Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 89 "Get After It"

Daily Summary: Today was pretty much a normal Tuesday. I woke up and didn't feel like rushing around so I got to class on time and went to breakfast afterward instead of before. There isn't a day that goes by where I realize how cool it is being on your own. You wake up when you want, go to bed when you want, and heck you even get to eat when you want. Lol that might have been a little sarcastic but we wont get into that. Anyways, the day was pretty much flowing by for the most part. Class went well in the morning surprisingly it wasn't all that boring. Probably because I was day dreaming the whole time. My mind is always wondering and it is tough for me to actually stay in one place for a long period of time. Yesterday was a true example of that as I just sat around random places around school all day long. Well I got through that and then headed to breakfast. Getting there right before it closes around 9:30 is tough because half of the stuff that they have to eat is usually gone or there are no more bowls for cereal. Lame. After that I once again sat around in a few places around campus and just kind of relaxed up until my next class. We weren't doing anything besides working on our projects so it was definitely pretty simple. I wasn't really all that hungry afterwords since I had a late breakfast but I decided to just chill at lunch and eat something little anyways. After that I just played some ping pong before getting ready to practice. It went by pretty quick today and it was actually a lot of fun. My shoulder was bothering me a little bit but it now feels fine since I iced it and everything. After practice I just headed to dinner then sat around waiting for class to start. We were just going over a few things and I was hoping that we got out nice and early so that way I could get to the housing meeting but it didn't really work that way. He talked for hours about how we should do our projects. It was pretty wack but I wasn't complaining because the pictures were all really cool. After a while though I couldn't take it and needed to get to the meeting so I left early. The meeting was kinda boring but meaningful as I learned a lot of information about what we needed to do to reserve rooms for next year. I caught up with Gab afterwards and hung out for a bit before just going to bed nice an early for the night. We have a game tomorrow at Cal Baptist that I am really looking forward to!
Daily Reading: James 4:17
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. This verse here obviously explains how we should never pass a chance to do good here in the world. We tend to think that doing wrong is sin. Here James tells us that sin is also not doing right. It is a in to lie it can be a sin to know the truth and not tell it. It is a sin to speak evil of someone, it is a sin to avoid someone when you know they they need a friendship. We should be willing to help as the Holy Spirit guides us. If God has directed us to do a kid act, to render a service, or to restore a relationship. DO IT! We will experience a renewed and refreshed vitality to our Christian Faith. I couldn't tell you how many times I have actually failed at doing this. There are millions of Non-Christians around me and I have had so many opportunities to share something but I don't. Now that I look back at it I realize how horrible it really is not to share God with everyone. I have also failed this kind of thing in my writings. I sometimes am not positive things when I always should be positive if I have God in my life. I have even spoken evil on people and I sometimes do it on a daily basis. When in reality I should be working harder to fix my relationship with them. I think the hardest thing to do is really get along with someone that is completely different then you. A person that I am struggling with I have to deal with a daily basis and I never give them a chance to even be accepted by me. It is hard to admit but it is something that has been going on for quite a long time now. So with that I could literally be sinning everyday when I even think about something negative with this person. I am truly convicted of this after reading this verse and the footnotes and it is something that I will be praying for big time.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You once again for another beautiful day here at school. I that l You for the fact that I was able to get through all my classes on a positive note and that I am actually learning some things. I pray that I continue to work hard to learn things at school rather then just go through the motions and take the easy way out. Another thing I would like to pray for is baseball. It seems to be going real well right now. I pray that whether I play of not I will be able to have fun and that my teammates will play hard and we are able to pump out some victories. I pray for all of the injuries that we are going through that they will heal with Your awesome power. I pray that I will trust in You trough all of the things that I pray about and that Your answers won't frustrated me but will thrill me. I pray for those around me who I may not get along with or may not have a stable friendship with. help me to not talk evil about them and to work hard to have a stable relationship with them. Help me not to get frustrated over simple things and for me to just shine Your light wherever I go. Help people to be able to see You through me and my actions. Help me to deal with problems as You would Father.
I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such another awesome day.

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