Sunday, April 12, 2009

Day 101 "Sister's B-day"

Daily Summary: Today was a celebration of two wonderful people in my life. One was of course Jesus and the resurrection He went through after doing something for me that I will never be able to pay Him back for. The other was my little Jonas Brother lover of a little sister's birthday. She went up to two digits today and had her 10th birthday! I haven't really been around lately to see her grow up especially through the last couple of years but from what I do know about her is that she is growing into a wonderful little girl and she has a lot of good things ahead of her. She loves Jesus more then any other 10 year old that I know and I cant wait to see what God has in store for her. Well we all woke up had some pancakes for breakfast, then headed to a great Easter Sunday Church service. I went to my moms little Church and it was good to see the place packed with people. It is one thing to be in a Church with 1,000's of people worshiping and praising Jesus. It is awesome to see so many people praising God all at the same time. Then the other part is being at a small church where only about 100 to 200 people are in the service. The body of the Church literally all seems like one big happy Jesus family. With everyone knowing each other and talking with one another each new person can easily be picked out in the crowd and everyone introduces them to one another. It is so awesome to see so many people all in one place on fire for God. Well after Church we headed to the ceramic place to paint up some ceramics. This is what Rebekah wanted to do for her birthday and it was actually a lot of fun. I made mine special for someone and if I explain it on here then it would give it all away because I am sure this will be read by them at some point. Ha well after that we had some pizza then headed home for the cake and presents. My mom got her a present and told her it was from me and it was exactly what she wanted so I was Rebekah's favorite person for the day. She reads this too so I am sure she will hit me after she reads this and sees me again. Overall it was just a good day. I was so tired through every second of it all but I just kept trying to keep a positive attitude and not let my mood get the best of me. After all Jesus has risen and how can you get down with something as cool as that! Ha well tomorrow is another busy day so it is going to be a short blog. Praying for you all, take it easy.

Daily Reading:

Daily Prayer:

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