Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 67 "Training Room"

Daily Summary: I had an awesome night sleep last night. Since the time change and all I couldn't fall asleep last night till around 2AM or so but since I don't have class on Monday's it really didn't matter to me. I slept in till around 10:15 and head straight to the training room to get my shoulder looked at. She did an ultra sound, muscle stimulator, and iced it up. After all that is was feeling good, so I went down to the cafe for some lunch. While walking around looking for some good food to eat, I had the urge to sneeze. I grabbed a napkin and went for it. As I sneezed, my shoulder felt like it tore in two pieces. I felt a great amount of pain and then kind of laughed at how much pain a sneeze can cause if you have a shoulder injury. Shoot well after practice I went back to the room with Phil to finish up our Ping Pong series. If I won then he had to switch beds and desks in the room since his was in a better place. If he won then I had to buy him $15 worth of taco bell. It was the first one to win 6 games. It came down 5 games to 5 and I then beat him to take the series. It was definitely a good 11 games of pong but he just couldn't finish it out. I am loving my new place in the room and I am sure that we will have another series in order for him to try to get his place back in the room. He got kind of depressed for a while but I just talked to him and his confidence seems to be getting back up. Well after the few rounds of ping pong I once again headed back to the training room to get taped up for practice. I thought it would maybe feel a little better with the tape job but it didn't. I couldn't do anything the whole practice and it sucked. I hate just sitting there doing nothing. I felt like a total waste. I tired my best to pray through it all and that really helped me. It was also nice to get some support from my bud B.A. He is a dude full of stories and is one of my favorite dudes to talk to on the team. Well after practice I once again went to the training room to get iced up, once again. Then I headed to dinner ate some awesome fish and chips then went back to the room cleaned things up before heading to the library. I was in here for about 5 hours until it closed. I didn't get to much done but I got enough done to get by for one day. I was supper busy and am disappointed that I don't get to write anything to good in today's blog and tomorrow doesn't look to shabby either. Anyways I will type away as much as I can tomorrow. Night Ya'll
Daily Reading: 1 Peter 3:15
Sick verse! Always be prepared for what is to come and for every situation that we encounter. With every encounter we need to put Christ in the center of it and know that He is Lord and the most powerful person. No matter how big or small the encounter may be He needs to be the one who helps us through it all. For instance. Homework. Us college students use all of our free time for it. I am not very good at using my time well. I tend to get distracted in anyway possible if it keeps me away from getting things done. Everything distracts me, text message, myspace, facebook, tribal wars, ANYTHING! Sometimes I even get into discussions about Jesus with other people and just forget to get my homework done. So by the time I realize that I have wasted hours and hours I have to rush to get everything done and it usually doesn't come out the way I want it to. This is something that I need to put God in the center of. The few times I did pray tonight to help me with my homework, I got a lot done and also thought it came out pretty decent. Now some Christians believe that Faith is a personal matter that should be kept to oneself. If it is true that we shouldn't boisterous or obnoxious in sharing our faith, but we should always be ready to give an answer, gently and respectively , when asked about or faith, our lifestyle, or our Christian perspective. Make sure others can see Christ through You and Your words. It is something I pray for myself on a daily basis.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today. Although it was busy I thank You that I was able to get things done. I pray for my shoulder Father as it continues to ache. Please heal it quickly so I can get back out there and compete. I pray for my homework Father that I will be able to do it quickly and effectively next time. I pray that You will keep the distractions to a minimum Father. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all the things that they may be going through. Good and bad. I pray that they will focus on you no matter what and will look to You for all the answers and praises. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and please use me in the process.
Be their friend and show them Your true light. Help us all to experience you peace and joy through Your son. I pray for my work ethic in both school and baseball. Help me to give it my all and work to get better along the way. Help me to try my best and not give up. Help me to put in the time and effort I should to be able to get good grades and get more hits Father. Help me to trust You in all the things I pray for and to know that You will answer them according to Your will not mine. I pray for my dream girl Father! I know she is out there somewhere and I can't wait to meet her. If I have already met her Lord help me to figure out what one it is! No matter what it may be help me to be patient in the process and to enjoy my life as being single. Keep me away from any type of sexual temptations, anger, frustration, and from using bad language. Please keep me humble Father and for me to not be a poor sport when I play little things like ping pong or anything like that. I now Pray for my roommate Phil, he is awesome and has asked me to pray for some certain things in his life, I pray that God's will we be done in His life, that he will lead him onto the right path of righteousness and stay focused on the things of the Spirit and not of the flesh. I pray that when God's time is right that He will let Him know what to do for the upcoming summer and what job that he may be leading up to. Last I pray for school for Phillip he has a couple mid terms and he needs to be able to manage his time correctly. Help him to do the best he can and for him not to be to overwhelmed and distracted on what is going on around him. I love You and I thank You again for this wonderful day today. I pray that tomorrow will be just as good. I love You so much. In Your name.

1 comment:

  1. Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

    This verse even apply s to your shoulder.
