Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 90 "Steve"

Daily Summary: April fools day! I can't believe another month has already gone by and that it is April 1st already! That's insane time is literally flying by and it is also crazy that I am on day 90 and 100 is coming up in 10 days! Wow! Well I got an amazing sleep last night and woke up once again ready for the day. I wasn't going to go get breakfast or anything this morning since i woke up pretty late but I decided to since I got hungry all of a sudden. I usually eat breakfast by myself but I caught up with my buddy Steve as I was walking up and he asked to eat with him so I did exactly that. I met his brother and friend and they were hilarious. I didn't really say much but I definitely laughed with as an awesome start to the day. After breakfast I saw some of the baseball guys and talked with them for a bit then just went back to the room and chilled up until I had to get ready for today's game all the way back in my home town. I was stoked to play today. Although I probably wasn't going to be playing much I was still pumped up and ready to pull out a victory! So I hoped on the bus and sat with Steve once again. We usually sit together on the bus. He is a super smart dude that knows everything about everything and is also a funny dude and an athlete which makes him even cooler. We got down to Riverside to play Cal Baptist and came out swinging. We pumped out 5 runs in the first inning including a grand slam by big Brent Chavez. I got to start today in right field and I wasn't really mentally prepared because I didn't think that I was going to be playing today. I definitely learned from my mistake in my first two at bats. Cal Baptist also came out hot and they tied it up 5 to 5 in the first inning! I couldn't believe it after that Inning I said to myself, not another game like last week! A four hour and ten minuet game against Vanguard. I wasn't down for another one of those. Well it definitely didn't come out that way as both teams put up goose eggs the next few innings. We then took the lead after Chad put out a 2 out RBI single to give us the lead 6 to 5. The lead was taken right back from us as Cal Baptist hit a pop up home run over my head in right field to tie the game up. The next inning our big lefty hit a big fly a little deeper then theirs to put us back up in the lead. We didn't look back after that as we came out on top with the score of 9 to 6! We were all pumped up with the victory and stoked that we were able to get another conference win. Through the game I was 1 for 4. In my third at bat with guys on the corners I hit the ball up the middle hard right off the pitchers foot then right at the third basemen. Amazingly he picked it up and threw me out at first. I couldn't believe that just happened at the time but I came back in the next at bat and roped a base hit to right field to come out on top. I also got another outfield assist as I caught the ball then threw out the guy tagging at third for a bang bang play at home. With all that it made me forget about my first two at bats and help me focused on the positives. Thank You Jesus! Ha well on the way back we got ourselves some free in n out then headed back to school. I rushed over to catch the second half of class then just relaxed for the rest of the night. I got to bed nice and early thankfully and I am hoping that I will be able to wake up nice and refreshed once again.
Daily Reading: Luke 17:3-4
To Rebuke doesn't mean to point out every sin we see, it means to bring sin to a person's attention with the purpose of restoring him or her to God and to fellow humans. When we feel we must rebuke other Christians for their sin, make sure that we check our attitudes before we speak though. Unless rebuking is tied to forgiveness then rebuking them wont help them at all. Sometimes one of the hardest things to do is forgive someone after they hurt you really bad through some situation. Though this is difficult one of our main goals through the day should be to walk in the ways of Jesus. While doing this and thinking of what Jesus would do in certain situations He would definitely forgive anyone who committed some type of sin towards Him. Every sin we commit is against God's will so that means He has to forgive us millions of times throughout our entire lives. That is something to think about especially since He died for us. I myself often hold grudges to certain people because of certain situations. There are just some people out there that I can't have a full conversation with. Today I actually made somewhat of and effort to talk and relate with the person. It may have been a baby step but it is something that I am going to be working on for the rest of the school semester. I also did fail in talking to some people wrong, well it was actually about the same person which I thought was kind of coincidental. Shoot well, I definitely to fix all this crap because I want to be more like the one and only JESUS!
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for an amazing and once again beautiful day. I thank You for the fact that April is already around and that I have been through 90 days of serving You God. I pray that I will continue to keep on writing and that I will put my full effort to each and every single one of them. Next I would like to thank You for all of the people I have in my life. They all each have their specific roll in my life and I am blessed to have each one of them be apart of my life. I thank You also for all the possessions and things that You have let me use. I have to much things sometimes yet I still think I don't have enough. Help me to keep my mind on the right track and to not be so selfish. I pray that I will not back down any chance to talk to someone about You Father. Please give me the courage I need to be able to freely express my love for You. Please keep me away from any type of sin. Sexual sin, frustration, anger, talking evil upon someone, and help me to also tame my tongue. I now pray for my friends and family in whatever they may going through. Whether it may a praise or if it is trouble God please lift them up and help them to go to You in search for their answers. Help them to know that the good in their life is coming from You Lord. There are so many times when things are good they don't look to You and often just go to You when things are bad. Help them not to loose focus and stay maintaining their relationship with You no matter if the things are either good or bad. I now pray for the ones that don't know You. Please help them to somehow find You God and for them to be saved by Your beautiful and wonderful grace. I pray now for my dream girl Lord. Weather she is around me now or if she is to come in the future. Help me to be patient in the process and for me to trust in You that she will come my way. I pray for baseball thank You for an awesome game today. Although I ran into some bad situations I thank You that I was able to block out all the bad and just try to play better. Please help us to continue winning Lord and for us to be able to come out on top. I love You so much and I thank You for all that You are doing in my life. I pray all these things in Your wonderful and beautiful name.

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