Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 115 "Legit Quote"

"Love winning because it is easy to love, but recognize that losing makes you become better. Love throwing, hitting, running, and scoring. All over the world today, there are people lying in bed dreaming of being able to do those things. It’s not whether you win or lose, it is the fact that you are gifted, skilled and talented and, win or lose, you STILL will be."

I am not sure who wrote or said this but a facebook friend posted it up on their profile.

During the beginning of the baseball season things weren't really going my way. I wasn't playing to the best of my ability and I actually just wanted to give up. When I got hurt things really got jacked up in my mind. I honestly just didn't want to play baseball anymore. I thought my days were done. Now after looking back and reading this quote it makes me realize how stupid I really was. Instead of just giving up all I had to do is go to God for help. I began to pray and pray consistently in not only healing but for Him to help me be able to trust in the talent that He has given me and for me to use it to the best I can. Through a long process and a couple of miracles I am now back on the field playing some of the best baseball I have ever played. My dad reminding me of past experiences and past teams really motivated me to step it up a notch. Now my dad may not know this but his words really have had an impact on me through my career in the sports world. I still remember the things he said to me when I was 11 years old and they still affect me today. Even though they may only be one sentence I still put them all to heart and they have influenced me in the way I play the game today. He always knocks some sense into me and has told me to never give up my dream of playing baseball for as long as I can. That is exactly what I am going to do. My dad has sat through 1,000's and has spent 1,000's upon 1,000's of hours and money on me for baseball so the least I could do is respect what he has to say and put it to heart.

During the time I was writing this for some reason I was lead to send my dad and email.

Hey Dad,
For some reason I felt like I needed to send you and email about what is on my mind. I was doing my normal writing like I do everyday and I found this awesome quote that really had big impact on me and baseball. I was talking about it and for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about you and how you have really motivated me in playing the game. I still remember things way back in the day that you said to me and still have an impact on me today. For example, when I was 11 years old playing for the Dodgers at Anaheim pony I was struggling. I wasn't hitting to well and it wasn't even bothering me. I was striking out more then I have ever struck out before. On the way home from one of our games I think it was, you began talking to me and asking "What the heck is going on with you?" you then went on to say "Why are you striking out so much? You never used to strike out." Since you have said those words, I have made it one of my top priorities when hitting to not strike out. Those words go through my head before every at bat and before every game and they have been for well over 7 years now. Another example was when I was 12 years old playing in an All Star game for Olive Little League. I was wearing sun glasses while playing third base and then didn't really have a good game hitting that day. I actually had my first strike out in 32 games if you could remember that and I am sure you can. After the game on the way home, you started talking about how I was wearing glasses and when taking them off in-between innings if that was messing up my eye sight when I went up to bat. I don't think I wore glasses out on the field after that up until I got to high school and played the outfield. Now I wear them almost every single game and you probably haven't noticed this, but after every third out is made, I instantly take off my glasses before running into the dug out, just to have an extra couple of seconds to make sure my eyes are adjusted to the sunlight before I go up to bat. I know it may sound a little crazy, but you have that kind of impact on me. The glasses may not have an impact on my eye sight but your words do. One more thing that I will explain is my Junior year of high school. You and I went to a college information meeting at the school gym on night. I was looking into trade schools and everything to go to after college and not go further in baseball. Ten I think when we were walking out you clearly explained to me not to give up my baseball dream and not move to forward in pursuing a career rather then play baseball in college. After that I began to work extra hard in baseball and bumped up my average that year and ended up hitting .349 and obviously got a scholarship the next year to Biola. Now with these three examples I am sure I could explain a million more. There have been a few instances this year where you have said a few words of encouragement that have motivated me to play harder and I have done exactly that and I will continue to do so. I am going to work hard and continue to stay on the top of the hitting charts for the remainder of the season. So with all of this I would like to say thank you. Thank you for the countless hours and money you have spent on me in order to stay on the top of my game. Now to end it, beneath all of the money you have spent and all of the time you have spent driving and sitting through games THANK YOU for the most priceless thing you have given me, your words. I love you so much dad and I know that you know that. I look forward to talking with you on a daily basis on the phone no matter what it is we talk about. I can't wait to spend some time with you this summer.

Thanks again your son,
Vincent Gary Fayard

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