Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 9 "Baseball"

Day Summary: Well before going to bad last night, a few of the guys came into my room and we talked about old high school times, past baseball experiences, and other things like that. It was really cool to think about all the good times I had back in the day. Traveling all over the country, championships, defeats, accomplishments, and screw ups. I can't picture life without baseball, without it I wouldn't even be siting here right now. I may have not had the best baseball experience through my high school career but I don't regret a minuet of it. Of course I made some wrong decisions along the way but I also made some good ones but with all of the life lessons I went through, all the times I wanted to quit but stayed, and all of the stupid immature crap I went through with coaches and teammates. Without all of that I would of never experienced life trials and tribulations and it would of never prepared for me what is going to come in the future. Whether it may be a job I have, or even another team I may be on I can always be prepared for tough situations and know how to solve an treat things better then if I were to never go through those type of experiences. Thinking of all this made me again go back to my life verse about what I wrote on day 1 James 1:2-3. This verse has prepared me for what is to come and has also prepared me for the trials that may be going on in my life right now. I thank God for everything that has gone on in my life. Good or bad. Well on with the day, after really elaborating on that fact I woke up had some cereal and what not, brushed my teeth, and got ready for another day of practice. Thinking about the tough past also made me think about how good life is now especially baseball. Of course I get sick of it sometimes especially since it is everyday but with my coaches and teammates it makes it real fun. We have actually had a day or two off on certain occasions and didn't have practice. In that 4 hour gap in the day I usually don't have I didn't know what to do with myself. I was bored out of my mind. So now I don't like it when we have a day off besides you can't get better by just sitting around doing nothing. Well after getting ready for practice I improved my village in Tribal Wars. I know I know it sounds lame, but my roommate got me into to it. At first I made one just as a joke because both roommates where into it and then I started to get the hang of it and actually keep improving the village. It takes up some boredom time and what not but it is a pretty nerdy game. After that I watched a little bit of Miami Ink. I'm all hyped up with tattoo shows since I get my new on this Sunday! I can't wait. It will be a surprise to what I'm getting and it will probably take a couple of sessions to fully complete the project but it should turn out great and I will definitely put up a picture during the progress and when it is completed. After that I went to lunch, they had awesome food for the first time in a while and it wasn't that bad for you either. Then I headed down to practice, although to me it feels like a Thursday it is Friday obviously and we usually play a scrimmage on Fridays but today was a little different. We just did some infield plays and the outfielders ran, we hit, and then did some drill work. We never have really had practice in that order but we got out pretty early so it was kind of cool. After practice I got a nice cold drink of water, and then I shaved my way to long of a beard. I don't remember the last time I shaved but I haven't really had a reason to only because I'm only here to play baseball not to be presentable. Now it just is super itchy and I'm totally sick of it so I decided to shave and actually look my age haha. Well after that I took a nice refreshing shower and tried to get a hold of my sister so that we could hang out tonight. I haven't seen her since Christmas and I'm really glad we got to hang out. After I ate some dinner from the cafe I got in my car and drove all the way to my sister's friend's house Nicole's in Yorba Linda. It wasn't to bad of a drive only because I took Imperial the whole way rather then taking the freeway. 5 O clock and Friday night doesn't do so good with the 91. After I got there we just basically sat around and talked for the most part. Nothing really all that exciting. Regardless of what we did I still had fun in a way. It was nice to get off campus and see my big sister and what not. Every night doesn't always have to be full of events. Well later on after I arrived back in my dorm I just basically went right to bed. I am super tired and I don't really know why. Tomorrow I have practice all morning into the afternoon then I'm going out to Corona to a friends house that actually goes to my school. It should be a good time and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. I don't know how much time I am going to get to be able to write a whole lot tomorrow but I will definitely try my hardest. HOPE ALL IS WELL!

Daily Reading: Mark 11:24-25
Prayer, one thing that is important in any believers life is prayer. We believe in the power of prayer in having a conversation with God and asking for guidance and help and also thanking Him for all of His wonders. In this verse Jesus says to His disciples that they can pray for anything as long as they forgive others, and believe in what they are praying in and it will be theirs. Forgiving others is one tough thing to do. Sometimes we can to terrible things to others just because we are stubborn in what they may have done to us. Now when we pray we should not hold a grudge against anyone while doing so but our prayers should be filled with hope and forgiveness. We need to be able to forgive others just like God forgives us every single day. There isn't a day that goes by where we don't commit a sin. Prayers are also often motivated by our own personal desires and we like to hear that we can have anything but Jesus prayed with God's interest in mind. When we pray we can of course pray for our own desires and personal needs just make sure that it is God's will and that what we want should be His will. Jesus died for our sins so that they may be forgiven with just a simple prayer. Some people may take advantage of this and that makes all the matters even worse. One thing that is important is that we need to be able to forgive others before we can be forgiven. If there is that one person you ma not like for whatever reason and you continue to ignore them and build up hate in your mind about them try and have a conversation with them and ask God to help you through it. I know there is plenty of people that I struggle to have a good conversation with because I am selfish and really don't want to hear what they have to say. I don't like the fact that I have that kind of hate in my mind because having that thought is another sin right there. So because they sinned in hurting us we are sinning right back at them by nor forgiving them. Now I'm not sure if that really made to much sense right there but if a person intentionally hurts you and you become angry and have hate on them you are doing exactly what they planned on doing to you. Now if you were to take what they did forgive them right away and see that it doesn't bother you, then they won't bother to to the same thing again. Again I'm sorry if it doesn't make to much sense but my mind is all out of wack on this topic right now and I am just kind of blabbering on. Last but not least if there is anything you would like me to personally pray for about you feel free to let me know in any way (, my MySpace, or Facebook. I would be happy to converse and pray with and for you no matter what it is. After all Jesus Himself said that we can pray for ANYTHING.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
I Thank You for this wonderful day You gave me. I would like to again thank You also with the refreshing sleep You gave me. Thank You also for letting me have the opportunity to hang out with my sister. Thank You also for the wonderful spiritual gifts You give us especially the power of prayer. Thank You for letting us pray for anything and also for Your forgiveness. Help everyone to be able to forgive others as well and admit their sin and help me also with these things Lord as I struggle in them. I pray that you humble me Lord as I have been struggling with that at baseball. I also pray for the self cautiousness I have on my body. I may not like the way it looks or anything but it is the way You made me and You made me like this for a reason and help me to be able to understand that. Help me also to work hard to build a better physique and to help me help me eat better and healthier. Help me not to get lazy with the small things and to just get up and do whatever needs to be done. Next Lord I would like to pray for my sister help her to find You again Jesus she needs You big time. I love her so much and just pray that one day she will be a follower. Keep away from temptations and all the bad things around her. I pray that You will keep my step mom and dad safe in Las Vegas this weekend. Help them to have a god time while not spending to much money. Next I would like to pray for the pain I have in my body right now Lord. My shoulder and knees are absolutely killing me especially my shoulder. Please use Your power to take the pain away and heal whatever the problem is. Again please help me to find my dream girl Lord! She is out there somewhere and I know it. I pray for the problems my friends are having please bless them and help them to come to You for help and to others. Help them not to bottle things up inside but to let them all out. Help me to keep a smile on my face and bring smiles to others. Shine Your light through me Lord. Continue to give me the strength to keep up with these writings and these blogs. Help them to be an inspiration to others. I pray all of these things in Your powerful Name.

1 comment:

  1. I love Hanging out with God, my favorite part of the day, I hope you found the time today, in such a busy day
