Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 84 "Uh Oh"

Daily Summary: Well I definitley didn't get enough sleep for the night but I woke up and got ready for class anyways. My favorite class of the day is at 8 o clock. Not! Ha maybe it is just because they are in the morning but one thing that I have notice through the years of school is that every single class that I have in the morning I always seem to get behind in. I usually just don't like the class so I choose not to really pay all that much atention and things really haven't changed while being in college. I chose to have the early class so I have to deal with it. I felt like a zombiee throughout the entire class until she passed out this piece of paper with an explenation on how to write different kinds of sentences. At the end we had to write our own sentences using these specific strategies and we could write about anything. So for some reason I got the urge to write about Jesus and that is exactly what I did. It was tons of fun trying to come up with all these fansy adjectives and everything. It definitley lifted up my zombiness up for the day and I was ready to get rolling. After class I headed over to breakfast and just kind of chilled in the cafe for a while. I could of went to chapel but I wanted to get something to eat and get a jump start on my blog. It was preety nice to be able to get ahead and actually not rush so I could get to bed at a decent hour. I know tonight is going to be preety busy so writing when I have the chance to definitley is good. After chilling in the cafe for an hour or so I headed to class. We had to finish our part of the project that I already finished so I just get to sit back and watch commercials the whole time. How cool is that!? Well I am going to have to finish everything in the morning because I just got in from class and I am super tired. Just to let you know I still read and pray but I just don't have the time to really write everything. :] Good Night. Well the rest of my day went kind of like this. We played another awesome game. Through the first three inning we kept going back and fourth each scoring one run a peace. I got to start in right field today so I was pretty pumped about that. In my first at bat I got a fielders choice groundout but got the RBI which was okay I guess. Through the years getting a hit in my first at bat has been uncommon. After the third inning we started hitting the crap out of the ball. We pounded out 23 hits and put up a score of 18 runs. We won the game 18 to 6 and I ended up going 2 for 3 after getting taken out of the game after the 5th inning. It was a lot of fun and we got into it a few times on the field with the other team, but I won't really get into all of that. Ha well for the rest of the night I just went to class and got my photos critiqued and everything. It took a while to get out of there and by that time I was already falling asleep just sitting in my chair so I just headed to bed and decided to call it a night.

Daily Reading:

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