Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 60 "Gone Country"

Daily Summary: God greatly answered my prayer last night and gave me a great night sleep. I woke up full of energy and ready for the day. I jumped in the shower, got all packed up then headed back to school. I can't seem to get my station off 105.1. Country music. I never thought I would see the day that I enjoyed listening to it but I indeed have been for about two weeks now. For some reason I like it more and more every time I hear it. There are some songs in which I totally just have to turn it off because it is to much for me but the other ones are nice and catchy and I enjoy listening to them. Now this definitely doesn't mean I am staying away from the music I love and only listening to country I just like to broaden my ears every once in a while. I am not sure that made sense. Anyways I got back to school right at 9:30 and decided to rush over to chapel. At first I just wanted to get another chapel credit and didn't really care what was going to go on in today's chapel but then as I was walking up I started to hear one of my favorite worship songs by Charlie Hall and I got pretty excited to be there. I sat buy a few baseball guys and tried my best to pay attention the whole time. Dr. Berry Correy our school president spoke with a great message then we all took communion together. I asked God on a few different occasions today to get rid of all the lame thoughts that flow through my head on a daily basis. There is so much negativity and denial that at times corrupt my mind and I was getting sick of it. So during communion I did the same things and instantly felt God moving in me for the most part all day. I can't recall of getting any of those lame thoughts in my head after praying that prayer a few times. After carpel I headed back to my room to realize that I was locked out. I had forgot my key on Saturday before I went home and Phil put it in the R.A's room. Figures my R.A. wasn't there so I had to sit outside of my room until Phil got back form his house about 20 minuets later. Wasn't really a big deal I wasn't in a rush to get back in the room any way's. Then after a while Phil and I headed to lunch after playing a few games of ping pong. He actually beat me in the three game series today only because I was working on my back hand most of the time. I do have to give him props though for getting my serve down a few times. Good for him. After lunch we went to the locker room and got ready for our game against Bethany University. We were bound to get a win after not playing so well on Saturday. We did exactly that for the first half of the game but then fell apart later on. Within the first three innings we were up 13 to 0 then after 6 errors and the rest of the game it turned out to be 15 to 8. If you give any team the thought of actually being able to come back after a deficit like that then you can get yourselves into deep trouble like we did today. It was quite embarrassing for the most part but we still have to continue to keep our heads up and play hard again tomorrow. After the game Phil and I headed to dinner, showered then headed to the library to do some homework together. We actually had a lot of fun the whole time joking around and laughing. We probably upset a few people that were around us but all well, not everyone can have fun at the same time. It was also cool because we got to talk about some stuff and ask questions that we never really got to ask one another before. After the library we played some ping pong and went off to bed. Today was a good day most definitely.
Daily Reading: Matthew 11:28-30
Now I probably have done this verse before and I also mentioned it in my reading section yesterday. Being tired is one of the most frequently used excuse for someone either; not feeling well, not doing a task right, or getting stressed out. We also use this excuse when we feel overwhelmed at times. Not getting enough sleep can be stressful by itself and when working or going to school, one of the hardest things to do is pay attention when we are tired. At times we give in and also give up when we are tired and let things go that we wouldn't if we were alert. For example when a kid keeps bugging you to be able to sleep over a friends house but you have always told him no because you don't know the parents or some other reason then when you are maybe tired or stressed out about something you may say yes without even knowing what you did. There are so many more examples that I can go over but right now it is the best I can come up with. Anyways, here in this verse God is telling is to go to Him when we are tired and He will give us the rest we need and the strength to get through the day. Our God is slow to anger and gives generously without finding fault. Jesus will free us from all these burdens that may be apart of our lives. The rest that Jesus is referring to in these verses is love healing and peace with God. Now the end of all work is not what He is referring too although we probably wouldn't mind a little weight lifted on our shoulders. Having a relationship with God, changes meaningless, wearisome toil, into spiritual productivity and purpose. This is some amazing words and I highlighted them for a reason. There are so many things in life that seem meaningless and we often wonder why we are even doing what we are doing. For example I don't know how many times I think of it in a whole class session. Some of the classes and things we are learn just seem absolutely ridiculous and I wonder why am I even hear right now? When putting God in the center of every single one of these so called meaningless activate, they may seem meaningless in our minds but they definitely will become of use in our hearts. These words alone actually put me at ease for an essay that I was writing. Crazy stuff. There are so many ways these words can actually be apart of someones life. After all God put me here in this school for a reason and if I don't honor the place He has given to me then my life is meaningless.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this wonderful day. Thank You so much for Your words in Matthew and the fact that You help us in giving us the rest we need and also the positive attitudes towards negative things in our lives. Thank You for making my life useful and giving me the chance to play baseball at a school that endures You God. Thank You for your everlasting love and grace that You have given me. I now pray for the evil thoughts and things that go through my ind on a daily basis. Please get rid of them Lord and if it is indeed Satan the one corrupting me I pray in Your name for him to flee and to get out of my thoughts. I pray that I will always have a positive attitude through life and for people to be able to see You through my actions. I pray for my friends, please help me to be able to be there for them as they would be there for me. Help my relationships to grow with each and every single one of them. I pray that I will be able to make more friends Lord and grow in the relationships with them as well. I pray for Yours and I's relationship. Please help it to grow as well and help me to be able to come to You with anything and everything Father. I pray for forgiveness for the sins that I have committed over the weakened.
I pray that You will keep me away from things such as anger, sexual temptation, and frustration. Help others to be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray for my friends in the troubles that they may be going through. It seems like everyone has some type of big problem right now and I pray that You will just set them free Lord of whatever is going on in their lives, whether it may be a family member that is sick or dying, or maybe a family member that is just making some wrong decisions, I pray for anyone that may be struggling to find out what their life is useful for, I pray that You will just lift them up and heal them Lord. Help them to understand what being a disciple and a follower of You really means. Let them know that there is no need for depression or sadness God. I pray that if they don't know You that they will find You God. No matter in what way it may be help them to find You. Please use me in the process of all that Lord and help me to be open to what I believe in. Help me to be a living example of You. I now pray for my life God, the things I am struggling in, I seem to be getting selfish and getting the wrong idea about some things. I pray that I keep away from gossip and talking crap about anyone around me. Keep me away from sexual sin, frustration, anger and any other type of sin Father. I pray for a dream girl Father. Please help me to find her and for me to be patient in the process. Help me to treat her the way You would treat a girl Lord and for me to handle the relationship in a Godly way. I pray for our country and for the economy, please help us to be able to turn everything around and for people not to loose their homes and jobs God. I pray for my dad while the company he works for may be going through the strike. Help him to not get stressed about what is going on and for him to keep his composure. I love You so much Father and again I thank You for everything that You are doing in my life and for the things You have already done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful and precious name.

1 comment:

  1. My baby has gone country!! all the years of driving in the car with Danielle and I listening to Country music has paid off. Anyways remember to keep a positive attitude and you will always get through the day!! I really enjoy you blog today!!
