Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 76 "The Enemy Has Been Defeated"

Daily Summary: Usually I write my blogs saying that today was great and just really uplifting and happy! Well today is going to be a little different. After praying to God on how I can change some things up in order for people to maybe understand me more, I figured that I need to be more open and honest about the things I think rather then just writing a summary down. I want to be able to talk about what really goes on in this weird head of mine. I want to relate to peoples lives and find out if they to go through the same kind of things I do. What really inspired me to do this today was listening to the first speaker, right away he admitted to his problems. Yes instead of throwing it all out there motivating us to go on missions and everything he was just simply honest about his lifestyle and what he struggles with on a daily basis. This man has been a devoted Christian and missionary for over 50 years of his life and he isn't slowing down one bit! Yet he is still admitting to his problems in his life! A true inspiration! Anyways well today I woke up just in one of those moods. All day I was really trying to put it all together and I just couldn't figure it out. I definitely felt like I was being attacked for most of the day. For some reason I just couldn't communicate with God. It is actually hard to admit but it was true. Satan beat me up for sure today. It seems every time I learn something new about Jesus (like last night) the next day basically well just sucks. Ha every time I get pumped up! Shoot well I know that I need to be able to block out the enemy and that I need to be able to deal with these kind of situations especially when I expect them. Today I was just a zombie. When I was sitting through an awesome conference this morning I couldn't laugh at the jokes even though they were hilarious, I couldn't clap, cheer, or anything. I sat by myself and literally just sat there and waited till it was over. I really enjoyed the speaker like I mentioned before but really didn't feel alive and motivated to go love Jesus like I should of. Afterwards I didn't feel like going back to the room so I just walked around some of the mission booths that were around and found out some information. I got some free books and pamphlets that I hopefully will look over someday. For some reason I really can't sit down and read a book. I can write for hours obviously but I just can't take the time to read books. News articles are easy but novels and stories full of information just gets me lost. I definitely be praying that I do get to reading the books because they all seem like it would be something I am interested in. Anyways I moped around for a while then went to the trainers to get iced up and what not. Got through that then headed to the our game. I head to do the official score book today and it was super tough to keep up! I definitely kept myself in the game though! It also went by super quick which was nice since I am still wasn't able to play. You no what the best part was!?!? We won! Ha that's right ever since my 0 and 5 blog last month we have gone 14 and 7. We are 14 and 12 overall and if we sweep the rest of the games this week then we will come out 17 and 12 which would make it a huge turning point in our season. I can't wait to compete the trainer said I could be able to get back out there and start running this Saturday! I am so pumped to get out there. This shows me that doubt should never cross out of my mind. My shoulder has healed like crazy ever since last Saturday and hopefully it will be ready by the weekend! Yes. Well that pumped me up then I started to get back in the mood after the game. I sucked it up and met with Gabby for dinner. We were supposed to eat with a missionary but they never showed. Maybe it was for a reason because I got to explain how I was feeling to Gab and she always has something to say to make me feel better. The best part of it all that it is all related to God. She just got me out of the mood completely and I just have had so much fun hanging out with her and talking with her lately. She has actually been in my dreams the last few nights over the week. Kind of interesting to me. Haha they were actually quite interesting and totally random. That is a whole other story though haha. Anyways. She sat with me for a little bit before the conference started then left because she was headed off to Maryland. Then it happened again! My lame mood. Throughout the whole conference I just wanted to leave. I began falling asleep then I was trying to make it so I wouldn't. I think my phone going off when it was quite really woke me up but probably just with embarrassment. Ha I tried my best to pay attention but really couldn't get the message out. I cam back to the room, played some ping pong then headed up stairs. I was still kind of in the mood then my friend Allee called me asking for some prayer. As I was praying for her I kept on getting distracted with everything. So I basically just yelled out for me to focus on God and to let all the distractions be gone! Instantly they were I prayed with no distractions even though there was a bunch of people walking around and everything. Instantly! After getting off the phone with her, I realized what I needed to do to pop everything out of my mind and get rid of this lame mood! Not only get on my knees and force myself into throwing away the enemy and ask God to take control but I needed to write! That's right I have figured out what pumps me up and gets things off my mind. When I write my blog, I go through my day and when I write about the positive things that happened throughout the day, I can't help but be lifted up and just straight up happy! Gosh I am just flowing right now. Flowing with happiness, peace, and joy. I just want to go outside and yell out that I love Jesus. He is so awesome! Wake me up Jesus and get me out of this funk! You are the master and You control my life! In God's name I command you Satan to flee from my thoughts. God fill me with the joy of the Holy Spirit and lift me up! I love You so much! AMEN! Woo hoo! Praise God! Today has turned from bad to awesome just by the grace of God. He is so darn cool I love Him!

Daily Reading:
Galatians 5:22-23
Footnotes: The fruit of the spirit is the spontaneous work of the Holy Spirit in us. The Spirit produces these character traits that are found in the nature of Christ. They are by-products of Christ's control- we can't obtain them by trying to get them with out His help. If we want the fruit of the Spirit to grow in us, we must join our lives to his. We must know Him, love Him, remember Him, and imitate Him. As a result we will fulfill the intended purpose of the law- to love God and our neighbors. We should also look through all of these and figure out what one most applies to us and use it to our advantage by expressing your faith in God through the specific action. We could have on we could have them all. Because the God who sent the law also sent the Spirit, the by products of the Spirit filled life are in perfect harmony with the intent of God's law. A person who exhibits the fruit of the Spirit fulfills the law far better than a person who observes the rituals but has little love in his or her heart. In order to accept Christ as Savior, we need to turn from our sins and willingly nail our sinful nature to the cross. This doesn't mean, however, that we will never see the traces of its evil, we have been set free from sin's power over us and no longer have to give in to it. We must daily commit our sinful tendencies to God's control, daily crucify them, and moment by moment draw on the Spirit's power to overcome them. Just like today, I need to be able to block out these lame moods and before I do anything get on my knees and throw everything to God. I don't care if I have to write my blog in the morning instead of the night I just need to stay positive and uplifted throughout the day so I can express his love and shine his light to others!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Through the ups and downs that went on today, I pray that I will be able to look to You and overall defeat the enemy with Your power. I pray that I will be happy and positive throughout the day and not have to deal with any type of quarrel. I pray for my friendships that I have God. I pray that they will continue to grow and I will also be willing to make new friends. I pray that my attitude will remain one like You God. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray for my friends God. I pray that whatever they are going through, that You will lift them up. I pray that they will trust you in the decisions they make and that they will not go against Your will. I pray for the ones that don't know You. I pray that they will somehow find You God and be save by Your grace. Help new believers to get rid of their old selves and to focus on their new self. I pray for my friend Allee and their family, I pray that with her grandpa Carl will heal God. I pray that whatever he may be going through to be lifted up. I pray that the part of the family that may not be believers, will be brought to You through this situation. I pray God for my relationship with You. Help me to work hard to get better in talking to You throughout the day and for me to stay away from any type of sin. I pray that You keep me away from sexual sin, frustration, anger, and also for me to keep my tongue tamed. I pray for my injury God. I pray that I will be ready as soon as possible and that I wont push myself and be honest to see if it hurts or not. I pray now for my dream girl. I pray that You will bring her to me in any way possible God. I pray that I will not blow off the chance I meet here and that I will treat her like a true gift from You. I pray that I will not get jelous or mad at stupid things God. Help me to trust her like I trust You. Help me to be patient in this process and other processes that You are involved in. I love You so much God and thank You for the great lessons You taught me today. In Your Name I pray all of these things.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus-I never said it would be easy I only said it would be worth it!!
