Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 62 "Friends, Family, Love, Hope, Peace, and Joy"

Daily Summary: Well I could go on today about what went on in my day and how it had it's ups and downs, some things were awesome. Some things did suck, but today I am just going to strictly going to talk about what good is going on in my life. Lately all I have been doing is feeling sorry for myself and how everything seems to be going wrong. When I talk about the positives in my life the negatives seem to disappear and I can realize and fix those negative things so they wont destroy me anymore. After having a friend or two messaging me about what they had read in my blog and have given the best words of encouragement anyone could have ever given me. I have been praying so much for God to put these kind of people in my life and I am so thankful that He is answering such a prayer. Well on with the positives. My life may not be the most exciting one but after thinking about it I am a person who has literally been given so much that I couldn't even recall half of the stuff. For example, my God put me in a family who loves me. My God gave me a mom who loves the Lord, a mom who would die for me and give me everything she has, a mom who hurts when I hurt, praises when I praise, a mom who I love, a mom who married a wonderful man, man who loves me even though he has only known me for almost a year now, a step dad who will stop anything that he is doing just to give me words of wisdom, a man who will sacrifice anything just to take care of my needs, a man that I love, I also have a brother from my moms side, a brother who is indeed hilarious in the things he does, a brother who talks and plays along with the movies and TV shows he watches, a brother who will make me laugh, a brother who will eat anything at anytime, a brother who gets mad if you touch his glasses, a weird brother that I love, God next has given me a little sister also on my moms side, a little sister who is growing up way to fast, a little sister who I couldn't stop calling a baby while growing up, a little sister who's hair is really curly, a sister who loves me so much even though I can't always be there for her, a little sister who loves Jesus and will pray for anyone, a little sister who loves the Jonas brothers way to much, a little sister who thinks she is funny, a little sister who I love, God has also given me an older sister which I am fully related to, a rebellious sister who just loves finding trouble, a sister who somehow got to the height I always wanted, a sister who has proven me wrong with her latest accomplishments, a sister who is growing into a young women and putting herself in the real world, a sister who just might make more money then I will someday, a sister who if that happens will have to buy me a car (yes I remember our bet), a sister who will one day see the light the Lord offers her and will straighten everything out, a sister who I can fight with one minuet then joke with the next minuet, a sister who I left out in the rain, a sister who I love, next God gave me a Father, a father who has literally given up 1,000's upon 1,000's of hours of time taking me everywhere for baseball, a father who has pushed me to become a better athlete and to love the game of baseball, a father who moved for me just so I could go to the high school I wanted to go to, a father who bought me a car when he really didn't have the money to do so, a father who loves to talk about what he would do with the money if he ever one the lottery, a father who I have grown in my relationship with over the past year, a relationship I thought I would never have with him, a father who I love, my God has also given me a step mom, a step mom with whom I have had some bumps in the road with over the years but still manage to come out of it all, a step mom who loves to talk about everything that is going on in her life, a step mom who calls her dogs kids, a step mom who will always listen to your feelings and always wants to make things better between people, a step mom who loves her family more then anything, a step mom who misses one day of work a week, God has also given me a half brother through my dad and step mom, one who I may have not had the best relationship with over the years, a brother who I may not understand but one who needs a big brother, a brother who I need to deeply pray for and need to be a better influence in his life, a brother who thinks he is a gangster, a brother who is 13 years old but 5 inches taller then me, a brother who thinks he can throw harder then me, a brother who I love and want to get to know better. God also has given me the best friends I can have, friends who don't know how to answer their phones, friends who take me out of my shell, friends who watch out for me, friends who care about what is going on in my life, friends who I can read the Bible to and share God with, friends who aren't Christians and ones who I can be an example in their lives, friends who take the time to read my blog and tell me what they think about it, friends who support me no matter what happens in my life, friends who listen, friends who I can care for, friends who I can be there, friends who I can go to shows with, friends I can text, friends who are completely different then I am, funny friends, boring friends, loving friends, gay friends, friends who