Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 64 "Ouch"

Daily Summary: After going to bed a little bit before two, I new that I wasn't going to wake up nice and refreshed. I dealt with it and went to chapel in the morning. It definitely wasn't the most interesting chapel I have ever been to but just seeing the speakers compassion for Jesus really fired me up as a Christian. There are different views on every aspect of everything and that is what I got out of it. After chapel I headed back to the room and just kind of messed around on the computer for a while before leaving to go meet my mom for our usual Friday lunch. Since I was in the lame mood for the first couple days of the week and also pretty busy, I haven't really talked to her all week so I was really looking forward to meeting her. Oh yea not to mention the fact that I get a free lunch. Oops. :] Anyways we went to NYPD as usual and it was delicious, as usual. My mom and I talked about everything going on and how my blog the other night really affected her and the rest of the family. I was also grateful that my father actually took the time to read everything and get some sweet stuff out of it. Well after lunch I headed back to school and went to practice. I was happy to practice today after coming back from an awesome win yesterday. Tomorrow we play Fresno and they are an excellent team so we really need to step our game even more. Practice was going good as usual and then all sudden something bad happened. We have a drill called lightning where we play our positions during batting practice and try to get 27 consecutive outs. I was in left and playing aggressive like I always do then I was going back for a fly ball running full speed caught it and then smacked right into a poll on the fence. Sound familiar? I did this a couple weeks ago doing the same exact thing. Except this one was much worse. The whole left side of my body was toast. My shoulder felt broken and everything else was scraped up. I hit the deck for a while then tried to get back out there but the pain was just to bad. I went to the trainer and nothing was broken but it now hurts to put on a shirt or lift anything with my left arm. This especially sucks for tomorrows game because the coach said to me that I would be starting in left. If you are Reading this please pray for my shoulder and that it will be okay to play tomorrow. Thanks a bunch. After all that I went to dinner and sat by myself just to pray about everything. I prayed that if I wasn't able to play tomorrow that it will not hurt me mentally and that I will heal up quickly. After that I played some ping pong and then chilled in my room for the rest of the night. I iced up my arm and tried to move it around as much as possible so it wouldn't tighten up. That's all I did really for the whole night. I was going to go out but i changed my mind and decided to get a good nights rest and have some fun tomorrow night instead. I actually later on tonight went to the emergency room. The pain was real bad and I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. it was. Night ya'll.

Daily Reading: Matthew 15:10-11
When Jesus said these words He was referring to the Jewish regulations concerning food and drink. When reading it it kind of made me think of the words that come out of our mouths. It also isn't only what comes out of our mouth but the things we say but don't actually come out of our mouths. Basically the negative things that come out of our mouths. It doesn't even have to be cursing, making fun of someone, or anything else like that. Of course those things are bad and shouldn't be said or thought about but what I wan' to focus on is more deep stuff. Words like "I can't", "I am no good", "I'll never be able to accomplish that"... and many more, these kind of words should never come out of a Christian mouths. Through God we can achieve anything. We should think positively on anything that we encounter through life. My example of this is yet again baseball. I often tell myself thinks like I can't hit, or I will never be able to hit that guys slider. Now of course Satan wants me to believe those lies but I have to overcome them. If I believe the words I say then I never be able to succeed in baseball. Never say never just say not yet. When talking to my professor on how it was tough dealing with a certain situation with a non believer she said to me, "They aren't a believer...yet" this gave me hope I thought I would never get to encourage the person to become a believer and not to get stressed at how many times they reject it. Praise God and lets watch what comes out of our mouths.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today. I pray that the things that come out of my mouth and any ones mouth that it will in some way glorify You and not put us or each other down. Help words of wisdom to come out and for us to take what is said seriously. I pray now Father for the injury I encountered today. Please heal me Lord and for me to be able to play tomorrow if it is Your will. Help it to not be as serious as it seems God. Help me to bounce back quickly and not be affected by it. I love You God so much and I know what kind of power You have to heal.
I pray that I will trust in You through all of my problems and everything and help me to fix my eyes on You. Help me to always be thinking of You through out the day and to also talk to You throughout the day. Help me relationship with to build up and for me to put in all of the effort needed to do so. I pray that people will be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to have a positive attitude and have an influence on others. I pray now for my friends and family that may be going through some rough times. Please lift them up in anyway possible and for them to also look to You for answers. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that You will some how help them to find Your light. Please use me in the process and for me to have the right words and courage to talk to them. I pray for our country and government. Please help them to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around. I also pray for my roommate Phil and whatever he may be going through. I pray that You will help him be able to figure out what the right thing is to do for work over the summer. I pray that You will keep his mind positive and for him to shine Your light every single day. He is a true man of You God so please keep him on that right path. Please help me to have a wonderful day again tomorrow God and for me to also soon find that dream girl I always seem to be talking about. Help me to be patient in that process and other processes that You may be working through in my life. I pray these things in Your wonderful name.

1 comment:

  1. James 3:5-6 The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
    James 3:9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness.
    With all of that we should all think before we speak.
