Saturday, March 14, 2009

Day 72 "The Power of Prayer"

Daily Summary: Interesting but short day. Woke up way to early because my mom decided to call me around 8:15. I was super tired and my shoulder was very sore. Shoot I got out of bed and jumped in the shower since I had time to since the bus wasn't leaving till 9:30. Well got already and headed down to our rival APU. I prayed before we got there asking God to help me through the games. Since I wasn't even playing I just prayed that I would be able to remain to cheer on my team and stay in both games and not just be that lame guy that is hurt that is just in the way. Well he definitely answered my prayers and I was in it the whole time. It was tons of fun. APU is ranked pretty high in the Nation and have only lost 2 games the whole season. We changed that the first game winning 5 to 4. We were pumped up and APU put a few huge homeruns but couldn't catch up to our early lead. Second game didn't go to well but was still pretty good. After APU but up a 4 run first inning things looked like they were about to get ugly. Then we kept chipping away and ended up tying it up 4 to 4. Then in the bottom of the 5th, APU again hit a bomb for a two run homerun to make it 6 to 4. Although we had a few close calls we couldn't put it all together to get back the two runs. We ended up loosing the game 6 to 4 but didn't let that bring us down. We fought hard and put up two good fights. We are ready next week to put up some big wins once again. The last two weeks we are 7 and 2 and are playing much better then we started out the season. So after the game we headed back to school. I got all my stuff together pretty quick and headed home. Thinking that I had job training tomorrow I was prepared for a busy weekend. On the way home I got a call finding out that it was cancelled. Nice. I have tons of homework to finish up and this gives me more then enough time to do so. Well I eventually got home, my parents are in Arizona so I just chilled with the dogs for about an hour before heading over to my friend Allee's house. I don't know what it is but no matter what I do over that house I have loads of fun. Even I just sit around doing nothing I still just have fun fellowship there. After a while I got tired and ended up getting ready to leave. As I was walking out the door, this couple prolly the same age as Allee's parents whom I just met asked if they could pray for me. WOW! Everyone in the house gathered up and I posted up in a chair. While their hands were all on me they began to invite the Holy Spirit in and just ask for healing. I'll talk about more of the experience in my daily reading section. It was truly amazing. After about a half hour my shoulder felt so much better and I headed home. I truly felt God with me. I also felt Satan attacking me the whole time they were praying. I really had to fight him off the whole time but no matter what God always comes out on top and indeed He did. I headed back home and just relaxed for the rest of the night. I went to bed around midnight and couldn't wait for church in the morning.

Daily Reading: Proverbs 3:5
This is a very possible verse but it is something that I have been lacking in the last few days. I haven't been having that positive attitude with my whole shoulder situation. I tried my best to give the whole situation to God but I gave up. I instantly gave up on the rest of the season and gave away any hope of a miracle and me being able to return to the diamond any time soon. I realized I was doing this all probably to just get some sympathy from others. I don't know what it is but it always makes you feel good when someone apologizes to you and feels bad for you. Now that I look back at it I think it was ridiculous. It seems like I got more "well that sucks" rather then I am sorry. Anyways since I wasn't positive about the whole thing that means I wasn't trusting God to see what He could do with my shoulder. I never even thought of a miracle. The time I had a friend pray over it for the first time I literally felt a tingling in my shoulder and everything seemed to be going good. Then as I was in my room that night I took my eyes off the Lord for a few seconds and it tore once again. So therefore trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean NOT ON YOU OWN understanding. I literally "leaned" on my own understanding and thought my shoulder was fine and that it could be pushed to the limit. Right when I leaned on it, it ripped and the pain started all over again. We should trust God through all things that are put before us. No matter how big or small. With out His understanding then everything is meaningless. So tonight I trusted in Him. I tried my best to give everything to Him during that time of prayer and I just felt the Holy Spirit among me. I began asking for forgiveness for the sin that I had in my life and just giving my shoulder to Him and trusting in that He will do what is best for it. Everything happens for a reason through God's eyes. My shoulder began to become stiff and pain pulses began. At times I thought I felt stuff moving inside my arm as it they all were praying I couldn't believe it. The cool thing was that they prayed that this sort of miracle can open up my dad's eyes to show Him what God could do and maybe influence Him to learn more about God. IN the end I know will indeed trust in God through it all and I will no more even think of the worst when bad things happen to me. I will just fight off the enemy in the name of the Lord and work my hardest to come out on top. In God's name everything is possible.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for the wonderful experience You once again gave me today. The power of prayer in Your name. I thank You so much for the friends I have Lord. I doubt myself that I didn't have to many friends Lord but in fact I have all the friends anyone could ever ask for. All my brother's and sister's in Christ that I don't even know are praying for me. I couldn't believe it God. Please help me to trust in You through difficult situations and for me not to think of the worse when it comes to injuries. Help me not to listen to the enemy and to pray in Your name when I doubt the most. I thank You today for giving me the strength to be able to cheer on my team Lord through both games Lord. I thank You for the impact I had on other people for the short time I had on them Lord. I pray that I will continue to do this Lord and do so by showing how Your love has shaped me as a person. I pray that others will be able to see You through me God. I pray that I can come back this season and progress and work hard in getting better. I pray that You will give me chances to get back out there and have my shoulder become one hundred percent. I pray that You give me the confidence through this healing process that it will not rip again. Please with Your hand God hold the tendons in order. I pray now God for my friends and family that too may be going through something that they are having trouble trusting You in. I pray that they just give it all to You and the other believers that are in their life will too pray over them. I pray that this experience will have an effect on non-believers God and influence them to also have a relationship with You.
Please help me not to fall into Satan's traps and for me to stay positive through all the rough patches in life. Help me to just keep on loving and trusting in You Help me to also follow Your will God. I pray for all the business and Churches that are going through rough times God. Please help them to trust You God and please help the struggling churches to get back up on their feet and to keep praising Your name. I pray down upon those businesses and Churches that are against Your word. False religions God, porn industry, or any other sinful type of nature. Continue to bring those business to a downfall and for them not to affect out economy whatsoever. I pray that our economy will turn around and more people will be able to get jobs. I pray for our new President in the decisions he will be making through the next four or more years. Please help Him to make the right ones Father and for the stress to hold to a minimum. I pray for a dream girl God that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the process. Overall Lord thank You for the things You are doing. Help me to praise in the positives and for me to learn from the negatives. I love You deeply.

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