Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 59 "Boring Day"

Daily Summary: Wow two months down 10 to go! I can't comment on it enough on how crazy time is flying by. It seemed like just a couple weeks ago I couldn't sleep one night and decided to start all of this up. I have seen many changes through this experience both in my life and others. It now has become a constant discussion amongst teammates and friends on how the blog is going and if I am keeping up with it. It is pretty crazy that people I would have never realized actually take the time and read some of the postings. I am thankful for each and every single one of them and I hope that everyone enjoys it. Well last night I guess as I clicked publish I closed my computer before the link went through and the posting didn't post! I would of never noticed if it wasn't for my friend Emily who text me at about 2 am wondering why I didn't post it. Ha my bad. I was super tired last night and I just needed sleep big time. Then after waking up this morning I realized that the nights sleep wasn't enough. I just felt completely exhausted all day and felt horrible. This morning I woke up and got ready before having to go to a group interview for the job I plan on working at over the summer. I wasn't really up for it but I tried my best to go in with a positive attitude and make the best of it. It went alright for the most part. It was kind of awkward in a way since I new absolutely no one. Most of the people in there new at least 2 or 3 people in there and so it made it a little easier for them. No big deal I am just glad that's all done with. I headed to my moms to hang out for a while and play with our new dog. We then went out to lunch and then I went back to my dads house. That is when the day got boring for the most part. I just sat around watched a movie then messed around on the computer for the rest of the night. I probably could of figured something else out to do but for some reason staying at home doing nothing seemed good enough for me. I haven't had a day like this in a while where I am just home alone and what not so it was kind of nice in a way. Although it was a waste of the day I got some homework done and made it somewhat useful. Other then that there is nothing really more to talk about. I have a game tomorrow against Bethany University. Hopefully that game goes well because we definitely need some wins here pretty quick.

Daily Reading: Psalm 73:26
We as Christians fail. In fact people who aren't Christian look for those times that we fail just so they can criticize and accuse us for being religious nuts who think we are indeed perfect. What they don't realize is that we are saved by all these failures by a God who loves us and cares for us. A God who is full of grace and wants us to give every second we have to put our attention on Him. A God who gives everything we need not what we want. A God who forgives us time and time again for the same mistakes that we commit every day. What we need to know is that when we fail and when we do these sinful acts God is right by our side no matter what. Sometimes this sins cause us to feel lonely and that we have nothing left. Even if going to God is someones last resort God will still be there. What we need to do is spread the word of what God is doing around us so that to may experience what God offers to us. He gives us the strength we need in our hearts to get through those rough times. I pray everyday for my friend's and families rough times that they may be going through. I say this because there isn't a day that goes by where a bother or sister of Christ or even a brother or sister who may not know Christ, who talks to me about some kind of problem that is going on in their life. They also talk about how their friend is going through rough times and how the world seems to be crumbling underneath their feet. God never changes His mind about anything and will be the way He is forever. That means forever He will continue to grow in our lives and be there every step of the way. It is so hard to stay on track the way God wants us too but nothing in life is easy. There will always be those bumps in the road but God is always there to put a nice new layer of pavement on the road to get things going again. When thinking about all of this it made me thing of how my college life is. Every single day except Sunday I either have practice or a game. Since September 3rd, I have had a total of no more then 9 days off from either a canceled game or practice. Between these practices of game I have no less then 15 hours a week of class both in the morning and at night per week. Then on top of those classes the curriculum requires for every hour in class there should be about 2 hours of homework. So that 15 hours of class turns into about 45 hours including the homework. So after at least 35 hours of baseball and 45 hours of school a week, I am still having to put in the time to maintain my relationship with Jesus, write a blog every day, and try my best to have a social life oh yea when I have time I like to throw in some sleep and eat every once in a while. I know I know start playing the violins, but what my main point is, if God wasn't in the center of all these tasks that I must accomplish each week, where would I be right now. Even with God being in the center I can't tell you how many times I have wanted to give all of it up. Last week alone I wanted to just throw everything away and just be done with it. I was sick of just being overwhelmed and un-rested. Then with having great friends by your side, and one great Friend who always answers my calls everything slowly gets better and I don't even think about what happened the previous week. Fact, God is good and no matter what way He works everything is going to be okay.
Just remember the verse Matthew 11:28. Jesus said to go to Him with all our burdens and He will give us rest! How awesome is that! Rest!
Daily Prayer:
Oh God,
I come before You now in seek of rest. My body is crumbling, I feel super tired, and
can't seem to get a decent amount of sleep. I pray for rest tonight that I will have a good night sleep and I will be nice and refreshed for tomorrows game. I pray that our game will go well and we will all play to the best of our ability. I now pray for my friends and family who may be going through some rough times or may have friends that may be going through a rough time. I pray that You will lift them all up and if they no You Lord for them to stick to You under any circumstance and know that You are the only true way Father. I pray for the ones that don't know You that You will somehow find a way into their hearts. I pray that You will use me in that process and give me the courage and strength to be able to talk to them Father. I pray that You will give me the right words so that they will be impacted by what is being said. Help others to see You through me and my actions Lord. Help me to be able to think positive. Help me to control my temper and anger God. Help me to be humble Lord and for me not to get down on myself when I fail at baseball or anything else. Help me to keep my head up and try my hardest through it ups and downs. Help me to focus more on school and be able to pay attention and get things out of class. Help me not to feel intimidated by others and for me to be confident in putting my input into things. Help me not to be shallow and treat everyone equally even thought I may not have anything in common with them Father. I pray for the people that upset me. Please help me to have a better understanding for them and for their reasoning's. Help them also to do the same and not to be selfish in their logic and thinking's Lord. I pray for my dream girl. That she will soon find a way into my arms and for me to be patient in seeking her Lord. I pray that You help me to be myself and who I want to be on a daily basis. Help the person I want to be to be a true follower of You God and for me to be able to talk to You about everything Father. I love You so much. Last help me to get through this 3rd month of my blog with hard focus and better input. I love You again Father. I pray for all of these things in Your name.

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