Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 81 "Pulled Over"

Daily Summary: Today God really tested me with my patience and with the whole no complaining thing. I woke up earlier then I should of because I had to do my fantasy baseball draft which took about 45 minuets. My team looks like it should be pretty decent but we will see! It was around 9 when I headed downstairs and got some breakfast. I talked to my pops for a little bit and he said that if I end up going to Nebraska for a tournament over the summer that he is going to come with me. The cool part is that we are going to drive all the way over there. It will take a while, but it will definitely be worth it with the time we get to spend with each other. Later on I packed up all my stuff and headed back to school. I had to buy some photo stuff for my class since my paper was kind of messing things up so I stopped on the way. I was worried because I wasn't going to be able to pay for it all. I decided to pray about it and God blessed me with some money from my parents that I was totally thankful for. The journey home was going great up until I got on the 5. Traffic started to get pretty hectic but I didn't let it get me frustrated and I thought getting off a couple exits before would help me out. Not so much. Taking the side streets definitely took way longer and it almost took me 2 hours to get to the photo place that was about an hour away! Oops. I kept my cool and got all my photo supplies. $60! I thought I was only going to have to spend 40 but it didn't work out that way. Ha all well though. I actually caught myself complaining about the money and I instantly admitted it and text Phil letting him now that I owe him 5 cents. Then on my way back to school from the store something kind of funny happened. I was making a left turn on to some street and I saw an under cover cop. He was kind of starring at my car and just joking around I said to myself shoot I wonder if they are out looking for some silver Ford Focus. Meaning that there was some criminal who stole my same kind of car or something. As it past from my mind almost instantly I was about to take a right turn and looked into my rear view mirror. Uh oh, a marked dodge charger cop was right on my tail. Then I thought wow something is about to go down here. I took the turn and he continued to follow me then put on his lights. I new that I did nothing wrong so I thought wow maybe I was right. He asked me if I new some girl and I said no and asked why what's going on? He said that my license plate brought up a warrant for an arrest for that particular girl. I couldn't believe it. Out of no where! My little car? Shoot he said it was from way back in September and that every cop that runs my plate is going to pull me over. He was really cool the whole time and let me know how to take care of it. I just though I would share it with you all because of how I kind of saw the future. Ha funny way God works, it is like he prepared me for what was about to come by seeing the under cover cop. Shoot well I finally made it back to school and headed straight to practice. I got through practice and everything without a single complaint which was awesome. I had to slow down and figure out the difference between complaining and just stating a bold statement. They both seem like complaints but they are completely different. It is funny how I notice it all when money is on the line. Ha well practice went great we just hit for a long time and what not. Afterwords I rushed over to dinner since it was almost 5 and I had to meet some fellow students at the library by 6. I got there a little early since I wasn't able to make it last week because of my doctor visit. So I waited outside for them to show up. After waiting for about a half hour I gave up and realized that they weren't going to be coming. I got stood up! I eventually did get a hold of them and figured everything out. Got to love facebook. Ha and since they didn't show I got to hang out with Gabby since she was already at the library. It was awesome to see her since she just got back from Maryland this morning. She hasn't slept in like two days. I can't believe she was actually functioning. She headed out and I went over to the dark room to make some prints for the project that is due on Thursday. I got three out of 5 done in a little over two hours and complained 3 more times! So I am now up to 20 cents to Phil shoot. I got tired of the dark room so I headed over to eagles nest for some late night food. I talked to my buddy Nick for a little while before getting after it on my blog. Today was a great and busy day. God really tested my patience and also is helping me to realize the times that I actually complain. Good stuff. Can't wait for what tomorrow brings me. It looks like it is going to be a tough day but I am ready!
Daily Reading: Hebrews 12:14
Well I was trying to find a verse or a section of Scripture where Jesus or something talks about how we should treat others and how far we should take out joking around with each other. I feel that I myself sometimes take it too far and often feel guilty for the things that I say. Part of my personality is being sarcastic and just trying to get laughs out of people. I don't like it when things are silent when I am with a person so I will do anything to get it all going into a conversation. Sometimes it can be really lame and wont work but other times it works good and there is no more awkward silence. I ended up finding this verse in Hebrews. I think I might of actually used this one before in one of my writings but I wasn't sure. I went on with it anyways and I love it! Make EVERY effort. Again just like yesterday. Not some, not every once in a while, not most, but EVERY effort. We need to spread holiness to others and set and example so that people may see Christ through us and out actions. Sometimes all it takes is one mistake to lead someone away from Christ. People can be stubborn and never give it a go. So it is one shot them to choose life or death and it is up to us to help them make that life changing decision. That is why there definitely is a line that we shouldn't cross when joking around. Yea it may seem funny and everything but it just isn't right. The only things that should be coming out of our mouths is the words that would come out of Jesus's mouth. Would he be making fun of someone just for a laugh? I don't think so. Yea I think Jesus definitely does have a sense of humor but I think He is the most serious funny person in my life. He knows when it is time for me to be serious and when it is time to go ahead and be sarcastic. I am going to have to cut my thoughts short tonight. I am literally falling asleep while typing in the Eagles Nest where there is a lot of people hanging out. Hopefully I will have more time tomorrow to talk about this but I highly doubt it. I am sorry. I love Jesus and that's all that matters :]

