything in return. For example He put me a this wonderful school just so I can learn more about Him and be able to go out and share His word with others some day. I often don’t take advantage of that and kind of just float along instead of doing things that I am capable of doing. Although I may do this, these verses explain that God is still going to stick by my side even when I do things like that. When I do remember God in the things that He has given me, then He will help me see what He has in store for me next and I will be able to get the answers I need from Him. The last part of the reading really showed me what I need to do in order to please God and it isn’t very hard at all. My God is a generous God and He will always give without finding fault. The main/ big idea of the passage is to warn God’s people of Israel that they must repent and that the Lord’s judgment is coming. The historical fact was that the people of Israel were disobeying God even after He brought them out of Egypt and slavery. He sent them people like Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to guide them towards the right path. Yet even with these things they still were disobeying God. Even with the extent of this all God wants them to do is repent and start fresh once again and have them remember who saved them through all of the trouble they were in. The last verse hit me the most, with all of the things God has done in my life He only requires three small things of me, to walk justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with Him. This something I truly pray for all of the time. I fail so much in life and I am a big sinner but God forgives me for these things and it amazes me that on how much He actually does. I know if a friend of mine failed me so many times, lied to me, ditched me, or totally rejected me when I needed them most I probably wouldn't be friends with them any longer yet God never stops loving the crap out of me no matter how much I do any of those things. I need to continue to act merely, walk justly, and have a personal relationship with Him and I will obtain a great amount of peace and joy in my life which will lead to happiness. Go to Him under any circumstance no matter what it is not matter how small the decision is that you need to make. It is so hard to do as I went through that today even I felt ashamed that I didn't use God to what He is here for. I love Him.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
I thank You for this lovely day. Please forgive me for the foolish and selfish things I did today that are against Your Word. I pray that You will keep the jokes I say respectable and something that won't corrupt the fact that I want to always be shinning like You. I pray that You will keep the attacks from Satan away from me Lord. The feelings of sadness, loneliness, and all of that take it away Lord. Help me to praise You more Lord. I thank You for Generate and for them making it possible for me to watch it online. I love You. I pray that You will bring up southern California like the way they are talking about. Now Lord I would also like to thank You for the fact that I am here playing baseball. Thank You for helping me have a better day today at practice and also having a good time with my teammates. I pray that as we prepare for the season to help us be ready and play to the best of our abilities. I pray that You will also keep us from injury. I pray that there will be no conflict between any of the players and help me to grow close to each and everyone of them. I thank You for my mom Lord. I pray that You will go inside of her and help her to pray more with the things she may be lacking in. I pray for all of my family Lord in whatever things they may be going through to lift them up and help them out in any kind of way. I pray for the part of my family that doesn't know You Lord. Help them to ask me questions about You God and be curious to what Your Word has to say about certain situations or stories. Also please give me the strength and wisdom to be able to talk to them and give them the answers they need. I pray that You help me find that dream girl of mine God that I am always talking about. Help me also to be patient in the process. Please Lord keep me from any type of sexual thoughts or temptation in any kind of way. Help me to be able to be mature in how I act around others and when I get hyper or anything like that. I pray for my Friend's God as there is always so much conflict that is going around help everyone to experience peace and joy through You Lord please let them to be able to go to someone with their problems and open up. I pray for families that have experienced loss in any kind of way to look to You when feeling lonely or remorseful God. Help me to be a light in this world and to others around me. Help me to have a Christ like attitude God. Help people to see You through me God. Please humble me and keep me from bragging. Help me to work hard into getting better in baseball and all the other positive things that I do God. Help me to continue to write this blog and touch others lives and also my own God. Thank you for the strength You have given me to be able to do this through the past two weeks. Help me to not be lazy and to be generous to those around me. Help me to grow in the relationships I have with my friends and to also make new ones Lord. Help me to refrain from looking at things I shouldn't and to stand up for myself and walk away when bad things are going on. I pray for the unspoken things that I couldn't think about while writing this all down Lord to bring them to me so I may pray for them. Please help me to pray more throughout the day and to be able to look to You write away when I encounter a problem or a frustration God. Keep me from frustration and help me to have a burning desire to desire You. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

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