Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 88 "Beautiful Day"

Daily Summary: Today was definitely one of the most laid back days I have had in a long time. I woke up when I felt like it and still had time to be able to get something to eat and head to chapel. Chapel was awesome. Although the women seemed like she was speaking in front of a crowd for the first time I understood after all of the things she talked about. She talked about what she has been through her entire life and how God was always whispering in her ear but she never gave in up until she had nothing left. From extensive use of drugs to being on the streets prostituting she came out on top by becoming a follower of Christ. Her story was truly inspiring and pumped me up for the day. I really didn't have anything to really do for the day. Since practice got canceled I scheduled to make up my mid term around 4:00. I was pretty nervous about how hard it was going to be so I attempted to study for it. It didn't really go as planned. I headed to the library and sat down in a nice comfortable seat. I didn't bring my computer or anything so that way I wouldn't get distracted. The comfortable seat distracted me enough as I caught myself drifting off and I eventually fell asleep. I realized that the whole library thing wasn't a good idea so I headed over and sat outside by the fountain. I thank got distracted with others conversations and everything so I just kind of sat there and enjoyed what a beautiful day it was outside. I did this for a while before grabbing something to eat then heading back to the dorm room for a while. I tried again to study up before taking the mid term, it happened to be quite difficult as expected. If I had any study skills whatsoever then it probably would have been a little easier. All well that is what I get for going through high school not letting myself learn anything. After the test I hung out in the library for a little bit then walked around and read a book a friend of mine let me borrow. It is an amazing book but she took it back from me once she was done with some homework. So I guess I will have to wait until she finishes before I could pick it back up again. I actually thought I was going to be able to read something on my own! Ha probably not but it was worth the try. After that I had the opportunity to sit and talk with my buddy Josh Brubaker. I haven't seen him in so long. It was awesome to connect with him and really talk about what has been going on in our lives through the past couple of weeks. Then Gabby and I headed to dinner to hang out for a while and catch up on how our weekends went. She had tons of stories about Jesus and what He had done over the weekend. It was some amazing stuff. Through all of the things that go on in peoples minds, hers always has something to do with Jesus. That is what really excites me every time we get to hang out with one another. It was definitely awesome fellow shipping with her once again today. For the remainder of the night I didn't really do much. I went an worked out for a while until my shoulder started to hurt a little bit then I just chilled up in my room. Today was one of the best days that I have had in a while. I literally went around campus and just sat in various spots just either reading or sitting there and thinking about the most random stuff. I finally realised how to really entertain myself without a computer, a cell phone, or anything else like that. Just enjoying the beautiful day God gave us is entertaining enough.
Daily Reading: Jeremiah 15:17-21
Well first of all I would like to thank Lydia for this verse tonight. I would also like to thank everyone who gave me verses to use tonight. I obviously wont be able to use them all in one night but I will definitely be using them in the future! Ha well on with the verse. This verse is awesome. Footnotes- Jeremiah first accused God of not helping him when he really needed it. Jeremiah had taken his eyes off God's purposes and was feeling sorry for himself. He was angry, hurt, and afraid. In response, God didn't get angry at Jeremiah; He answered by rearranging Jeremiah's priorities. As God's mouthpiece, he was to influence the people, not let them influence him. There are three important lessons in this passage, one is that in prayer we can reveal our deepest thoughts to God. Another is that God expects us to trust Him no matter what, and last is that we are here to influence others to God. My thoughts on these three things would include this. For the first one it brings many thoughts to my head. What comes up to the most is friendship. In order to maintain a stable friendship with someone you obviously have to be in a relationship with them. In that friendship we may share things that we may not share to others and trust in them that they aren't going to spread the word to others about what you said. This is how we need to talk to God, like He is our friend and closest friend. We need to share every last bit of what is on our mind with Him. No matter how big or small it may be. Now God obviously isn't going to go around telling all your friends what you just prayed to Him about but you get what I mean. For the second one, back to the whole trust thing. As we are throwing out these deepest thoughts to Him we need to be able to trust in what He brings us. One of the hardest things that I go through is not trusting Jesus it is just accepting His answers to my prayers. Sometimes I don't want to have to listen to what He has brought to my attention but I hit myself in the head and realize who the heck I am dealing with here. It is God. The One who knows best and is just setting my life up according to His will and I need to accept what He has given me even if it is what I don't want. Tough love but great love as long as Jesus is involved! For the last one influencing others to God should be one of our main goals on a daily basis. Sometimes the littlest things can bring people to God. I can go through some crazy stories about how people have really influenced by the simplest acts of Godliness. This is another thing that I have failed in the last couple of days. I have been okay when I am around others but I haven't really been when talking to random people online. I play a stupid browser game online and I am sometimes messaged by random people around me and I think nothing of it and either ignore them or say something I shouldn't. One in particular was kind of saying some lame things then when I started talking back I realized what I was doing. I wasn't setting an example and shinning a light that I try my best to do every single day. I quickly caught myself and apologized to the person and instantly told them who I was and what I was about. I have started asking about their faith but they have yet to get back to me. My lesson was that I should look at every situation with a stranger as a chance to be able to share Christ with them. Even if it isn't a stranger sharing Christ should always be on my mind. I talked more about what I have been struggling in my examples today only because I am trying to be more open to what I am struggling with to others. If I only talk about the positives then it will seem like everything is always okay and perfect. It definitely isn't so I am working towards being more honest and open! Woo hoo! Praise God.

Daily Reading:
Dear Lord,
Thank You for such a beautiful day today! I thank You for the fact that I was able to literally do nothing but still be able to entertain myself all day. I thank You for the time I got to spend with others and just for the fact that I am able to be here at such an awesome school that is literally surrounded by Your presence. I now would like to pray for the things that I talked about in my daily reading section. Through the three things that were being taught through the message I would like to work on each one Father. Help me to be more open to You and others and for me to trust You in everything that You do for me. I pray for the fact that I may not want the answers that You have given me. Help me to keep on realizing that I have so much more then what others have an how truly blessed I really am. So with that I thank You for all that You have done for me and I pray that I will continue to be blessed by You wonderful Grace. I now would like to pray for my friend Allee as her family has to deal with a funeral tomorrow. Although I myself haven't had to experience one yet Father I am sure they are a tough thing to swallow. I pray that You be with that family and help them to praise You through it all and know that He is with You right now and everything is going to be okay. I pray for any other friends or family that may be going through a rough time. I pray that they will look to You and trust You with their problems God. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such an awesome day.

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