Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day 79 "Relax"

Daily Summary: Today just wasn't my day. I had a tough day at baseball and everything and I just kind of felt lonely all day. I am know just drained, overwhelmed, and a lot more. The devil has been wrapping me around his finger and I am putting up with it. I can't snap out of it. I need God's help big time. Tonight really helped me. I hung out with some friends from home that I haven't in a while. Just being around the Christian brother's and sisters really pumped me up. We sung worship and everything and I thought everything was okay. When I got home I just felt it all over again. I am going to have to re write all of this tomorrow. Okay so I finally got to bed and everything lightened up. I just realised that I was basically just not giving it all to God and that was the main problem. It was just like I am feeling sorry for myself. I came up with that yea I did have a bad day at baseball today. Not that I didn't play well or anything because I didn't really play at all it was just the fact that I was just over it basically. Coming off being injured sucks for sure after this lame week. Instead of mopping around about baseball I should be basically praising God. Everyday can't be perfect and not everyday is going to be the best day ever. There is definitely going to be bumps in the road and with those bumps there is something positive that could come out of every bad day. For instance, we won both games yesterday which put us 4th place in our conference which is totally awesome because we started out in last place. Our record is now 16-13 after starting out the year 2-8. I am getting along with just about everyone on the team and I am having a blast every time they are around. Most of all I thought I would be out for the season yet here I am getting myself back into the game. There are people that are going through way tougher situations than me and I need to look at that and realize that I don't have it that bad at all. Things will turn our for the better as they always do with God's help. We have a big week this week and definitely need to come out swinging against a tough Vangaurd and Point Loma teams. I can't wait to compete whether I am just doing the chart or just sitting the bench I am going to keep my head high and try my best not to be put down. As far as the loneliness thing goes I believe I am just being impatient with it all. I am not really going to go into to details with this one but the main point is that I am not getting through this alone. I feel God answering my prayers all of the time and I may not like some of the things that he brings towards me but I must know that it is His will and not mine so I have to go with it. He knows what is best for me and I need not to really on my own selfish ambitions. I just need to relax.

Daily Reading: James 1:2/ Proverbs 3:5/ Matthew 6:25/ Matthew 11:28-30
Consider is pure joy my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds. My life verse. The one that has brought me up when things are down. It has once again done so today. I know that this whole experience has made me stronger as a person. It will help me deal with the situation the next time it rolls around. Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding. This verse is one of the toughest to deal with. The hardest thing to do for some people is actually trust someone. When we finally trust God for the things that He is going to do in our lives then there is nothing to worry about. That brings on Matthew 6:25, do not worry! One thing that us Americans are doing right now is worrying. I myself am dealing with it on a daily basis. Calm down Vinnie everything is going to be okay. Love God. Now last but not least, come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. I definitely need this rest and I am going to be praying for it big time. I thank God for this experience rather then look down upon it. I am up and ready to go for the day and I can't wait for what it brings me. Hopefully it isn't tomorrow that has enough trouble of it's own. :]

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Right now I just give myself to You. I feel like there is someone just following me around putting me down. I pray in Your name for Satan to flee. Get his evil thoughts out of my head. Help me get rid of guilt, hate, doubt, or any other kind of negative thought God. I need You now God. Please forgive me for the things that I have done today. The times I got frustrated and everything God. The times I may have ran off my mind. The times where I wanted to give up. Help me get rid of those thoughts God. Be with me fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You God for everything that has happened to me throughout the day. Please help me to learn from these experiences and for me to trust in You when it happens again. Help me also to not worry about what goes on in my life good or bad. Please give me rest Father and for I am overwhelmed. Please help me to deal with the answers You give me and for me to stay positive throughout the day. I love You so much.


  1. Don't give up the fight as I sad the other day, I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it -Jesus.

  2. Be still and know I am God!!!
