Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 92 "Tongues"

Daily Summary: Well today was definitely a simple day. After not going to bed around 2:30AM I woke up to a phone call unfortunately around 9:45. My mom was calling me letting me know that her boss cancelled on her for lunch and that she wanted to go ahead and eat lunch with me today. I was pumped to be able to hang out with my mom but I wasn't so thrilled to be woken up so early haha. Well I went ahead and met up with her around 11:30. We had lunch at our usual place and fellowship. It was so nice to see her and just talk with God about her and everything. Ahh I just love it. Well after that I was on my way back from dropping her off and I noticed this little hole in the wall place in Fullerton. It was called the house of Bibles. I was really curious to what it was so I decided to pull over and check out this little store. It was just a small Christian book store nothing to special. Your usual stereotypical fun loving Jesus lover was working there. He was a real funny dude. He was really busy though and wasn't really able to talk all that much. I ended up buying two books that seemed like they would interest me in some way and then headed back to school. I made it just in time for practice and to water the field. My roommate woke up early this morning with chest pains so he is going to be out for a while I guess. He had to go to the emergency room and everything. I will be praying for him and hoping that he will be okay and be able to get back on the baseball field. I know how it is not being able to play and it could really tear up a persons mind. I am sure that he will be okay though and not really care if he misses a practice or two ha. Well practice went good. Didn't really do all that much except hit but that was the fun part about it. We brought out some brand new baseballs and I got to hit some jacks. Ha well after that exciting time I got to spend a while with my buddy David. He is a total awesome dude and can bring a smile on any ones face no matter how mad they may be. He is just that hilarious funny dude that you cant picture serious. Kind of like Jim Carry in the movie 23. While we were hanging out we drove out pretty far to go check out a Vitamin shop. We were getting some natural sleeping aids to help us get a great nights rest. They are completely organic and have no drugs in them whatsoever. Hopefully they work pretty good. While we were driving, I kind of got real personal and basically told him my whole testimony. I was just explaining the fact on how I have thrown away my old self and am literally living a new life and I have been doing so for a over a year. It feels really good to let all that stuff out every once in a while. It really lets your friends know who you really are as a person. I am sure David understands me much better now and our friendship will continue to grow. He is another journalism major like me. He is graduating this semester but he is going to help me as I get through the same program he did the last 3 years. Well for the remainder of the night I just hung out with Gabbbbb. We went to this movie thing here at school about Human trafficking, read the Bible, and then read some more. It was tons of fun. Our relationship is literally growing through God and completely through God. It is so awesome I have never met someone quite like her. She is one amazing Gal! Ha well I am so tired I could go on and on about some events but I'll be around so ask me! Ha good night.

Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 14
Okay I read this whole chapter with Gabby today so I thought I would talk about it. It is a pretty controversial subject that some Christians believe in and some don't. Here is what I have to say about it. First off footnotes, Paul's word's to the Corinthians about tongues and prophecy have much to say about our generation. Many Christians struggle with the discussion of tongues. Paul would clearly say that no one should put down those Christians who speak in tongues, and those who speak in tongues should not disparage those who do not. Paul in the verses makes many points about speaking in tongues. One is that it is a spiritual gift from God, another is that it is a desirable gift even though it isn't a requirement of Faith, and it is less important that prophecy and teaching. Believers need unity and love. The enemy is not each other but the sinful word, Satan, and our selfish, sinful desires. But Paul would have another word for today, "I would like ever one of you to speak in tongues." Although Paul himself spoke in tongues, he stresses prophecy because it benefits the whole Chruch, while speaking in tongues directly benefits the speaker. Paul would encourage us to be so in tune with the Spirit that his messages of comfort, encouragement, and edification would be heard in our congregations today. Make sure your actions are encouraging and edifying. Okay so I chose to use this writing because it is exactly how I feel about the whole tongues situation. It is is obviously a gift from God and not everyone can really have tongues. Tongues is indeed real and people do actually have this ability to really connect with God. Now I believe it isn't for others to hear when we speak in tongues. It is for us and us only to hear. The people that we are trying to get to follow Christ definitely will not learn anything if you show them that you are able to speak in tongues. If anything they will be weirded out and not want to become more interested to what the church is about. That is why Paul teaches that we should be more concerned about prophecy which is preaching to others rather then being able to speak in tongues. So basically keep your tongues between you and God. For the people who may be thinking I am clinging to one side, I am not. I actually do not speak in tongues at all. I actually have only met a few people that have. I used to think it was kind of crazy up until I began to read about it. There ya have it.

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for another awesome day. Thank You for the time I was able to hang out and fellowship with friends. Thank You that I was able to share my testimony to others and get them thinking about what they have to offer You God. I pray that I will be able to interact with more people and that I will meet more and more that I am able to share Your wonderful grace with. Help me to be able to shine a light wherever I go and really set a true example of who You really are.
I now pray for my friends and family Father that they may be going through some rough times. I pray that You will lift them up in whatever they may be going through and help them to fix their eyes on You. I pray for the friends and family that don't know You or they think that they know You Lord but the full relationship isn't there. Please help them to understand what know who You are and for them to somehow find You. Please use me in this process an for me to show Your love and grace to everyone around me. I pray for us Christians who may be getting judged by the things we do. Please help the ones that may be criticizing us to realize what the Word says about it all and for them to focus on how their relationship is rather then ours. I pray for my dream girl Lord that You will somehow help me find her and for me to be patient in the process. I pray for school for me to get going on that and for me to be able to do all of my homework and to do it on time. I pray for our country and our new president. That You help him in making the right decisions and for us to be able to turn this economy around. I pray all these things in Your name.

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