Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day 77 "So Short"

Daily Summary: Woke up feeling good. I was bound to have a wonderful day no matter what happened. I ended up being really busy and had no time to really sit and right down everything that really went on. Basically I did have a wonderful day today despite the fact that we lost to a crappy team that really played well today. That kind of brought me down but I was able to bounce back and get over it in about an hour. I just am excited for the fact that I am going to be able to play this weekend! I really hope I get the chance to play and get back in the game. I probably have lost a lot of my power by hurting my shoulder so I will need to change some things up hitting wise so I will be able to get going. God is really good. What looked like I wouldn't even be able to make it out there for the rest of the season is looking like it is just a strain injury that would only last 2 weeks. Woo hoo! Other than the game nothing really went on. I tried to keep a smile on my face the whole day and I really just had a positive attitude. Oh yea I have no broken my personal record for the longest beard I have ever grown on myself. If it wasn't pitch black dark in my room I would take a picture. Sorry my roommates are sleeping ha. Well like I said I didn't really have to much time to write tonight it is almost 12:00am so I am a little tired. Yesterday hopefully will make up for today's since I kind of wrote a lot. I hope to take more time to write tomorrow and I will talk to ya'll soon.

Daily Reading: Proverbs 16:24
Giving a complement to someone could easily make their day when it may be going bad. I know for me that totally works. When I am just having a super bad day and nothing seems to be going right the simplest positive comment could put me back up on my feet. Here in this proverb, obviously pleasant words are compared to a honeycomb and what the words can do to ones soul. Since I am not writing to much today I am going to leave you off with a challenge instead of an explanation. Tomorrow/today whether you are working, school, or whatever give someone random a nice and plea sent compliment. If I know you please talk to me about the experience or even if I don't know you. I will be doing this tomorrow and will be talking about my experience in that. I guarantee it will make a persons day or at least get them thinking. If you get a weird look don't worry it is completely normal.

Daily Prayer:
As today was short God I praise You for moving in my life today. I apologize on not being able to find the time to really write tonight. I pray that I will be able to get back up and write strong for tomorrows blog. I thank You for how far You have gotten me through it all so far and that my blog will continue to grow. I love You so much and I pray that tomorrow when I hit batting practice that I will be able to not feel the pain God. I pray that when I wake up tomorrow that I will not feel stiff but alive and ready to play. I pray for the situation I am in which only You know about God. I pray that between the two things that I may have to choose from or may not have to choose from that You will make the answer clear to me and single out the one which is of Your will. Help me to trust in Your decision God and know that You never make mistakes. Again God I love You! Can't wait to meet You.

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