Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 61 "Downs and Ups"

Daily Summary: Today definitely had it's ups and downs. It started out pretty good for the most part both of my classes went by really quick and I also listened to a chapel on the Resurrection and how there would be no Christianity without it. It is amazing to see how important the resurrection really is and how we wouldn't even have the chance to have that relationship with Jesus Christ without it. I couldn't imagine not having someone by my side, always answering my calls, and one that forgives my sins. I appreciate every second Jesus gives to me and all the great things He has done in my life. Well after chapel I went to my intro to mass media class, we took a super easy quiz and reviewed for a test. My professor likes to make everything easy and basically gave us every answer to the question that is going to be on our mid term. She is a super cool lady and makes everything fun in the class. I wish I could be there more but baseball is kind of taking a toll on that. The class is also really interesting as well. I definitely am learning a lot with the little time that I am in there. After that I headed to yet another game verse Bethany. To make a long story short, we slaughtered them yet again. 13 to 0. I again didn't do so well with the time I had and yet again didn't get any hits. Baseball has now become a day ruiner in my life. I don't even know if that is a word but whatever. It is definitely what brought my day down but just talking with a friend definitely got my mind off of things. I can't really just take any kind of failure in my life right now. Baseball is one of the biggest things in my life and it is definitely the one thing I put the most time towards. I am doubting myself and don't feel good out there at all. I definitely need to fix some things here pretty quick before I tare myself up. Well after the game I headed to dinner, took a shower, then went to my night class. It was photography. We just went over what our new project while I was falling asleep. Good thing there is texting otherwise I would of passed out half way through class. We got out of class early so I met with Phil and played our daily ping pong matches. He again beat me today. It was a lot of fun though and he is getting better most definitely. That is basically what went on for the rest of the night. Thank God for friends otherwise my life would be ridiculous!
Daily Reading: James 1:19-21
Today I was talking about James being the book where my life verse is held to my great friend Allison and I also wanted to write about how we should handle anger as Christians so I found the perfect verse. The reason why I wanted to write about anger is because it has been a problem with me lately. Mostly at baseball. Like I said before I just can't handle failure in my life in that area and I have been experiencing nothing but failure lately. I need to be able to handle my anger and failure should only cause me to work harder so that I may not fail again. Footnotes9: When we talk too much and listen too little, we communicate to others that we think our ideas are much more important than their. James wisely advises us to reverse this process. We need to put a mental stopwatch on our conversations and keep track of how much we talk and how much we listen. In my life when anger completely takes control over me going to God is the last thing on my mind. Now I have talked about this before and just being reminded of it makes me upset that I do these things. Even though I get angry I still should cry out to God to bring me at ease and to really just take control of my actions. I can't talk to my mom when I am angry because I will take things out on her. This is why I haven't talked to her in almost two days because of how the last two games have gone. It again upsets me. I need to be slow to anger and slow to speak of angry things and just put God in the center of my conversations with others. I need not to let Satan take control of my thoughts and God needs to be the main focus on a daily basis.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
The weather was amazing today and I thank You for that. Right away I would like to start out by talking about my anger problem and how I deal with failure. God baseball is just going horrible for me right now. It is getting to the point where I don't even want to play anymore. I couldn't hit water if I fell out of a boat. This is really haunting me and I need to somehow find the time to work on what I am doing wrong Lord. Please help me to do so and to do so with a joyful heart. Now with this failure that is apart of my life God I pray that You will keep me form getting angry and to keep my head up. Keep me from thinking negative and for Satan to stay out of my thoughts. God just do whatever Your will is for me and help me to trust You through it all. I love You God. I now would like to thank You for the friends I have in my life. They all mean so much to me and really brought my day from bad to wonderful. I thank You that I am growing in the friendships I have and that I am also making new friends. Please continue to help me keep these acts up and for me to continue to be deeply impacted by my friends. Help me to also be a key part in their lives and for me to always answer their calls and be there when I need them. I pray for any friend or family member that may be going through rough times God. Please lift them up and for them to be able to go to You for everything. I pray for the ones who don't know You God. Please help them to somehow find You and for me to be apart of that process. I pray that You will keep me away from any kind of sexual temptation and for me along with frustration. Please help me to exemplify You through all my actions including my words. Help others to see You through me and my attitude. I pray for my dream girl Lord. Help her to somehow pop into my life and for me to treat her like an angel Lord. Help me to be patient in the process and for us to handle every situation in Your eyes. Help us put You in the center of our relationship. I pray that You will be in the center of all my relationships Father. I pray for our country help us to turn our economy around and for our new President to make the right decisions. I pray for all the unknown and forgotten prayers Lord. Please help them to come to me so that I may pray for them. I love You in Your name.

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