Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 93 "Easy There Mormon, I Know What I am Talking About"

Daily Summary: Today was not full of to many events but was definitely something worth talking about. I had about an 11 hour day for baseball and I am pretty tired about about that but I got pumped up afterward when we all went to In N Out. Well lets start up with the morning. I woke up super early and went out to get something to eat. I also had to get the lunches since we were heading all the way up to The Master's college way up by six flags. It took a while to get there so I got some Reading done with one of my new books and listened to some worship music. I was just going to trust God in whatever happened today out on the baseball field. We were facing two really good pitchers and I was bound not to get intimidated by them. Well we finally got there and got all ready to play. As we got out of the bus and looked at all the flags on their field we saw that the wind was blowing hard in, so that means the ball wasn't going to be flying at all. Their field is also completely made of turf. Everything but the pitchers mound was turf and we all aren't used to playing on that sort of surface so it made things a little weird. Well game time finally rolled around and we dug ourselves in a hole that we couldn't get out of. While the Master's out hit us 16 to 4 we lost game one 7 to 0. I started the game in right and had one of the four hits but then got pinch hit for in my last at bat. The next game I got the start in left field and went 0 for 3 but we got the win! We won 1 to 0 and only had 5 hits this game while the Masters only had 2. So a few weeks ago we can score 16 runs and loose a ball game and today we scored 1 run in two games and won a ball game. I tell ya baseball is one weird sport but I will take a win no matter how it goes down. We went 3 and 1 overall this week and we hope to continue to climb up in the standings and try to get ourselves in the playoffs. We have 3 non conference games next week along with 2 conference games that are huge way down at San Diego Christian. To go 5 and 0 this week would be awesome but lets not get to ahead of ourselves. Ha well since we got the win we stopped at In N Out. Everything was going good, we were all hanging out just talking with one another then all for a sudden the topic of Mormonism came about. Now I was in a Mormon ministry all last semester and I have always been interested in what the Mormon faith was really all about. With all of that I kind of know a to about ti and ho it compares to Christianity. So as we were getting into it I didn't want to get anything wrong and so I just told my buddy to go online and check out a YouTube video that was supposedly banned by the Mormon Church just for a simple knowledge of what the book of Mormon teaches. As I was saying this a lady came up to us as they were leaving and started talking about how disrespectful we were being to Mormons and how we had it all wrong. She said we shouldn't be getting all our information from a cartoon online and that I should be going to a Church and what not to get my real information. I quickly starting explaining to her where I really got all my information and she started to stutter and everything. We shot back and forth for while before she finally realized that I new what I was talking about and left. Now things got pretty hectic so I had the entire In N Out looking at me including my coaches and all of my tea mates. A couple of them said to calm down and cut it out, but when someone accuses me of being disrespectful and trying to prove their religion right compared to mine I will never back down and I will always stand up for what I know and believe in. I would never bash on anyone with a different religion or belief then mine. I would try harder to be a light in their life so they can understating what being a Christian is really all about. I am kind of disappointed that she got the wrong idea of what we were talking about and that I came off kind of harsh because she was accusing me for doing something wrong but overall I am pleased with what I said to her and hopefully I got her thinking. It pumped me up big time and we basically talked about in the bus for the remainder of the ride home. I have to look back at this and see the things that I might have done wrong and the things that I did right and prepare for the next time this occurs. It is something that I always pray for to happen but rarely does. God I think here was just testing my knowledge and wanted to see maybe how I could handle myself under this kind of situation with so many people around and how it was completely unexpected. Overall I thought it was kind of funny how we weer having a mini debate in a restaurant that is completely under Christian management and it family owned by Christians. They put Bible verses under every cup and on every hamburger wrapper. Oops. Something tells me God was with me the whole time. Ha well after we got back I didn't do much at all for the rest of the night except write and everything it was a good day and I hope tomorrow is just as good. Going to Church with my sister and Gabby! Can't wait good night.
Daily Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Everything that Paul and his companions did was to honor God. Not only did the fear of God motivate them, but Christ's love compelled their actions. The word for "compels" mean "to hold fast." In other words, the love of Christ was constraining them to certain courses of action. They new that Jesus, out of his great love, had given up his life for their sakes. He had not acted out of his own self-interest, selfishly holding on to the glory of Heaven that he already had possessed. Instead, Jesus had willingly "died for all." Because Christ died for us, we also are dead to our old lives. Like Paul, we should no longer live to please ourselves; we should spend our lives pleasing Christ. We too should do everything we can to honor God just like Paul and his companions did throughout the New Testament. When Jesus died for us He gave us that new life so that are sins may be forgiven. Now since He died for us, there isn't much we could do but honor Him and His word. The lives we had before we loved Jesus should be thrown away and never thought of again. They don't matter anymore. They shouldn't even come back to haunt us. I myself have been struggling with this for the past week because of a few reasons. This is why I keep using these verses to pump me back up and know why my old self has been thrown away. Jesus died for me so that I wouldn't have to deal with it! Jesus paid it all! ALL TO HIM I OWE!

Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus!
Thank You for today. Thank You for having us being able to play as a team and sweep a good Masters team. I thank You for all of the guys on their team. Some of the character they showed in playing the game and praising You really demonstrated what kind of school they really are. Next I would like to thank You for dieing on the cross for me and that I am able to throw away my old self and focus on my life with You God. I thank You for the fact that I was able to find You at such a young time in my life and that I can go out and influence others to do the same. I thank You for the opportunity You gave me to be able to talk with that Mormon. I pray that she will somehow fund the right way to You God and not only focus on Faith but a relationship with You Jesus. I pray that more opportunities like this will come my way and that I will be able to work to obtain the knowledge in proving my point for You God. I love You so much and I thank You once again for dieing on the cross for me! Ha well
I pray for the ones that don't know You God. I pray that they will somehow find You and that I will be used in the process. I pray that I will never look down an opportunity to be able to share You. Please give me the courage to do so. I now pray for school Father. Help me to be able to read and understand what is going on and that I will continue to work hard and get good grades. I pray for the same effort in baseball. Help me to stick to what I have been playing my whole life and work to get better at it. I pray that we will continue to succeed as a team and come out on top of the charts. I pray for a certain situation that You only know God. I pray that if it is what I feel for it to keep moving forward and if it isn't right please help things to slow down and for me to not even be affected by Your decision. Help me to find my dream girl God someway somehow. Help me to love her unconditionally and help her to love me for who I am, and not want to change a thing about me. I pray for the ones suffering just by claiming that they love You God. Help them to keep on praising You and for them to realize that they are being blessed for standing up for their Faith. I love You so much God and thank You again for such an awesome day.

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