Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 96 "Stop Judging Me"

Daily Summary: Today was another great day. Woke up nice and early to get ready for my ever so wonderful 8AM class. I don't really understand what goes on in there most of the time so it is really hard to pay attention. I ended up reading some of the He's Hot She's Hot book to get through some of the boring lecture time. I realized something else while I was in class that kind of got me thinking. I am obviously here at a Christian school where everyone should have a huge passion for God if they are going to come here. They should have this kind of passion because they are or their parents are paying over $30,000. Well we have this thing before every class, kind of like a devotion thing where people in the class bring a verse and share some things about it. It amazes me how show some people are about sharing a verse. There are many times where people have said they have forgotten their verse that they were going to bring even though they have their Bible right in front of them. When she asks if they have a verse on their heart that they want to share they say no. I mean if they are scarred to talk in front of other Christians about what kind of things are on their hear how do you think they will do when they talk to non-believers. It kind of astonishes the way some of the people are here at Biola. Some people are just on fire and can't stop talking about Jesus. Other people have that same kind of fire but they keep it on the inside and don't let it out. Maybe it is just because of the way they grew up but I think it is time to shout and let it all out! I to have struggled with that and I haven't even spoke up in the class yet because I like to observe and just see what other people have to say. For some reason I kind of don't feel apart of that class. I feel kind of left out because I don't know what is going on or anything and no one seems to want to help me or get me involved. I know I know, wahhh cry me a river but it leads to my next point that has literally brought me to tears the last couple of nights. Judging. I myself don't really have a problem with that lately but I am just disappointed at how I have been getting judged lately. I usually don't like to talk about my feelings because they are usually happy and not interesting so I decide to talk about what others may be going through. Today is going to be different. I have been hurting about this for about a month now and I am not really sure what I need to do about it. It all started when a friend of mine messaged me on facebook and apologized to me. I had no idea what they were apologizing to me so I asked what are you sorry for. They said "I am not going to lie I thought you were just that typical jerk baseball player that doesn't want to be here and is only here to play baseball but after talking to you and reading your blog I have realized that your much different then what I assumed you to be" Now I am not sure if that was word for work but you catch my drift. I didn't think to much of it at first but for some reason I think of it all the time and wonder why I deserve to be judged like that. I remember another one during orientation week of school way back in August. One of the leaders that were guiding the incoming students around told me, "I'm going to lie when I first met you and saw you I wasn't to sure about you. I thought that Biola definitely wasn't your place and you were here just because it was your last resort. After talking to you though I have totally changed my thoughts on you. I'm sorry." I couldn't believe this either. Again I didn't really think to much about up until it kept recurring. Now it seems to be coming up all of the time and I am beginning to almost get used to the fact that people are going to judge me as I walk around. I have been told by my very special friend Gabby that she has talked to some people because they see us together all the time. She said that some ask her if I party and everything like that because I am a baseball player. It may not seem like it is such a big deal but this stuff has really taken a toll on me. Like I said before it has brought tears to my eyes. Especially because I have been trying so hard to set the example and I pray everyday that others will be able to see Christ through me. Honestly I think I have been doing a good job with all of that. I never hesitate to talk about what I believe in, what I am reading, or how God is moving in my life. So instead of getting upset with this people for what they are doing I am going to pray for each and every single one of them. Pray for their thoughts, pray for how they look at people, and pray for the words that come out of their mouths because I don't think a guy who partied, was a total jerk, or who didn't want to be here would write a blog that takes him almost 2 hours a day 96 days straight. I will continue to try my hardest to not get people to think that I am some typical jerk, party guy, or anything just because I play a sport. I most of all will continue to love Jesus and shout out my passion for Him in all ways and will never give up to what I believe in. Well now that I have gotten that off my chest I will talk about the rest of my day. For my next class we just watched a movie the whole time which seemed pretty interesting for the most part. We wont finish it up until Thursday so we will see how that goes. After that I headed to lunch then off to get ready for my game. The game went okay. We won 9 to 4 so that's all that matters. We were up 2 to 1 the whole game until Whittier College scored 3 in the top of the 8th to make it 4 to 2. We then came back with 7 runs to make it 9 to 4 and held out the victory. After the game a couple of the guys and I decided to rush over to try and make it to the angel game. We got ready real quick and rushed over there to find out that it was sold out! We were disappointed but we decided to go to a restaurant, eat and just watch the game on TV. It was a lot of fun hanging out with all the older dudes and seeing what they were all about. They are funny guys and no how to have a good time so that is always nice. We headed back around 10:00 and when we got back to school I met up with Gab and hung out with her for the rest of the night. You couldn't have guessed what we talked about the whole time. Jesus. I know crazy stuff right? Ha well today was definitely a great day, even though the whole judge thing came about, it is just another bump in the road smoothed out by the Holy Spirit. Can't wait for another wonderful day at Biola tomorrow.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 14:33
God is not a God of CONFUSION, but of peace. Gab gave me this verse for a friend that I was talking to and I decided to use it today because I love verses that describe who our God is and what He is all about. The reason why I like because there are so many different views on who God is and what He is all about. I am not going to really get into all the different views or anything like that because that would just take forever haha. What the point I want to come across is how the Bible explains God and that is how we should view God. Just like this verse right here, we know that God is not up there to try and confuse us with all of this crazy stuff, He just wants to give us peace. I a confused about things on a daily basis. No matter what I may be confused about, now I know that I should always ultimately go to God with this confusion because He is never confused about anything. Imaging going through life and getting everything that is said to us and every single direction that is explained to us. How simple would that be! Well God is here to always (I am going to make up a new word) unconfuse us. He designed our lives to be ones of peace and that there would be no confusion amongst us. All we need to do is follow Him and not look back. People may think that following God is difficult and it could be at times especially when you just begin. Although this is true, once you get to a certain point we as Christians realize how easy everything is. No worrying, no complaining, no excuses, just JESUS! How could we not be happy? I mean Jesus is with us 24/7 and He is always looking for an opportunity to help us out. He is the ultimate MAN!

Daily Prayer:
Ha Hello Jesus!
Today was just another awesome day. Right away I want to get to the whole judging situation. I pray that I will continue to work hard in expressing my love for You and I pray that those who worship You look I do will not take their time to judge me just for what sport I play or the way I walk around. I pray that they we see the real me and get to know who I really am. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I thank You that You are God of peace rather then confusion. Thank You most of all for just being the wonderful God You are and the fact that You died for all of us makes it even better. I pray for my sister God as she steps out of her shell and goes to church by herself tomorrow. I pray that when she meets Ronny that he will just put a light in her mind and introduce her to girls that relate to her and that have been through some things that she has been through I pray that she will most of all enjoy the experience she is going to be going through and that she will want to go again. I pray that she will come to know You God more and more every single day. I pray for anyone else that may be on that bubble God. Help them to step over the hump and for them to go out of their comfort zone and just worship You God and go all out. help them to live one life and one life only and that is the life of serving You God. Help them to not look back upon their old selves and for them to just focus on the new. I pray for any friends or family that may be going through some rough times. I pray that they will go to You with their needs and blessings Father. I pray that they will trust in You and except the decisions You make for them. I pray for the ones that don't know You, please help them to find You and please help me to be an influence in their life. I pray for my dream girl God. I pray that I will just be patient in the process and that I will not jump the gun on anything. I pray that I will be able to find a role model in my life. Someone who shares thoughts with me and understands everything I go through. I pray that I will continue to grow through You and trust that You will give me all that I need. Please keep me positive and Holy God. Help me not to be pessimistic and to keep my eyes fixed on You! I love You so much!

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