Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 75 "Boba"

Daily Summary: Well class got canceled this morning so I basically woke up at 7:03 for no reason. Since I was already up I decided to head over to the library and maybe do something productive. The only thing I really did was write some of this and browse over the Internet. The reason why my class got canceled was kind of disappointing. Yea, I don't really like the class but my professor I guess was diagnosed with cancer over the weekend. Those of us who didn't really know what was going on and actually showed up to class took the time to pray for her and wish her the best. Hopefully she will pop right back up and be able to teach again real soon. I know she loves what she does and taking that away from her will probably hurt more then the actual cancer. I will again spend some deep time in prayer for her tonight. Well after hanging out in the library for about an hour I headed back to the room to just relax a little more before heading to my 10:30 class. It was the same as normal. A few group presentations went on and they were pretty basic for the most part nothing to special. After that I headed to lunch then met up with my friend Bryce. He is a friend from high school that was here at school for a recruiting visit. My other friend Bryce also was here for a recruiting visit so it was nice to hang out with them both. I tried my best to stay involved for the whole practice but it is hard only having one arm and all. Well after practice I said by to my friends and headed to dinner. Again the cafe seems to not have any type of good food. I can't believe it. Every time I go in there nothing sounds appetizing so I end up just making a sandwich or something else. Great for almost 2,000 dollars a semester. Well anyways after that was done with I headed back to the room and got ready for class. I went a little early today to get some stuff done since I got held up yesterday with the whole I can't open the can deal. I got it all done then we had to do a demo thing. After trying to make a print of one of my photos my teacher decided that my paper is messed up. Indeed it is. I tried another persons paper and the photo came out fine. I had been having problems with getting out excellent photos in my prints and I am finally thrilled to figure out the problem. Shoot all that time and effort for nothing! Anyways since I couldn't do anymore with no paper I headed back to the room around 8:00 and played my roommate in ping pong. He things he is so cool because he can beat someone with one arm. Ha he beat me 2 games out of 3 today so I am a little bitter. Well after that I got to hang out with Gabby! At first we were set to get coffee here on campus but then she decided getting boba was a better idea. Indeed it was. We went and sat down and talked about everything, mostly Jesus for well over 2 and a half hours. It was amazing being able to fellowship with her and everything and she taught me new ways to really speak and listen to Jesus. I couldn't wait to get back to my dorm room to try them out. I had a super time with Gab tonight and she is leaving for the rest of the week to Maryland, I will for sure miss her but I hope she has loads of fun! Well I eventually got back into the dorm room around 12:30 or so and I was just exhausted. I don't really know why but I was just ready for bed. I decided to just post what I have of the blog and just finish it up in the morning. I get more out of the reading and prayer that way. There is a lot I want to pray about! Well I will make more time to write tomorrow. Love Ya'll.

Daily Reading: Psalm 23:1-3
For some reason the Psalm of David has always made me thing of St. Patrick's day. Since today it is that day I decided to use this awesome verse. The reason why it makes me think of this wear green day is probably when verse two talks about the green pastures. When thinking of those words it brings me to a beautiful open area of perfect green grass that if we were there we just wouldn't want to leave. Well on with the verse. In describing the Lord as a shepherd, David wrote out of his own experience because he had spent his early years caring for sheep. Sheep are completely dependent on the Shepperd for provision, guidance , and protection. The New Testament calls Jesus the good shepherd in John 10, the great shepherd in Hebrews 13, and the Chief Shepherd in 1 Peter 5. As the Lord is the good shepherd, so we are his sheep mot frightened, passive animals, but obedient followers, wise enough to follow the one who will lead us in the right places and in right ways. This psalm does not focus on the animal-like qualities of sheep, but on the discipleship qualities of those who follow. When you recognize the good shepherd follow Him! When we allow God our shepherd to guide us, we have contentment. When we choose to sin, however, we go our own way and cannot blame God for the environment we create for ourselves. Our shepherd knows the "green pastures" and "quite waters" that will restore us. We will reach these places only by following him obediently. Rebelling against the Shepperd's leading is actually rebelling against our own best interest. We must remember this next time we are tempted to go out own way rather then the Shepperd's way.

Daily Prayer:
I prayed in my mind before I went to bed. The same prayer I do every night on here. Just couldn't stay awake while typing it out. :]

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