Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2 (Oil)

Day Summary: Well today wasn't all that special I basically didn't really do much at all. I woke up got my things together tried to call At&t to get a new iPhone because mine has been acting up, then I went off and got my oil changed. It was definitely something that needed to be done especially since I haven't gotten it done in over 6,000 miles. After that I stopped by my moms house real quick to change then I went to lunch with my friend Brianna. She is an awesome girl that I have known since early summer of last year. We went to this incredible Mexican restaurant called Anchos and everything they made was delicious including there homemade tortillas. After that we went back to her house and died my hair. Just made it a little darker like I had it over summer. Then I went home and hung out with my family and played Wii with my little sister. Later on in the night I heated up some left overs and had dinner with the family then went out to ice cream with my mother. It was nice to have one on one time with my mom and hang out we really never get to do that and talk about some personal stuff going on in each others lives. Awe how sweet. After that I just chilled at home for the rest of the night with the family. I caught myself being tired and when that happens I become easily frustrated. I had to catch myself a few times before I was going to blow up but I managed to take a deep breath and keep my cool.

Daily Read:
1 Corinthians 1:4-9
Biblical Thanksgiving is giving thanks to God for the good things He has put around us. It is a form of worship towards Him and we are blessed when we indeed give thanksgiving to Him. The purpose of this is to show how much we appreciate the power He has and the grace He has given us. Even when times are rough we should still give thanks to God because everything happens for a reason and He can take things away just as quick as they were given to us. There isn't one thing that we shouldn't thank God for. As I read yesterday even when we are amongst struggles we should still get on our knees and thank God for these struggles and consider them joyous. For a class project we had to actually go a few days and search for all the hidden things that should be thanked for. In that I found so many things I would of never of thought of as a gift and I thanked God for everything that I found. One thing that stood out the most to me was the benefit of the family I was actually born into. There are times when I look at myself and hate the way I look and wished I would of looked different, there are times where I hate that I have a broken family and have to move from one house to the next just to hang out with different parents. The list would continue for pages but in the middle of thinking all of this God hit me on the side of the head and said "HOW STUPID ARE YOU VINNIE?" After that I couldn't stop thinking of how truly blessed I am. What if, I was born into a family that were terrorists, slaves, Atheist, etc...anything that wasn't the truth. If I was born into these lifestyles it would of been all I new and I may have never been introduced to the Lord. It made me think of the distinct plan God has for me and how truly thankful I am in every meaningful aspect of my life. I am truly thankful for every breath I make there isn't a person I would rather be then myself and I wouldn't trade my relationship with Jesus Christ for anything. Nothing compares to His love.

  • The scenario I just explained is really hard to put into words, there is so much I really think about that topic and I feel needs to be more elaborated on. If it is confusing feel free to ask or something what I meant. Sometimes I don't know what I am typing I just blabber on.
Oh God,
Your grace humbles me. The life You have given me is one that I love and cherish daily. Thank You so much for all You have done for me. Thank You for my family. There may be rough times almost everyday involved with them but God I don't know where I would be without them. God I thank You for being the God You are. The free Love You give me even though I reject Your power almost every single day. God as the tears roll down my face I am truly astonished by Your love I can't get over the fact what kind of man You actually have had me become. I Truly can not picture life without You. I couldn't put into words how much you have blessed me with. I love You so much. I thank You for the control You gave me in the temptations I had today, and I also pray for the struggles that troubled me today. Frustration, patience, language, lust, and selfishness were all problems that I was involved in today and I pray that You forgive me for the times that i may have slipped and please help me in the future when these things come up again. I would like to thank You for always popping up in my head when I am doing something wrong to remind me that You are watching and for me to stop immediately. I thank You for the strength for once again for being able to take the time to spend with You and reflect on my day. As this Christmas break is coming to a close, help me to succeed in both baseball and in academics as I return to school. Help me to grow stronger relationships with the guys on my floor and my roommates. Once again help me find that perfect girl Lord. Keep me away from sexual temptations and situations. Help me not to even think of any such thing. Help me to be able to be mature in the things I watch. Help me to maintain a Christ-like attitude and most of all grow my relationship with You Lord. Help me to be joyous and bring me peace. You never stop amazing me. Thank You, AMEN.

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