Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 91 "Walk Off to Finish the Sweep!"

Daily Summary: Well unfortunately I slept through class this morning and just caught up on some homework then headed over to my class at 10:30. Then after I got all ready and everything I got there finding out that class was cancelled for the day. I totally forgot about that and didn't know what to do. So I went over the the Talon which is another alternative place to eat at the business building and got some coffee and an apple. I just sat there playing tetris waiting for lunch to start since I missed breakfast. For some reason lately I haven't been having the appetite that I should be having. I am loosing a lot of weight really quick and also a lot of muscle since I haven't really been able to work out since I got injured. I am going to have to take some extra time next wee to do so since we don't really have to many league games next week and being a little sore wont really bother me all that much. Well after eating something small I headed back to the dorm room for a while, then got ready for the game. We had another game verse Cal Baptist today but this time it was at home. The game was awesome. I got the start in right but didn't really play all that well but that is besides the point. Ha well we again came out swinging in the first scoring two runs. Then they came back and ended up scoring 5 through the next few innings. We got one run around to make it 5 to 3. Then as innings we went on we found our selves going into the bottom of the 9th loosing the game 7 to 6. For some reason although that we were loosing basically the entire game, we felt confident going into the ninth that we were going to come out of the game with a victory. Our first guy got out then our next two got on. After a pop up that made it two outs with two guys on. A wild pitch sent them over to second and third as Billy Vopinek was up to bat. He had already had two hits on the day including a big fly for his first one of the season. First base was open but for some reason they didn't walk him. I was sitting in the on deck wondering that exact gesture then all of a sudden the next pitch was smacked up the middle scoring both runs for the walk off base hit and capped off the sweep over Cal Baptist. It was a great win and hopefully it sparks us off to a big winning streak. After the game I headed over to dinner and decided that I wasn't going to go to class. I was way to exhausted to sit through another boring Photography lecture so I just chilled in the room for a while. Then my buddy Owen called me over to have a little tetris tournament in his dorm room. It was actually a lot of fun and we played for a few hours before I took off and hung out with the Gabster for a while. We just sat, talked, then went and got something to eat. Today was a great day. I kind of got frustrated with how I hit in the game but I got over it after the win. I see it as I am only a little 18 year old freshman playing with 22 year old seniors. I can't ne perfect ha. Well Hopefully tommarow is just as good.
Daily Reading: Galatians 2:20
Throwing away our old selves can be one difficult task when just becoming a new believer and follower of Christ. I picked this verse today because for some reason my old self has been kind of haunting me. I have been thinking about it a little to much lately. Praying about the situation really has helped me get through it all. I love asking God questions and waiting for the mysterious ways He gives the answers to me. For example, I asked God a few things about the struggles I have been dealing with lately and He gave me two of the answers through a dream last night. Having prayers answered through dreams are indeed my favorite way for God to answer prayers. I thin every dream we have means something whether it may be big or small. I guess we could save that for another time. Well on with more of the verse. Well I don't know really why this kind of stuff has been bothering me lately only because when I look back at high school and realize all the un Godly things that I actually did, I can't even believe I did any of that stuff anymore. I mean I literally have forgot it all. It doesn't even seem like I was that person at all. That is just the fact that I was forgiven by God's wonderful grace through all of that. So main point is, through out all what has been done in the past, just focus on the present and on your relationship with God.
Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for another wonderful day hear at Biola. Thank You for giving me the strength to be able to through away my old self and just focus on my relationship with You. I pray that I will continue to do this God and when my past haunts me that I will be able to ignore it and just focus on You God.
I now would like to pray for any of my friends or family that may be going through a rough time. Please help them to come to You with their problems and for them to Trust You through the whole situation. I pray God that You will not only help me but help others as well in being able to understand how truly perfect Your timing is. Please also let us no that there is in fact a time for everything and that anything can happen on any given day. Good or bad God help us all to praise You. I pray for my friends and family that don't know You God. I pray that You will help them to somehow find Your light and please use me in doing that Lord. I pray that You will continue to help me develop new friendships and for me to grow in the ones that I have. I pray for my dream girl God that there will be someone in my life forever who I can talk about with You and praise about the wonders You are doing in our lives. Please help me to be patient in the process and know that Your timing is right. I pray now for the churches I am apart of or have been apart of Lord. Many of them are struggling financially. Please help them to fix these problems God along with all of America's economy. I pray God for the girls who came in asking for money for their friends tuition. Please bless them with the money they need to help this friend out and I praise You for putting the thoughts into those girls hearts for them to take the time to do something for their friend. I pray for all of the people here at school God. help us all to make a difference in someones life and to really shine Your name. Help us to have a Christ-like attitude and for others outside of school to see You through us Father. I pray for my frustration, anger, and sexual temptations God along with any other earthly pleasure. Please keep me from them so I will not be tempted in anyway to go against Your word. I pray for the unspoken and forgotten prayers God. Please help them to come to me so I may pray for them. I pray for these things in Your wonderful name.

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