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Today was awesome and I thank You for the opportunities to show how my patience is doing along with my complaining. I pray that You will give me the strength to be able to not complain about anything throughout the day and I also pray for patience God and that I will not easily become frustrated. I pray that I can be an influence to others in a positive way and shine Your light to others. I pray that my acts will only be ones of holiness. Without this holiness no one will be able to see You.
I pray that I will choose the right words in the future and that I can trust You that everything is going to be okay. Please keep Satan from my thoughts in telling me that my life sucks, and for me to just quit everything that I have worked so hard for. I pray that I will never give up on anything that I have started God. Help me to stay strong and to stick to the things I believe in. I love You so much. Help me not to feel any type of pain that is going on in my body. I now pray for the people who think that they can sin just because You will forgive them anyway. Help them to understand the right system God and for them to know that excepting You as there Lord and Savior and having that relationship with You is the only way that their sins will be ultimately forgiven. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all of the rough times that they may be going through Lord that they will look to You for guidance and for strength God. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for You to use me in the process. I pray for our country and for our fairly new President. Please help him to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around for the better. Please help those who are loosing their homes and jobs to stay up on their feet and not give up on life or anything like that. Help them to figure out that there is a Savior that loves them and will help them through it all. I pray that You continue to push me to take my writings to the extra level and for me to not get lazy in writing them. I pray that I will be able to get my full thoughts every single day and also for them to do so. I pray for my dream girl Father. Please help me find her and for me to be patient int he process. Help me to be absolutely sure and for me not to make any mistakes. I pray for my Dad and his family Lord that You will lift them up and keep them on their feet and if any way possible for them to all come to know You God. Let me be a light in their lives so that they may become curious to why I am the way I am. Help them to have a better understanding of it all. Help everyone to be able to see You through me and for me to be myself no matter who I may be around. Most of all God help me to be a living example of You. I pray that You hep me through school and everything and for me to not become lazy and for me to get my work done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

1 comment:

  1. Fussing always ends in sin. We imagine that a little anxiety and worry are an indication of how really wise we are; it is much more an indications of how really wicked we are. Fretting springs from a determination to get our own way. Our Lord never worried and He was never anxious, because He was not "out" to realize His own idea; He was "out" to realize God's ideas. Fretting is wicked if you are a child of God.. All our fret and worry is caused by calculating without God.
    We face Legitimate concerns every day of our lives. But instead of fretting, instead of worrying, we need to focus on discerning what we can do (with God's help) and what should be left entirely up to God. Even more important, we need to keep our focus on who God is and what God can do.
