Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 65 "Split"

Daily Summary: Today was definitely another short but busy day. Woke up in horrible pain and new right away that I wasn't going to be able to play today. This really disappointed me. I let some frustration out pretty quick then kind of got over it. Through the whole day I wanted so bad to be able to get out there. It sucks just sitting there not being able to play. I tried my best to cheer on my team for the majority of the time but it was definitely tough to stay focused. Well the first game went bad. We lost 4 to 0. The pitcher for Fresno through real well and just had a lot of command with his fastball and slider. There were a few times where we had some chances to pull through. My man B.A. pitched a great game and just coulnd't find the run support to get the win. All well we came back with game two hoping to change things up. They game must have lasted an hour and a half. It was 0 to 0 through the 5th inning when we got something going. With two walks in a row, coach looked at me and asked if I can run. I said sure out of no where and instantly put on my cleats, through on a helmet and sprinted out there to second base. I had just been sitting around all day and I was kind of put in an unusual situation. It didn't really affect me whatsoever and I was just ready to sprint home if a base hit went down. Since I was hurt my friend Josh Burket was in left field and was up to bat. He slammed a base hit through the right side of the outfield so hard that I wasn't able to be waved around from third but we now had the bases loaded with no one out. As I was running I could just feel my shoulder moving up and down and felt a great load of pain. I was hurting big time but I only had 90ft to go to finish my job and I was good for the rest of the day. Tex came up swinging and hit a shot that looked to be in the gap but Fresno's center fielder made an unbelievable play. I was able to tag up and score the one and only run of the game. My arm now felt like it was completely out of the socket. I quickly got iced up and watch the rest of the game and was pumped to get the victory. I don't know what it is I just love to win no matter how it happens. Winning really changes my mood and takes the pain away. There was only 5 hits throughout the whole game and Fresno had three of them two which came from the last inning alone. Although we split we did so against the number 12th ranked team in the country. Overall we felt accomplished to get through the day and are bound to get over 500 after the end of next week. After the games I headed to dinner with some of the guys then went back to the room for most of the night. I had plans but they fell through so I just kind of relaxed and did some homework for the rest of the night. I didn't really want to do much because of my shoulder anyways. I'll just have to keep praying and hopefully I will be able to heal up by the time we play next week.

Daily Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Many think that when God comforts us, out troubles go away. But if that were always so people would turn to God only out of a desire to be relieved of pain and not out of love for Him. We must understand that being comforted can also mean receiving strength, encouragement, and hope to deal with out troubles. The more we suffer, the more comfort God gives us. If we are dealing overwhelmed, we need to allowed God to comfort us. Remember that every trial we endure will help us comfort other people who are suffering similar troubles. When talking to people about God they may not understand why we search for comfort from a person that we can't even see.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for today. Thank You for being able to split against a tough team and for us all working real hard to play to the best of our ability. I pray for my injury Lord that it will heal soon so I can get back out there and play my best God. I pray that this injury will not get the best of me and that I can keep moving forward and stay positive God. I pray that my attitude will not be affected and that I realize that there will be more opportunity to play in the future. I pray with the words that come out of my mouth will stay positive and that I can keep my eyes fixed on You Jesus. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I now pray for my friends and family that may be going through rough times or spiritual struggles Lord. I pray that they will go to You with their problems and that they will trust You through it all. I pray for the ones that don't know You God that they will somehow find You. Please use me in the process of that Lord and give me the words and actions I need in order to show them Your wonderful grace. I now pray for the people in this world that may be atheist, or believe that there can't be a God. I pray that they will one day figure out what the Truth really is before it is to late. I am also deeply disappointing at how many people are watching the lame documentary on how they make fun of You God. Let them find Your truth also Lord and for them to be full of guilt. I pray for my dream girl Lord and that she will show up when the time is right. Help me to patient through this and everything else I am waiting for God. I pray that tomorrow will go well with taking my friend down to my church God. help us to have a good time and really connect with each other as friends. Help me to keep on loving You Father.

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