Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 30 "Phil-Head"

Daily Summary: Today was defiantly one bust day. After waking up from a somewhat weird dream I woke up took a shower then went to breakfast. After breakfast I went and read some more of Amos with my buddy Kurt. I continue to get a lot out of reading with him and I love it. After that I went back to the room, grabbed my keys, then headed out to the photo store in Fullerton. Since I am missing a whole crap load of class next week I am going to have to take about 4 rolls of film and use them all in Hawaii. It is going to be tough trying to get them all the way I want but there is a lot I need to do so I can stay caught up. I honestly can't wait for Hawaii it is going to be a great experience and I hope that we win all of our games and rebound from yesterday's games. After going to the photo place I met my mom and went to lunch. We talked about my game yesterday and how proud she was for me and then we just couldn't stop talking about God. There isn't a better conversation you can have with someone you love then talking to them about God. It was so awesome just sharing views and what parts of the Bible and people of the Bible had the most impact on us. We are still trying to figure out the whole cow thing where God called the women cows in Amos 4. After having a wonderful lunch with her I came back and went to practice. Today was super short all we did was hit for the whole practice then we were done. I had a lot of fun at practice it seemed like everyone put yesterday's game behind them and just kept moving on forward. After practice I worked out for about 45 minuets then went to dinner. I wasn't hungry at all I just wanted something to drink. I was pretty dehydrated throughout the day. After dinner Phil and I played a bunch of ping pong he actually beat me today finally! Ha it was a lot of fun, my roommate and I are really beginning to understand each other and becoming closer as friends then ever. It is so awesome having a roommate like him and I am super blessed by God along with a million other things that HE has given me. Well after ping pong I showered up and got to my daily reading then Phil and I went out to get some stuff for Hawaii. He wanted a hawain shirt and I wanted to get something for breakfast in the morning. We are leaving at 6 AM so that means I have to be up by 5. I will definitely be sleeping on the plane. After doing all the that I finished up packing then we basically will be hanging out for the rest of the night playing video games and ping pong most likely. We are so stoked for tomorrow!
Daily Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Thanks for Josh for recommending this awesome verse tonight! Timing is very important in our world today. It seems as if everyone is rushing around always trying to be somewhere at sometime. That is how I believe our life seems to go by so fast. I believe if we truly have a set time where we talk to God every single day then our day will not only always seem useful but it will help us be better Christians. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept, and appreciate God's perfect timing. like I have said before God's timing is always perfect even when He seems to be catastrophically late. In life most of us just want, want, and want things from God. Which is totally acceptable but God knows exactly what He is doing and always has a plan. We need to be able to cancel the things out that we may want with the things that we need. When it seems like times are tough in life and we ask God for help and it seems like He is taking some time to answer your prayer there is an easy way to think positive about the situation. Think of the situation as an opportunity to become closer to God. Maybe in the time waiting God want you to become closer to Him by praying more. Going through tough situations only makes you stronger as a person and builds perseverance as James 1 would say. In basic context God has a plan for all and His timing is always perfect. He would never give us anything He personally can't handle. Therefore if God can handle it we can handle it as well as long as we have His overall help. Trust in God with all Your heart and all your soul. We should never lean on our own understanding but on God's understanding. With the last part of the verse where it says "There is a time to love and a time to hate. The word hate may not sound like such a Biblical expression but the fact is that we should never actually hate anyone. What we should hate is the things that those people do. We should hate the fact that God is being hated and people, children, and any other kind of God's creation is being mistreated.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for an awesome day today. Thank You for the wonderful time I had with mom and the fact that we couldn't stop talking about how You were moving in our lives. I also like to thank You for building up my roommates and I's relationship with each other and I pray that You will help it continue to grow. I pray that with tomorrow everything will go smoothly through security and everything while going to Hawaii. I pray for my shoulder and wrists and other things heal. Please help us not only to have fun but to play good as well. I pray that our flight is safe God and that if I don't sit next to someone I know that I will find someone interesting to talk to about You Lord. I pray also that there will somehow be a way where I can get online to be able to post my writings Lord. I pray that my experience in seeing Your beautiful creations will be amazing. I now would like to pray for any of my friends or family that may be going through a rough time. Please help them to come to You with their problems and for them to Trust You through the whole situation. I pray God that You will not only help me but help others as well in being able to understand how truly perfect Your timing is. Please also let us no that there is in fact a time for everything and that anything can happen on any given day. Good or bad God help us all to praise You. I pray for my friends and family that don't know You God. I pray that You will help them to somehow find Your light and please use me in doing that Lord. I pray that You will continue to help me develop new friendships and for me to grow in the ones that I have. I pray for my dream girl God that there will be someone in my life forever who I can talk about with You and praise about the wonders You are doing in our lives. Please help me to be patient in the process and know that Your timing is right. I pray now for the churches I am apart of or have been apart of Lord. Many of them are struggling financially. Please help them to fix these problems God along with all of America's economy. I pray God for the girls who came in asking for money for their friends tuition. Please bless them with the money they need to help this friend out and I praise You for putting the thoughts into those girls hearts for them to take the time to do something for their friend. I pray for all of the people here at school God. help us all to make a difference in someones life and to really shine Your name. Help us to have a Christ-like attitude and for others outside of school to see You through us Father. I pray for my frustration, anger, and sexual temptations God along with any other earthly pleasure. Please keep me from them so I will not be tempted in anyway to go against Your word. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers God. Please help them to come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your wonderful name.

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