Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 27 "First Day of Classes"

Daily Summary: I woke up this morning pretty tired but anxious to begin class. I tried to fall asleep a little earlier but that didn't work out. All well. My first class went pretty good, it seems like it is somewhat difficult but the teacher is real sweet and I'm sure she will help us out whenever we need anything. After class I went to chapel. Tuesday chapels are a little different then other chapel's only because there for the graduate students at Talbot so hymnals are sang and the message is a little longer. It was about how important having and developing a personal testimony really is. I was really drawn to the words of the speaker and everything especially with the set of verses he used. I liked them so much I decided to do my daily reading on them. They are in the book of Titus which is another book that I am really not to familiar of. Anyways I really enjoyed the message overall and it really fired me up for the day. After that I went straight to my intro to mass media class. I was really looking forward to this class because it is part of my major and I really want to take it seriously. Most of the people in the class are film majors but the teacher and the people are all really cool and it seems like I will definitely enjoy this class during the remainder of the semester. After that class I went to lunch then headed back to the room. Hawkins came in and asked me to go hit and since I was struggling in that area I decided to take up the opportunity and go for it. I had some things to do but I thought I would do it later. So after we played a few games of ping pong we went and hit then waited for practice to start. Today was another inter squad game and it went well for the most part but again I didn't hit all that well. I was 1 for 5 but I did manage to hit a home run out of that. I guess a blind squirll finds a nut once a year. After not doing so well at the plate it kind of ruined my good day and I was frustrated for a while. I called my mom after practice and she tried her best making me feel better by telling me to talk to God. She also explained the fact at how many times I have talked about the way to deal with frustration and how to look at things in a positive perceptive. She definitely made me think of how I should practice what I preach. Shoot thanks mom. After I got done talking with my mom I jumped in the shower and ate something quick and then wandered around looking for my night class. It was somewhere on campus but they failed to put it on the Biola map. Just another great way to deal with frustration get lost! Nah it didn't really bother me all that much I left early and eventually found it and got there on time. It was another class I was looking forward to because it was part of my photography minor. The class looks like it is going to be difficult but definitely a lot of fun. The down side to it is that I have to pay for my own supplies. I had no idea that this is how it was going to be because in high school everything was provided for you. I mean I have a camera and everything but I now need to by all my film, paper, developer, and a whole list of all this other stuff. It is going to cost upwards of at least $200 and I don't know how I am going to get the money but I will definitely keep it all in prayer and hopefully it will all work out. After class I just relaxed for the rest of the night, played some ping pong and ate some fruit. Tomorrow is a pretty simple day I don't have class till 6 but I still kind of have a lot to do. Today was awesome and I hope tomorrow will be the same.

Daily Reading: Titus 3:1-7
Doing good. After reading the first part of the set of verses the thoughts that came to mind was being a person that can hold someone accountable for their actions. This is especially good for a new believer or someone that wants to keep their life on the right path. This has helped me out so many times over the summer when I first really started to live every part of me for the Lord. It is so nice for someone to always be by your side when something goes wrong in your life. I also love being able to be accountable for other friends as well. Right now my buddy Kurt and I are keeping each other accountable by reading the Bible together once a day when ever we get a chance. It is so cool to be able to do that together. Also my mom keeps me accountable so that I keep up with my blog and have a positive attitude every single day when I write. The next part of the verses what came to mind right away was the song Amazing Grace. The words "He saved a wretch like me" and "I once was lost but now I am found" came to mind almost instantly. The fact that I used to be involved in some stupid stuff and I was the one who claimed to be a Christian but then went out and did stuff that wasn't very Christian like. Yet when I needed God most He was right there when I needed Him. One thing I got out of the Chapel form yesterday was the words. "God always has perfect timing, even when He appears to be Catrastiphically late." This is so true when we wait for things and ask God for help with things He just won't instantly do it. We have to work to get better and believe in what we ask Him then He will give us opportunities for us to become a better person or get better at the things we may be struggling in. We move from a life full of sin to one where we are led by God's Holy Spirit. All our sins, not merely some, are washed away.We have renewal by the Holy Spirit and he continually renews our hears. None of this occurs because we earned it or deserved it. We only received this wonderful power and grace because it is simply a gift by God. God is always there for us when we need Him. Just trust in Him and believe in the things that you pray to Him for and they will come as long as it is God's desire. If God doesn't want my arm to heal or doesn't want me to get better in baseball then I will have to deal with that and think POSITIVELY and know that God has a plan and he has never done anything that has lead to being bad and He isn't about to start that now.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for today. I thank you for the words You gave the man who spoke in chapel today. Please help me to take the time to write my personal testimony so that I may share it with others. I also pray Lord for the frustration while playing baseball. It is so hard to cancle out this frustration and it can ruin a good day in the matter of seconds. Help me to keep talking to You throughout the game and to help me think positive. I also pray Lord that You will help me in the words and actions to show others to do good. I also pray for others to help me out when I need some guidance. Please help me to good things with a positive attitude no matter what I am doing or where I am at. I now pray for my photo class that is going to cost me a decent amount of money. Please help me come up with the money some how and for me to do well in the class. I pray for all of my new classes God. Please help me to do my best in each and every single one of them. With the struggles I may have because of traveling and baseball God please help me to manage my schedule so that I may not miss to much class. I pray that with baseball we will have a wonderful time in Hawaii and a wonderful season. I pray that we all play to the best of our ability and that you keep us bonded as a team and free from injury. I pray for the pain in my shoulder Lord please relieve me from the pain. I pray for my friends and family God. Please help them with whatever problems they may have God. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that in some way they will find the light. Please use me in their search and give me the words and actions necessary to do so. I pray that You will give me a Christ-like attitude every second of the day and people will be able to see You through me. I pray for any other kind of frustration and anger that I have had through the last couple of days help me instead of becoming frustrated and getting angry to just go to You. There are times where the frustration builds up so much God that it is so hard for me to look to you for help. Give me the strength I need to get past that and to seek You. Please help me to be able to sleep through the night tonight and for me to wake up nice and refreshed. Please relive the muscle tightness I have and help me to be comfortable. God help me to be more open and alive in my blog and readings Lord. Help me to take everything seriously and not do them just to get it done. I truly see Your works through this experience God and I thank You for that. Thank You for all of the stuff You have done so far in my life and the things You have gotten me through. Nothing puts on a smile more then that. Gosh I love You so much. I would like to pray now for that lovely dream girl I have been talking about for a while. Please help me to be patient in the process in finding her God. I pray also for the Churches that I am apart of or I have been apart of. They are struggling in financial ways please provide them somehow with the cash flow they need. I pray also God for our whole countries financial problems please help us turn everything around and get America up and going again. I pray for the new president. Please help Him with the decisions that need to be made and help them to be wise. I pray for all of the unspoken prayers and forgotten thoughts. I pray that You bring them to me so that I may pray for them. I pray for all of these things in You wonderful name.


  1. I love that section of Titus,its just another example of how flawed we are, but that God still loves us.

  2. Why as Christians do we take so long to bring God our frustrations? Great job in trying to go to him first, Thank you for reminding me to bring God my frustrations.
