Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 73 "Extreme Makeover Home Edition"

Daily Summary: Woke up today greatly refreshed and moved around my arm to feel the progress. I was amazed! The pain had literally dropped by 75% from the day before. I couldn't believe it. I probably could of gotten away with not wearing the sling but I decided to just to be safe. I don't want to push myself again and start the haling process all over. When I have the sling on it reminds me that I have a hurt shoulder and I won't try and put weight on it. Plus all the cute girls asked me what happened and I could say I got in a bar fight or something to be cool. Ha totally kidding on that one! Anyways I got ready and headed to Church. I decided to sit by myself today just to avoid distractions and really focus on the message. They changed up some things today that were totally awesome. The worship alone really brought me at the foot of the cross and I could feel God having an impact on over 4,000 people in the room. To see well over half of them lifting their Holy Hands in the air praising Jesus just brings tears to my eyes. Having almost 30 people walk up for the alter call also brought me joy. Pastor Tony did the message this week and his enthusiasm kept me alive and interested throughout the whole message. Talking about how us young children are the real church because we are the future. The adults need to take the time to have an impact on the young ones around them so that they wont stray away from the church that they are apart of. There was some crazy numbers and percentages that came out about the age of teenagers that leave the church after the age of 19 but I can't seem to find the sheet. There was also a bunch of other crazy numbers and statistics on the things that go on in America today that definitely need to change. With God's power everything and anything is possible so I am definitely not worried about it. Well after Church, I didn't really do anything much for the rest of the day besides Laundry. I drove around Corona and took a bunch of pictures and that was pretty fun. I am kind of behind in my Photo class so it was nice to catch up. I probably could of done a lot more homework today but I didn't. I plan on doing it tomorrow before my MRI so I will definitely get it all done. I only have 1 day of classes this week because of the Missions conference so it will definitely be an easy week. So yea I just laid around didn't get to much done but I am not complaining. I had a good day and really had some sweet God experiences. Especially while watching extreme makeover home edition. I couldn't believe the things these people where doing for the needy around them. They were just as needy as the people they were giving things to and they still gave everything they had. The cool part about it all is they couldn't stop praising God for what He had given to them. Really touching stuff if you ask me. Well tomorrow looks pretty simple. I'll just be doing homework and getting the MRI done! Can't wait!
Daily Reading: Colossians 3:12
So we as believers need to clothe ourselves in these traits meaning that they should always be apart of us. Compassion- having compassion in the Lord's name can qualify for many things. Overall the commitment to Him is what brings on the compassion to Him. Making sacrifices also is key to show how truly important your relationship with Jesus Christ. Kindness- having kindness towards others brings on the whole faith and deeds point of view. In James chapter 2 this faith and deeds criteria is talked about. Faith overall should come with kindness. Kindness alone wont get you to heaven but Faith will. While having faith kindness should be brought about so that others may see Christ through Your actions and you may have an impact on them without even knowing it. Humility- it is something that I am not to familiar with the whole meaning of this but what I do know comes from a website that I was looking up not to long ago.
Not presuming on others and avoiding even the appearance of lording it over another. Not threatening or challenging an other's rights, or claiming more for yourself than has been allotted to you in life. (By this reckoning, certain "freethinkers" who think they know better than experts and scholars are the ones with the "humility" problem!) In other words, it is "a socially acknowledged claim to neutrality in the competition of life." In this light think of the servant/slave who says to Jesus, "I have only done my duty," and Paul's admonition to be content with your station. Despite critical claims, this is not a "keep them downtrodden down" mentality, but an encouragement to humility. Yes me yes and no be no's. Gentleness- be cool. Be yourself overall and be that person that would do what Jesus do. Don't go around telling people what they should and shouldn't be doing as a Christian. Go out and talk to them how you feel and give them a chance to explain their point of view on the decisions they make. Patience- tough one. Being patient is very difficult for most people. There are so man chances throughout the day for us to loose the bit of patience we have. Traffic, red lights, waiting for a phone call, no one answering their phone, so and and so forth. Patience also comes with self-control. We need to control ourselves in tough situations and not over react on something that we may regret later. Hang on to Jesus for He will help us with these traits on a daily basis. Remember He gives generously without finding fault!

Daily Reading:
Dear God,
Thank You for this wonderful day today. Thank You for the fact that I didn't really do much and still managed to stay positive throughout the day. Thank You for the wonderful Church experience I had today God and I pray for the ones that walked up. I pray that they will stay connected with You God and if they made a first time decision that they will stand strong and throw away their old self and bring on the new and improved life for Jesus. I pray for the ones that may have been to afraid to walk forward God. I pray that they will find the strength to be able to walk forward and give their lives to You. I pray for the random people I pray for everyday that I have never even met before. I pray that You will have an impact on them in any single way possible and that Your light will shine through them. I now pray for myself through that process God. Help me to obtain a positive attitude. Please keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation, anger, frustration, or any other kind of earthly pleasure. Help me to keep my mouth clean of slander God. I pray that others will be able to see You through my actions and words Father. I pray that I will continue to write my bog on a daily basis and put my full effort into every single one of them. I pray for the people who read them understand why I write and who I am doing it for. I pray that I will find cleaver ways to keep the readers interested God. I pray that if I can improve it in any single way that You will let me know somehow. I pray for our country and new President that he will make the right decisions and that if He is a follower of You God for him to walk with You every single step of the way. I pray for school and the missions conference this week that that goes well and everyone will enjoy it. I now pray for my MRI tomorrow. I pray that the results will come back in my favor and that I wont need surgery God. I pray that if I do it will not bring down my spirits and that the healing process will go well. I pray for struggling friends and family God. Keep them strong God and help me to help them in any single way possible. I love You God. Keep moving in my life. I pray for these things in Your Name.

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