Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 6 "Cereal"

The Life of a College Student
Day Summary: I woke up this morning again to late to be able to go to breakfast so I decided to go out to Wal Mart and buy some milk and cereal since I probably wont be waking up before 8:30 anytime soon. I thought it would be quick and easy since it isn't to far away and there wouldn't be to much traffic since everyone was already at work. But I was wrong. It took me 20 minuets to go 5 miles and I spent over an hour in the store. Having a frustrating morning is tough for me because it usually effects how my mood is for the rest of the day. I try my best to stay in prayer and say to myself that it really isn't a big deal especially since I would of had nothing better to do for the rest of the morning but it is still hard to maintain my cool. Eventually I got over it all and was glad to be back in my dorm room and pore myself a bowl of frosted flakes. It is one of my favorite kinds of cereal probably because they are covered in unhealthy sugar. I tried to find some healthy things to eat for breakfast and everything around the store but it seems like you can't find anything worth eating and under 5 dollars that is actually good for you. Its kind of sad. Well after I enjoyed my two bowls of cereal I looked up at the clock and realised it was only thirty minuets till lunch was going to start and I was much to full to go now. So now I would have to skip lunch practice all day and then realized that I'm going to have to miss dinner too since I am working at the basketball game. I'm not complaining though it will probably be the easiest $50 I make for a while. Anyways it kinda stinks when all the meals get whacked out of order but I will manage since tomorrow and the rest of the week will go a lot better. So after eating and everything I just worked out for a little bit and waited for practice to begin. We had another day of a scrimmage and batting practice and everything. It is nice not taking things slow and getting right back into the swing of things. I realized how much I missed being on the field with all my awesome teammates. They are all real fun to be around and are all real cool guys another reason to look forward to the upcoming season. Anyways practice went alright not as good as yesterday but it was still good to play some baseball on a beautiful day. Like I mentioned before, my meals were screwed up so I was absolutely starving the whole practice. With that I went 0 for 2 with a walk. Not the best hitting day but I'll manage. After practice I ran straight back to my room showered and chowed down another bowl of cereal because I didn't have time to eat anything before I had to be in front of the gym and ready to work security. I chose frosted cheerios just to mix things up a bit and they were delicious I must say. After that I rushed back over to the gymnasium and got right into the mix threw on a yellow T shirt with the word staff on the back and basically told a few people where the bathrooms were and cosed the door as people walked out of the area. Other then that I got payed to watch the girls and boys basketball game against APU it was pretty sweet the girls dominated but the boys lost which kinda sucked. But all well life goes on. Then I just hung out with all the guys since we were basically all working the game and headed back and played ping pong with a new guy on our team from Arizona. He is an awesome pitcher and is really going to help us win some games this year. Then I came up to my room and again had a bowl of cereal to cap off the day. It is all I have eaten today and I'm not really shamed of it. Every bowl was amazing and filled me up just right. Haha well that was basically my lame dayyyyyyyyy!

Daily Reading: Ephesians 5:1-2
Being an imitator of God is one thing that us Christian should definitely practice in our everyday life. Jesus died for our sins so that when we sin we may be forgiven. It is hard to think of it in a way as someone actually dieing personally just for YOU. It is like someone taking a bullet in the head just so you can live. Or someone jumping in front of a car just to push you out of the way. If someone were to do that for you, wouldn't you respect them for the rest of your life? I know I would and that is how we need to think about Jesus in how He died personally just for us. We need to be an imitator of Him and love like he loves us. Following Him maybe be difficult at times but nothing in life comes easy otherwise we wouldn't even need a God to help us get through things. This is why it is so important to never loose focus on the eyes of Christ because He is the one and only way the Alpha and the Omega the begging and the end. With Him in our lives and being a follower there is no need to worry about anything and therefore nothing in life can be hard because God won't ever give you anything He can't handle. He will give you things that you maybe won't be able to handle alone but that is why he is here at all times for you to go to Him for help. If you had to paint a fence that was 300 feet long and all you had was a paintbrush it would most likely take you hours maybe even days to make it look right. Now if you could of used a sprayer that would basically cut the time in half and all you had to do was ask for it and it was yours. Would you? I would in a heart beat. Now my lame analogy may not make sense but it is just showing you that better things are always available but alls we have to do is take the time to ask God for them. It will make life easier and it will also bring us peace ad joy throughout our lives along with others. Become a follower of Christ and you are instantly guaranteed EVERLASTING life. No questions asked.

Daily Prayer:
Oh Lord,
Thank You for today. First of all I would like to pray for the people that are struggling. It doesn't mater what they may be struggling in but Lord cause them to seek you in some way and help them to find the truth. Help them to realise You are only one prayer away. Next Lord please humble me in the things I do especially on the baseball field. I know I like to try and be funny and make jokes but please help me to be more like you by being humble and thinking of other ways to maybe be funny or anything like that. Next Lord I pray for my friends one in the marines and the other who's friend is in the accident. Please keep their eyes on You Lord. Deliver me from hypocrisy please Jesus. Help me to excel in baseball and in all the things I do for good and for You. Help me to kick out the bad habits and bring in more good ones. Help me to get through this blog and not to become tired and lazy as I have today. Please help me to take this seriously and really focus on what the true point is. Give me the words I need in my daily readings to not only have an impact on me but have an impact on others. As I write my personal testimony please help me also to find the right words to explain the words correctly and to really show off what Your wonderful grace has given me. Lord again I would like to pray for the dream girl I have been wellll dreaming about. Help me to not be desperate in making decisions and for me to make those only which are wise. Lord help me to find someone older then I am to be able to mentor me through life and someone I could really sit down and talk to and trust about anything. Keep me away from sexual desires and temptations. Keep my eyes from straying into the wrong path Lord. I thank You for Loving me this much and giving me all these chances You are truly God.
IN Your name Amen.

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