Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 25 "Stick to It"

It Happens Trust Me.

Daily Summary:
After I finally got to Corona just before midnight it was awesome to lay down in my own bed. My bed doesn't compare to the dorm room beds I love it and miss it so much. I had to stay up later then I wanted to because I was a little threatened that my house was going to get toilet papered. But I eventually fell asleep and woke up around 8:30. I thought I would be a Little more refreshed waking up but I was still tired and I have been throughout the whole day. My dad made me some blueberry pancakes and we just talked after he laughed at how my hair looked. At least what is left of my hair. Later on I got in the shower then waited for my mom to pick me up to go to church. For some reason I wasn't to thrilled on going to church today I don't know what it was. My mom said she was going to be at my dad's soon so I waited outside for her expecting for her to show up in about 5 minuets. I ended up waiting for almost a half hour for her. Now at first it didn't really irritate me but I think the fact that I was still super tired for some reason it kind of did. I tried my absolute best to keep all the frustration in and everything. I have got to say that before I was writing this blog I definitely would of made it ruin my day and took it out on everyone in my family. I didn't do that whatsoever today. I prayed and just really though about the things I was about to say before I said them. It is amazing what God can do with just a little bit of prayer. The mood kind of carried on through church up until lunch before I opened up to my mom about how I was feeling and then we prayed together. Right after that I felt completely better and I was having fun and everything with the family. All I needed to do was open up to her and everything was alright. No big deal. Anyways Church was awesome today! It was so inspiring to hear the words of Pastor Mike Hannah. It is was real funny because it seems like whatever I am struggling in or what I am thinking about that is what the message seems to be about. He talked about committing certain promises to God and about asking Him for strength and things like that. Right away it made me think of my blog. It is still hard to think that I have actually have made it this far and it is going to be even harder making it through the entire year! There has been many times already where I definitely didn't feel like taking the time to really write my thoughts down and everything but I keep on pushing myself to the limit. I think about all the positive affects it has on me and on others. The thing that gets me most is I see my relationship with my Jesus growing. I was so deeply inspired by the message today and it definitely made me never want to quite what I am doing here. I love God. Like what I said earlier I went to lunch with the family, my step dad Ron had to do some business stuff so he wasn't able to make it but it was cool that just my mom, the kids and I could go out. We went to Farmer Boy's and it was delicious. After being stuffed from lunch, we went back to the house and I found myself a luggage that I may be able to bring on the plane with me in order to save $60 I really hope it works out. Then my mom and I went grocery shopping. I got some more fruit for the dorm room this week and everything. I later on got dropped off back at my dad's house then just sat and hung out for a while before heading back down to Biola. I was going to stay the night once again but I just wanted to get back so I am able to make chapel in the morning. I can't believe school starts tomorrow! It has gone by so fast but I am so ready. Although I don't have a class until Tuesday morning. Well to cap off the night and after getting back to the dorms we sort of rearranged some things in the room because we got ourselves a tv and an xbox. We definitely won't be getting to much homework done haha. During the remainder of the night, I kept looking back at my life and thinking of all of the things I have been through and done. I wasn't thinking of anything bad really I just thought of how much I have really grown up. I have been all over the country due to baseball and have had so many accomplishments. I owe it all to God, I realized that I have never really thanked Him for all of these wonderful things He has done in my life. It wasn't for Him then none of them would of happened. Shoot it was kind of random but I thought that I had to throw all of that in here some how. Anyways I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow and I need to get a lot of things done! Time for bed.

