Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 82 "Farmers Tan"

Daily Summary: Tiring day. From start to finish I was tired the whole time. Usually when I am tired I become kind of cranky and everything but for some reason I wasn't today. I was more laid back and kept quite the whole time. I got kind of stressed a few times having to deal with my English class. I feel really behind in the class and I really need a C or better otherwise I could get in trouble with my scholarship. I am sure everything will turn out for the better, I just need to crack down and really work hard to get my grade up to par. I can do this with my man Jesus! Ha prayer calms me down so much it is amazing. After class I had to prepare for my presentation I had on advertising. I realized that coming up with the speech isn't really the difficult part it is the whole talking in front of people deal that really gets me nervous. I probably should of prayed before I got up there but I was to nervous to figure out what I was missing. I am definitely glad it is over, even though our group didn't finish I am done with my part so that is all that matters. Woo hoo! I got some lunch after that before getting ready for practice. In the morning it was kind of cool and I actually wore a jacket. Practice wasn't so cold. It was super hot! My farmers tan is getting worse and worse everyday haha. Shoooooot. I think a farmers tan is expected amongst anyone who plays a sport that is outdoors. It is quite embarrassing sometimes though ha. Practice went great for the most part. My shoulder is still hurting a little bit but I am trying my best not let it affect the way I play. We have a big week this week in baseball. Tomorrow and Thursday we have Vanguard then on Saturday we have a double header with Point Loma. Both teams are playing really well and if we can pull off 5 wins this week it would be huge and it could possibly put us in first in the standings. This is something that was definitely unexpected after the way our season started out. I am excited to compete hopefully I will get some chances to get out there and play! If not I will try my best to maintain a positive attitude during the games and cheer my team on big time. This Thursday we will get to finish that one game against Vanguard that was called due to darkness. It is the game where I went 3 for 4 with a home run but still isn't in the stats because the game hasn't been finished yet. It currently is in the bottom of the 9th inning with us down 6 to 5. I would be due up third but I am out of the game due to some pitching situations. It is hard to explain but I was the DH so when a particular guy on our team pitches he comes in from playing first base so that means they have to put a replacement at first base therefore taking out the DH spot. So now whoever pitches will also hit. Bleh well hopefully whoever is going to hit will get some hits and we can come back and pull off that win. Well for the remainder of the night I spent most of it in the darkroom finishing up my project and everything. I still need to mount them onto a mat board but that shouldn't take all that long. We will see. I once again came down to the Eagles Nest to write the blog. I have came up with the fact that this is my favorite place to write on campus. Although there are sounds and everything that may seem distracting I can get a lot done because I am always staying alert. I am a weird dude I must admit. Today was a good day and lets pray that I get some sleep tonight!

Daily Reading: 1 Peter 2:21-23
Be like Christ. We may suffer for many reasons. Some suffering is the direct result of our own sin; some happens because of our foolishness; some is the result of living in a fallen world. Peter is writing about suffering that comes from doing good. Christ never sinned, and yet He has suffered so that we could be set free. Jesus suffering was part of God's plan and was intended to save us. All who follow Jesus must be prepared to suffer. Our goal should be to face suffering as he did, with patience, calmness, and confidence that God is in control of the future. So with all this suffering could be a part of our everyday lives just for doing things that are good. When we are made fun of, picked on, or even when someone tries to start a fight with us. We should not be the one to strike back with unkind words, pick on someone else to bring our spirits back up, or punch back. We need to act upon these sinful acts by doing what Jesus would do. Could you imagine if Jesus made fun of the people that made fun of Him? Or if Jesus picked on someone? Heck could you imagine Jesus punching someone!? I couldn't imagine Him doing such a thing. So the main point is that if we can't picture Jesus doing these kind of sinful acts then we as Christians should never do these types of sinful things. Of course there are going to be rough times where we are going to sin but that is why Jesus set the example and was up on a cross for us. He forgave us for all that we did and therefore we have been set free. Jesus easily could of had everything disappear just by saying a few words but He stayed up there for hours just to die for me. If that isn't an inspiration I don't know what is.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for today. Thank You for the fact that although I was super tired I did not let my condition get the best of me and have it affect my mood. thank You so much for the positive attitude I had today and I pray that I am able to keep it going. I now pray for me and others in having us act like You. I pray with the situations that we are given we will treat them as if You were right next to us. Help others to see You through us and our actions. Let us spread around and express out love to one another. Help us also to love those who we may not get along with. I myself have been struggling in that situation and I need to be better in it. I pray for the things that You God have blessed me with yet I don't seem to be using them in the proper way. I pray for the strength to be able to get through my selfish ambitions and to use the wonderful gifts You have blessed me with. I pray for my friends and family God that whatever tough things that they may be going through please lift them up God. I pray for the ones that don't know You, please help them to somehow find You, please use me in that process Father. I now pray for my Friends and family in the good things that they may be going through. Please make them realize what person is actually blessing them with these wonderful things and for them to praise them every single day that they are alive. I now pray for my wonderful friend Gabby. She is one girl that has inspired me to take my relationship with You to the next level and I am truly thankful for the fact that You put her in my life. I pray for the lame cough deal she has had for the last 3 weeks. Take whatever is causing that cough and make them disappear with Your power God. I pray for my school Father that You help me get through it all with good grades. Give me the work ethic I need to be able to do this Father. I pray for baseball God. Please help me shoulder to be okay if I am able to play tomorrow. Help us to be able to play to the best of our ability and to not give up no matter how many runs we are loosing or winning bye. Please keep other players from injury God. I now pray for my dream girl as I do every single day God. I pray that You will bring her into my life somehow and that I will be patient in the process. I pray that You continue to work in my life by helping me not complain anymore and for me to shine Your light where ever I go. I pray all of these things in Your wonderful name.

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