Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 100 "No Way!"

Daily Summary: Well here it is day 100! Like I always say time is seriously just flying by. I can't believe I have made it this far! I thank God for all the strength He has given me to be able to get through 100 solid days of serving Him. Then again I am looking at this landmark and realizing that I am not even 1/3 of the way done! Shoot. Well it is still a lot of blogs that I have posted and it seems like just yesterday that I couldn't sleep on the night of January 1st and decided to start writing these things. Through the ups and downs of it all I truly love what I do. I thank every single one of their persons that take the time to read all this. Sometimes I am happy what I write about on here and other times I just don't like what I write so I don't even look back on it. What it has taught me so far is that I should never give up on anything no matter what it is, there is always a verse that relates to the problem or praise that I am going through, I have learned how to stay positive on a daily basis, shoot there are millions of things that I have learned through writing on an average of well over 2,000 words a day. That average is probably going to come down a few notches with this weeks busy schedule but what I noted even before I wrote my first blog was that no matter how much or how little I write I am still going to post something everyday. Just because I don't write about what has gone on doesn't mean things aren't happening. I literally experience amazing things on a daily basis and I wish I had the time to talk about them but I could seriously spend hours doing so. I am also learning to try to express my same thoughts that I write through words that I speak. Writing is kind of my get away from the one on one conversation with people and I miss that. I am much better at writing things down then speaking them. It is kind of like being able to pray when we are alone for hours but once there is 15 people sitting around a table and they call on you to pray, you get all nervous and choked up. It may not happen to everyone but it happens to some people no matter how attached to God they really are. Well anyways the last 100 days has been amazing and today was just another one of those exciting beautiful days that God created. I woke up nice and early and headed down the street to meet with the team and have breakfast. Since the cafe is closed there is nothing to eat so the coach bought us breakfast and gave us each $100 for the week. What a nice guy! He is also buying us breakfast Monday morning and that will help us out even a little more. After that we headed straight back and got ready for another fabulous day of baseball. We played Cal State San Bernardino in a single game. We won 6 to 2 and played some good baseball for the entire game. It was really a fun win and my whole family got to come and watch me play which was even cooler. After the game I showed them around, got ready, then headed to dinner with them. We went to the same place I went for breakfast which was kind of funny but delicious! I headed home after that and had a great night just hanging with the family. As I got ready to write I pulled out my laptop from my backpack to realize that I had forgotten a piece of my charger and was just left with a paper weight of a dead laptop. Totally brought my spirits down but I capped off the night watching some sweet YouTube miracle videos that I had no idea about the power us Christians really have. I definitely will be praying about these things and hopefully will be able to practice the powers of the Holy Spirit sometime soon! Well it is super late and I have to get some sleep! Night.

Daily Reading:

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