Daily Reading:
Psalm 1
When first reading Psalm one I was really intrigued to the first sentence. This first verse has applied to my life in so many ways I don’t no where to begin. Through the last 3 years when moving in with my dad and changing schools, I felt that I was the only Christian around. Before high school began I made a vow that no matter where my faith was or how much I would want to fit in with the crowd I would never fall into bad habits. Although faced with drinking and drugs many times I stood strong to my decision and never once even tried anything like that through the years and I am still going strong today. This verse makes me smile when saying “Blessed is the man” and shows how God does not judge people on the basis of race, sex, or anything. It shows that those who obey God’s will are blessed and God’s wisdom guides our lives. I feel like these verses are telling me that when I sit down and read the Bible I am keeping myself away from all the bad habits that are among us. Reading Gods word gives me two choices where I can choose to act wisely or poorly, God will lead me to the right path if I follow his law. It will also build a solid foundation around me that is protected by the Holy Spirit where there it will be unnecessary to disobey his law. With really cracking down on the scripture the verse really jumped out at me and I all of a sudden started talking to God about all the stuff that was bothering me. I have a problem where I often hold things inside for a while until I could find someone who is willing to sit down and talk with me. During this thought process I realized that I haven't really been going to God for help in these issues. There were many things in my life that I was doing and I knew that they were wrong but basically just ignored them. I found myself repenting all of the sin that I had in me, everything that I didn’t like that was going on in my life I began talking about it with God. I asked for guidance and for the strength to overcome these obstacles and to keep everything I do righteous and by his law. I thanked God for all He has done in my life, I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn't for his everlasting love. It seems almost every single day with this reading I am some how convicted of some new sin that I never realized was going on in my life. It is so sad that I really hold a burden on them and just straight up ignore what I am doing wrong. I feel like I am totally rejecting God in doing all of this. Of course I see myself changing for the good through the process of these writings but it also hurts me when I read when I realize all of the terrible stuff I really do. It may not seem like bad stuff at first but the fact that what I do hurts God is where it gets me. One thing I need to really work on is having a positive out look on everything. I also need to not worry about little things and just trust God that He will always do good for me. There is so much more of these things, things that I can't even list. I really need to talk out loud to my Father more often. Shoot.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
I thank You for today God. I thank You for the whether You are bringing to southern California and making it feel like it is somewhat winter. I would like to also thank You for helping me control my frustration today and looking to You for help. Thank You also for helping me in letting out my feelings to my mom instead of holding them back inside of me and making them worse. I thank You that I got to make a short trip home before season starts and everything. I won't be able to really visit that much at all so it was great to see the family. I pray that with school coming up tomorrow please help me to get through the school year being able to get good grades and most of all learn the things that are going on in class. Help me not to forget the useful information once the class is finished. I pray that with baseball Lord I am still able to keep up on homework and things like that and not fall to far behind. I pray that with baseball season it will all go well and we will have a wonderful winning season. I pray that we all play to the best of our ability and also refrain from injury. I pray that our trip to Hawaii will not only be fun but will also be successful. God next I would like to pray for the mood I am in. For some reason I am really sad, it is probably because of how tired I am. Please help me snap out of this mood and get a wonderful night sleep tonight. I pray that if I am awakened from sleep for any kind of reason please give me the ability to fall back asleep without having to get up. I now pray for my family and friends God. If there are any kind of struggles or problems they may be going through please help them in whatever they may need. For the ones that don't know You God please help them to somehow find Your light and please use me in that process. I pray as I am struggling with being able to keep up with this blog. It is a huge commitment and it is something that I try my best to do good on. Please give me the strength to really get through it God and also help me to find the verses I need in order to build my relationship with You God. I pray for the physical pain in my body. Please help me to be comfortable and for my shoulder to heal. I pray that You will help me in finding and making more friends Lord. Please help me to find better things to do instead of sitting around in my dorm room all day doing nothing. I pray God for my dream girl, Lord please help me to find her when the time is right and please help me to be patient in the process. Please also keep me from judging others Lord based on appearance or anything like that. Help me to be able to talk and hang out with anyone and just share Your love with them. Help people to be able to see You through me God. Help me to have a Christ-like attitude no matter where I am at or anything God. Please help me to not come up with lame excuses help me to just straight up be honest to everyone. Please Lord keep me from any type of sexual sin father. It is so easy to get caught up in earthly pleasures but please Father keep me a way and give me the strength I need to block it all out. Please keep me from getting annoyed with my parents and others Lord. Help me an my room ates to get along all semester. Please help me to keep my patience when there is something going on that I don't like around me. Help me to stand up for what I believe in and not be ashamed of who I am. I pray for all of the unspoken prayers and missed thoughts Lord. Please help them come to me so that I may pray for them. I pray for all for these things in Your glorious name.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for not listing to the lies of Satan, he want's you to stop this because of the changes you are making and for the deeper relationship you are developing with God. As I told you if you can touch one life and bring that person into Gods family amen to that!!! Many blessings
