Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 86 "Not Using My Time Wisely"

Daily Summary: Well I woke up this morning hope to be awakened and ready to play an exciting day of baseball. I guess I felt alright but I still needed to go out and get a nice ice coffee before heading to the field. Today was our two games against Point Loma University. They were ranked number 3 in the nation and we needed to win both to really put us up in the standings. The first game didn't look to good as we quickly trailed 6 to 0 after the 3rd inning. Then we turned things around and started hitting big time. I just pinch ran this game but I was cheering everyone on big time. We rallied back and ended up tieng the game after a five run inning and a solo shot by Hawkins Gebbers. The next inning we scored two then scored another and that held the lead as we won 9 to 7. We were pumped and ready to play the second game but it didn't turn out the way we wanted to. We got smoked 11 to 0. I got to start in right field this game and ended up going 1 for 3. Having 1 of only 4 hits in the game wasn't to bad I guess. I would of rather had no hits and won the ball game but I guess that didn't happen. I got a lot of action in the field today as well. About 5 fly balls or so. I usually never get fly balls when I play so it was cool to get a few. After the game I just relaxed for the night and didn't do much of anything. I went to bed super early since I kind of have a long day tomorrow and I need to get a good blog in. Hanging with an old coach and friend then seeing my buddy pitch for UNLV at Long Beach State. Night Y'all.

Daily Reading: Luke 6:45
Jesus reminds us that our speech an actions reveal out true underlying beliefs, attitudes, and motivations. The good impressions we try to make cannot last if we are being deceptive. What is in your heart will come in your speech and behavior. This makes so much sense and it is something I pray for on a daily basis. I always ask God to help me to walk in His eyes and have others be able to see me through me and my actions. I may have not been the best example of that by not really sticking to what I have been committed to do. I seem to always be getting on the computer way to late and so by the time I do I am distracted with other things on the computer it is hard to me to actually take the time to write. So tomorrow I am promising that I will write and write like I usually for the first time in a few days. I am going to trust God in having Him help me get this task done and I hope to share my experience in writing. It may not seem like such a big deal but it really is to me. I keep wanting to give up this whole blog thing but I am going to stick to it for as long as I can. I love Jesus.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus,
The last few days have been tough and I would like to ask for Your forgiveness for not using my time wisely. I pray that I will be able to write a full blog tomorrow and will put my absolute full effort into doing so. I pray that I will not get distracted by the things around me and that I will stay fully committed to my writings. I love You so much and thank You for giving me the chance to again play baseball today as the season basically almost seemed hopeless for me. I love You.

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