Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day 87 "Refreshed"

Daily Summary: I woke up awake and ready for the day. I was excited to be able to hang out with my old coach and buddy from way back in my travel ball days. We went to a high school and hit for a while. It was awesome being able to hang out and hit with them. I haven't seem them in I don't know how long. I am trying to get Jeff to come to Biola for a tryout and come here. That would be awesome I literally grew up with this kid playing baseball all over the country. Well after that I jumped in the car and headed over to Long Beach State University. My buddy Andy from high school is a pitcher at UNLV and got the start against Long Beach this afternoon. I was thrilled to see him on the mound competing at the next level. He did an amazing job despite the fact that he not only had little to none run support but his team made 8 errors behind him. Shoot. I got to talk to him after the game and his positive attitude afterwards really pumped me up. It pumped me up because I was able to realize and look at how I handle myself through those types of situations. For example when our team wins a game and I may not get to play or not do well then I get in a bad mood. I need to be able to look at the positives and be in a good mood no matter what happens during the game. I mean I have God in my life so there is nothing ever to look down upon when He is always at my side. Andy is an awesome man and is also a believer and it is awesome in seeing the man he is becoming! I hope I am able to make it to more games and hopefully hang out with him this summer. Well after the game I just headed back to school and relaxed for the rest of the night. I went over to the cafe got some food. Then did some major laundry that has been piling up over the past week. After that I really cleaned up my room or at least tried to. I realized that I have too much stuff here that I will never loose. I am the type of guy that always brings everything for that one time I think I might have to use it but in reality I know I never will. Ha well it was a pretty boring night for the most part. Nothing really went on besides those exciting events. Tomorrow is going to be pretty simple as well. Practice got cancelled so I have the whole day to really just do homework and relax. Catch up on some sleep!

Daily Reading: Romans 2:1
Whenever we find ourselves feeling justifiably angry about someones sin, we should be careful. We need to speak out against sin, but we must do so in a Spirit of humility. Often the sins we notice most clarity in others are the ones that have taken root in us. If we look closely at ourselves, we may find that we are committing the same sin in more socially acceptable forms. For example, a person who gossips may be very critical of others who gossip about him or her. Gossip is one thing that I struggle with in some ways. I usually pick out a few people that I may not like and just ind of nag on them to others. When I do these things I can feel and sense that what I am doing is wrong and I still continue to do them. That is pretty sad I know. Reading this verse and understanding it will make me think twice before I speak and before I pick on other people. I know if others were talking about me behind my back which I am sure that they do, I would want to know what I am doing wrong to displease them so I can fix it. So rather then me going out and talking bad about someone to someone else I should be a man about the situation and talk to whatever is going on with them one on one. This may be hard but like I always say, with the help of God and trusting in Him then all things are possible. Even if what needs to be done is uncommon.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Lord,
Thank You for today. Thank You for the fact that I was able to see many of my friends that I have been unable to see in the last few months. Thank You for letting me be able to go and support my good friend from high school and watch him compete. Thank You for the fact that he has found You God. Please help Him to continue going strong in the Lord and for everything to work out for him. Help him to go to You through both rough and good times Father. I pray now for gossip and the things that I ma say about other people that I shouldn't. Please forgive me for the times that I may have said some things that I shouldn't of out of anger God and I pray that I will be able to tame my tongue.
I pray that I can be an influence to others in a positive way and shine Your light to others. I pray that my acts will only be ones of holiness. Without this holiness no one will be able to see You. I pray that I will choose the right words in the future and that I can trust You that everything is going to be okay. Please keep Satan from my thoughts in telling me that my life sucks, and for me to just quit everything that I have worked so hard for. I pray that I will never give up on anything that I have started God. Help me to stay strong and to stick to the things I believe in. I love You so much. Help me not to feel any type of pain that is going on in my body. I now pray for the people who think that they can sin just because You will forgive them anyway. Help them to understand the right system God and for them to know that excepting You as there Lord and Savior and having that relationship with You is the only way that their sins will be ultimately forgiven. I now pray for my friends and family. I pray for all of the rough times that they may be going through Lord that they will look to You for guidance and for strength God. I pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to some how find You God and for You to use me in the process. I pray for our country and for our fairly new President. Please help him to make the right decisions and for our economy to be turned around for the better. Please help those who are loosing their homes and jobs to stay up on their feet and not give up on life or anything like that. Help them to figure out that there is a Savior that loves them and will help them through it all. I pray that You continue to push me to take my writings to the extra level and for me to not get lazy in writing them. I pray that I will be able to get my full thoughts every single day and also for them to do so. I pray for my dream girl Father. Please help me find her and for me to be patient int he process. Help me to be absolutely sure and for me not to make any mistakes. I pray for my Dad and his family Lord that You will lift them up and keep them on their feet and if any way possible for them to all come to know You God. Let me be a light in their lives so that they may become curious to why I am the way I am. Help them to have a better understanding of it all. Help everyone to be able to see You through me and for me to be myself no matter who I may be around. Most of all God help me to be a living example of You. I pray that You hep me through school and everything and for me to not become lazy and for me to get my work done. I pray for all of these things in Your wonderful name.

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