Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 69 "Win!"

Daily Summary: Woke up this morning with an awesome amount of sleep. About 8 and a half hours. Hoping that I would wake up with a little less pain in my shoulder since it felt alright last night didn't go so well. It once again was pretty stiff. I didn't get to disappointed because I know it is healing and that there are people praying for me so it will heal soon! Well I jumped in the shower headed to both breakfast and then chapel. Some international students talked about their experience they have had while being so far away from home. It was really motivating hearing the things they had to say. I think it is tough enough to get through college and not have any family support or anything. Then I look back and realize that my family is less then an hour away and they are always there when I need them. These students don't have that. Their family is literally 1,000's and 1,000's of miles away. I can't comprehend how truly difficult it would be to live so far away from home and go to school. So hats off to them and I hop they continue to have success. Well after chapel I just went back to my room and wrote a paper that was due this afternoon. Since I had a game today I wouldn't of had time to finish it afterwards so I got it turned in early. Sweet deal. Didn't really do much up until I had to go to the trainers to get updated on my shoulder. It seems to be getting better slowly but surely. Hopefully by next week I will be okay. Well today we played Westmont. They are usually not very good but have put up some good fights with the teams in our conference so we couldn't take them lightly. Well the game went awesome. Well not really awesome but we won so that is all that matters. We beat them 5 to 4 once again coming from behind. We were down 5 to 4 at one point until Brent Opdyke broke it open for us and the game became tied 4 to 4. Then in the bottom of the 8th Billy Vopinek lead off with a base hit and coach called on me to pinch run if he got on so that way he can warm up. I got out there and my shoulder was hurting. I had to dive back to the bag a few times but I hung in there and ended up scoring the go ahead run. It was awesome to just get another win no matter how much or little we win by. We have now won 10 of our last 13 games and hopefully we keep on rolling! After the game I couldn't make it to class since it already started and I missed most of it so I just had some dinner and got some homework done for the rest of the night. Lets just hope I get a good amount of sleep and I am nice an energized to have a great day tomorrow! Woo hoo!

Daily Reading: Deuteronomy 7:9
Know that God is well...God! When doing things, going through struggles, or just all out on a downfall. We need to know that God by knowing that He won't ever give us anything that we can't handle. He will be the one that catches us when we fall and will then put us back up on our feet again. He wants nothing more to hold You in His arms. Many people may think that when we get to heaven God is going to look down upon us and get mad at all of the sins that we committed. Yes, it upsets Him when we commit the sins, but when we get to Heaven He will be so excited to see us. That is if we believe in Him and have that relationship with His one and only Son. That really is the only way to Heaven. We can go through life claiming and actually being so called "good people" and don't establish that relationship with God, then He will then indeed look at us and say begone I never even knew You. As it say is in James 2 our faith and deeds need to work together and so that we indeed love God and also others. We need to know that God is GOD! That if He gives us stuff that we may not understand or something that isn't what we want. We need to know that everything happens for a reason and that His will is over any of our wills. An example of this would be me getting hurt. It sucks sitting on the sidelines. It is something I have never had to do throughout my entire career. I hate yes, but I am still positive and never mope thorough the game. I think the same things. Everything happens for a reason so therefore if I wasn't hurt right now then something else could of occurred that would of went wrong. I don't see what it is that it may be but I just take it as God is teaching me something so I need to make the best of it. That is exactly what I am doing. I am sure I can even be doing better in the whole situation and I will continue to work hard to get past the pain and injury. I also need to give it time to heal and not rush things or I am just going to make it worse. That's why with the things God throws at us we need to trust in Him that they will always turn out for the better! Praise God the one and only!

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for the day and for the win. I thank You for the fact that I can sit on the sidelines and still be able to cheer my team on. I thank You for the fact that I am able to stay in the game and no what is going on. I pray that I will continue to do so until I am completely healed. I pray that the healing process will continue to come along and that I will be able to get back out there as soon as possible. I pray that I will not push myself and that I am able to trust in You and know that You are God and that everything happens for a reason. I pray that I will be able to dream wonderful dreams while I sleep Lord and that I get a wonderful night sleep. I pray this also for my friends too. Help them to experience your power in unusual ways so that they know it must be You who is keeping their lives in order. I pray for any struggles they may be going through. I pray that You will lift them up and help them in trusting You as well Lord. Help them to know that everything happens for a reason. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow figure out a way to find You and experience Your everlasting love. I pray for my dream girl Lord. Please help me to find her soon God and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for my attitude God. I pray that others will be able to see You through my actions and that no foul language comes out of my mouth. I pray that You will keep me on track in finishing up this long year of blogs God and you make it the best experience of my life. I love You and I can't wait to talk to You tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love it, what is God trying to teach you on the bench?????
