Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 71 "May Be Out For the Season"

Daily Summary: Today was indeed one of those days. I woke up early hoping to get an early appointment for the doctors but wasn't able to get one till around 12:45. So I sat around for a while and then met my step dad for lunch. He decided to come with me to the doctors just in case they had any questions and just to be there. My dad is out in Arizona with my little brother since he has a tournament out there so he wasn't able to make it. Anyways we eventually got into urgent care and heard the news. She believes I have a torn rotator cuff and she gave me a refferal to go get an MRI on Monday. This is bad news. On top of that she gave me sling that she said I had to wear around until at least Monday. I am basically done with baseball for the season. I am trying to handle it the best way possible but baseball is my one thing that I have literally stuck with for my whole life. There hasn't been a day were baseball hasn't gone through my mind. I have honestly put in more time becoming a better baseball player then actually improving my relationship with God. Kind of sad but definitely true. Lately I have been working more towards growing in my relationship with Christ rather then baseball. Now I have no baseball for a while so maybe God is telling me that I need to focus on Him more through it all. When getting back to school from the Doctor's I had to hold back the tears as I watched the rest of the team practice knowing that I couldn't be a part of it all anymore. Telling coach was another hard thing for me to do. Then having to explain what happened to all of the guys. Today was just really tough in general. For the most part I am still keeping my head up and focusing on living my life for God no matter how many injuries I have. Besides The Devil Wears Prada came out with a new amazing song today and that definitely made my day that much more. I didn't really do all that much through the night besides rearrange my room since I couldn't make it up to my bed anymore. Phil helped me out and I was really thankful that he did so. He is definitely a cool dude.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:13
What do we need when we need hope? Right now, honestly I don't have any hope. I have basically given up any hope that I will be able to return to play this season. I have already talked to the athletic administrators about possibly applying to get a medical grey shirt so I wont loose a year of eligibility. I kind of feel like this is exactly what Satan wants me to do is give up. No way I am not falling into his lame schemes and I am going to do whatever I need to do to get through this injury and to get back on that field. If I am unable to play for the rest of the season then I am going to do so working hard. I am not going to be a mope and I am still going to be a part of the team. On with the verse! Wrong desires and temptations happen to everyone, so don't feel like you have been singled out. Others have resisted temptation, and so can you, any temptation can be resisted by God will help you resist it. God helps You resist temptation by helping you recognize those people and situations that give you trouble ryb from anything that you know is wrong, choose to do only what is right, pray for God's help, and seek friends who love God and can offer help when you are tempted. Running from temptation is the first step on the way to victory! When we first recieve Christ we are filled with the Holy Spirit and our old body is thrown away. The Holy Spirt will never fail us and will do whatever it takes to keep us away from sin. When we sin we are blocking out the Holy Spirit and are also blocking out God's call for us. This is why it is so helpful to always be talking with God and seeking His help. This is why it is also so important to have friends that love Him like You do so that way they can also help you through rough times. Let's get through rough times together and praise Jesus through the whole thing!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for this beautiful day today! I love how everyday seems to be getting more beautiful as the year goes on. I now pray for the trouble I am having with the situation with my shoulder. Please help me to trust You through it all God and for me to stay on track with You. Please continue to keep me from temptations God. I now pray for my favorite band. As they continue to progress with their music help people to understand the real reason why they sing Your songs of praise God. I now pray for tomorrow as I will be sitting on the sidelines for good Father. I pray that you will help me through the frustration of not being able to play and for me to cheer my team on.
I pray that I will trust in You through all of my problems and everything and help me to fix my eyes on You. Help me to always be thinking of You through out the day and to also talk to You throughout the day. Help me relationship with to build up and for me to put in all of the effort needed to do so. I pray that people will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to have a positive attitude and have an influence on others. I pray now for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in anyway possible and for them to also look to You for answers. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that You will some how help them to find Your light. Please use me in the process and for me to have the right words and courage to talk to them. I pray for our country and government. Please help them to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around. I also pray for my roommate Phil and whatever he may be going through. I pray that You will help him be able to figure out what the right thing is to do for work over the summer. I pray that You will keep his mind positive and for him to shine Your light every single day. He is a true man of You God so please keep him on that right path. Please help me to have a wonderful day again tomorrow God and for me to also soon find that dream girl I always seem to be talking about. Help me to be patient in that process and other processes that You may be working through in my life. I pray these things in Your wonderful name.

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