have the hookups, friends who have introduced me to friends, friends who I can complain too, friends who I can praise too, friends who will go anywhere with me, friends that will last a life time, friends who I love, God has also given me His one and only son, a son who forgave all of my sins by sacrificing His own life just so I can live, a Son who ALWAYS ANSWERS MY CALLS, a Son with whom I can have an awesome relationship with, a Son who has literally answered every prayer that I have ever prayed in my life, a Son who is always watching over me, a Son who lets me always come back when i abandon Him, a Son who has given me the best words of wisdom anyone could give me, a Son who I could talk about and live for on a daily basis, a son who I love. God has given me a Christian school to go to, a school where I have met people all over the country that love Him just as much as I do, a school where I can pray with my professors, and roommates, a school that has a 30ft tall picture of His Son right next to the Cafeteria, a school that can prepare me for a job in the future, a school that puts a huge whole in my wallet, a school full of people that I can have fun with and learn a lot from, God has also given me the talent to play baseball and get a scholarship by doing so, with that the best teammates and coaches anyone could ever ask for, a team that gives me the chance to play, teammates who I can talk to and help me out when I am failing, God has also blessed me with being able to run, throw, hit, and the heart to play the game. God has blessed me with an awesome attitude and the ability to put the smiles on others faces, he has also given me a great taste in music and has taught me to expand my that taste into liking almost every kind of music, God has blessed me with being able to almost eat anything (except olives, mushrooms, and that nasty bread from the caf) without being grossed out. Okay well I can literally go on and on but typing each and every single one of these phrases put a new smile on my face. A smile that I haven't had in a while. It has also given me a positive outlook on everything and I literally can't think negative about any of the stuff that I have mentioned. I want to keep going and going but some of my thoughts are going to have to wait for another day. Tomorrow I play cal baptist I may not play because I haven't been hitting all to well but if I don't I am going to cheer on my team and be the loudest guy on the bench. I can't wait! Good night y'all!
Daily Reading: Romans 5:1-5
Peace and Joy. Two of my favorite things. With the kind of things going on around me it is hard to find that peace and joy. There is something in every one's life that is more important then the other things that go on around them. When that most important thing goes bad in some sort of way it effects how we do everything else during the day. Yet if we had peace and trusted God through our problems then when we faced them there would be no need to stray away from the fact that peace and joy are always with us. Now that may of not made sense but lately I haven't been trusting God through my problems. I tried real hard to put Him in the center of it all at first but when it becomes difficult to do so I sometimes give up on it all and just end up getting angry. I hate the fact that I even have to admit something like this but for some reason my positive attitude hasn't really been there lately. I also feel like I have been repeating myself for a few days now and I also don't like the fact that I have to go through this on a daily basis. So if any of you actually read this section can you please pray for me to put God in the center of my life and for the negative things that happen in my life don't reflect the way I treat others. I can't talk to anyone I love deeply when I am in these kinds of moods, I haven't had a full conversation with my mom since Sunday when I stopped by her house. Even then she noticed something was wrong with me and something still is. Also pray that my relationship with God just overall gets better. I believe I am lacking faith in some areas and I really need to buckle down and start living my life for Him and only Him. Anyways, our relationship with God begins with faith, which helps us realize that we are delivered from our past by Christ's death. Hope grows as we learn all that God has in mind for us; it gives us the promise of the future. And God's love fills our lives and gives us the ability to reach out to others. In getting the words of encouragement and hope from others today I really have come up with the fact that I truly am just kind of burnt out. I need to start focusing more on my positives in my life and not let the negatives beat me up. When I put everything in God's hands and trust Him through it all then the peace and joy will never stop coming into my life. I am so overwhelmed with the fact that God is really showing me who the people really are around me and how I actually do have friends and family that really do care out there. Last but not least, perseverance. Perseverance ties in with my life verse on how the testing of faith really brings on the character trait. This is one of the most important ones to have with being a follower of Christ. Anything that is thrown at me I should be able to to block with perseverance and ultimately put God in front of everything. Praise God.

Daily Prayer:
Oh God,
Thank You so much for today! You literally have shown me my true values in life today! You have shown me how important my friends are in my life and how much they can really have an impact on me. I pray that You will continue to move in my life in this kind of positive way and for me to bring on this type of attitude to others. Help me to love You unconditionally and to give you everything I have. Help em to go to You through ups and downs God. Help others to see You through me and my actions, help me to talk about You constantly and not to be ashamed of my faith. Help me to take each and every single blog seriously and for me to put my full though and effort in each and every single one. I pray for my friends and family and I thank You for every single one of them. I pray for the negative things that may be going on in their life along with the positive things, whatever it may be help them to go to You and give it all to You Lord. Be their friend and show them Your true light. Help us all to experience you peace and joy through Your son. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. Bless them as well and help them to some how find Your love Father. Please use me in the process of them finding You Lord. Please help me to NOT pass up and opportunity to share Your live with them. I pray for my work ethic in both school and baseball. Help me to give it my all and work to get better along the way. Help me to try my best and not give up. Help me to put in the time and effort I should to be able to get good grades and get more hits Father. Help me to trust You in all the things I pray for and to know that You will answer them according to Your will not mine. I pray for my dream girl Father! I know she is out there somewhere and I can't wait to meet her. If I have already met her Lord help me to figure out what one it is! No matter what it may be help me to be patient in the process and to enjoy my life as being single. Keep me away from any type of sexual temptations, anger, frustration, and from using bad language. Please keep me humble Father and for me to not be a poor sport when I play little things like ping pong or anything like that. I now Pray for my roommate Phil, he is awesome and has asked me to pray for some certain things in his life, I pray that God's will we be done in His life, that he will lead him onto the right path of righteousness and stay focused on the things of the Spirit and not of the flesh. I pray that when God's time is right that He will let Him know what to do for the upcoming summer and what job that he may be leading up to. Last I pray for school for Phillip he has a couple mid terms and he needs to be able to manage his time correctly. Help him to do the best he can and for him not to be to overwhelmed and distracted on what is going on around him. I love You and I thank You again for this wonderful day today. I pray that tomorrow will be just as good. I love You so much. In Your name.


  1. Well let me talk about what God has given me.. A beautiful brother. A brother that i can make stupid bets with that we don't really mean. HA HA. A brother who throws belts at me as hard as he can because i rip posters off his wall. A brother who has an iphone and a mac book!! which isn't fair but hey, i still love him. A brother who frustrates me to no end..but then he smiles or pinches the back of my arm and everything is ok. A brother who if i want to make him mad i just have to touch his neck. A brother who owns at a little game called basball. A game that i grew up going to watch..well play at the parks with all the teams little sisters. A brother who loves the Lord and isn't afraid of showing it or talking about it. He has amazing courage which i am quite jealous of. A brother who is turning out to become a wonderful and beautiful person. MY brother and only MY brother. (those other half brothers and sister are jealous.) A brother that i love.

  2. Awe Sis that was amazing. Thank you so much you just made my day! I love you!

  3. As I read your words today tears roll down my face with so much joy and I thank God for bringing me a son that Loves me the way you do. What more can a mother ask for then a son that loves the Lord with all his heart and soul. A son who now ministers to me and has become the voice of God in my life. I love you my son with all my heart and soul. "This is my Son" whom I love; with him I am well pleased (mat3:17). Thank you for making me proud to call you my son!!

  4. PS, you forgot me mention who you get your good looks from!!! haha

  5. it's so weird that mom is computer savvy.

  6. I think she just pays someone else to do all the writing.

  7. yeah, i wouldn't be surprised.
