Monday, April 20, 2009

Day 109 "Getting Back Into it!"

Daily Summary: Alright I am officially getting back into writing a good amount today. I am really sorry about last week, I will work my hardest in order to make that not happen anymore. I again changed my mind on what I am going to write about. After starting the whole letter thing I couldn't really flow with my writings like I can flow with my writings on this format. I will continue to explore new ways to be able to be more consistent in my writings but for now I will stick to the main method. Well today was a good day. It was one of the hottest days of the year reaching at a peek of 102 degrees in some areas. I myself do not really like this type of weather. It is way to hot to be able to really do anything outdoors especially play baseball! Shoot. Well I woke up and got ready for chapel and I am glad I did. The speaker was amazing. She was actually a survivor of abortion. Her mom was 7 and a half months pregnant with her before she decided that she didn't want a baby anymore so she got an abortion. I had no idea that you were able to get an abortion that late in the pregnancy. Shoot well she just had an awesome story to tell and how she has cerebral polcy . I am not sure if I spelled that right but I am sure you get that it is some type of disease. Basically it affects the bones and muscles in the body and causes awkward waling and sometimes people who are diagnosed with disease aren't even able to walk. Well she definitely didn't let her affect her the way it does most people. She stood tall up at the podium speaking to us like any person would. The word that flowed out of her mouth were words of a true women who lives for Jesus. This women ran marathons with her disease something that is usually unheard of. I was truly reminded of the things I complain about. How short I am, how I look, or anything, and then when I see people like this and wonder what they go through it brings to my mind how God made each and everyone of us for a reason and he made us our own individual person. I was made like this for a reason and I need to use my attitudes and character traits to God's advantage and spread His love in every way possible. I also learned through the message that I need to treat girls like angels and nothing less. I will try my best to serve God the way He planned on me to serve Him and I will do whatever it takes to please women around me so that I may shine as a true man of God! Well after chapel I hung out with Gab in the coffee shop up until lunch came up. The heat seemed as if it was getting hotter and hotter by the minuet. With all of the games this week I am sure that my farmers tan will just be amazing! We have a big week in baseball this week, last week was one of my biggest baseball weeks of my life and I am going to keep it going starting tomorrow against La Verne, then all the way up in Fresno on Thursday then APU this Saturday! I can't wait it is going to be one intense week and I have been starting in right field and hopefully I can continue to do so. I can't believe I ever thought that my season was really over. Pff what was I thinking! My season was just beginning! Now that it is coming to an end I am really taking advantage of any opportunity I get to play baseball because any day could be my last. Well practice finally came and it was so hot! I could barely even function. Good thing it only lasted about two hours before it got called because everyone was just exhausted from the heat. After practice I had everything planned to start my homework and I was getting ready and then all of a sudden the fire drill went off. That kind of ruined everything so I just headed to dinner then headed to the dark room to develop some photos. Our project is due on Thursday but I will be in Fresno so I wont be able to turn it in. Hopefully my professor understands, I am sure he will he is a pretty cool guy. Anyways I spent about 3 hours getting some work done in there and by the time I was finished with that I was just done for so I headed to bed early. Today was a good day, I think I could of gotten a lot more done but I will be getting a lot more done over the next few days. It was also nice to get writing for the first time in a while. I am actually on time and up to date. Thanks for hanging in there!

Daily Reading: John 10:28-30
Jesus is speaking here in the gospel of John, just as a shepherd protects his sheep, Jesus protects his people form eternal harm. While believers can expect to suffer on earth, Satan cannot harm their should or take away their souls or take away their eternal life with God. There are many reasons to be afraid here on earth because this is the devil's domain. But if we choose to follow Jesus, He will give us everlasting safety. This is the clearest statement of Jesus' divinity he ever made. Jesus and his father, are not the same person, but they are one in essence and nature. Thus Jesus is not merely a good teacher-He is God. His claim to be God was unmistakable. The religious leaders wanted to kill him because their laws said that anyone claiming to be God should die. Nothing could persuade them that Jesus' claim was true. I am going to jump back to the whole Satan's domain issue. Lately I feel like I am being attacked by him and he is making me busy so I wont be able to do the things I love, such as write. I continually have to fight him off with the power of Jesus. Satan often robs me of my sleep and I probably haven't slept well in over a month. The thing is no matter how tired I am, no matter how busy I am, no matter what Satan does, I will never stop loving Jesus the way I love Him now. I will never stop thinking of Him everyday and writing about Him everyday. He has a light that burns in side of me that will never burn out. I will try my best to stay on track and continue to write on a daily basis no matter how busy I may be! For the second part of the verse, I have a quote that I absolutely love and I quote all the time when having discussions with friends. Enjoy

"Over time, Christianity has become defined more by its behavioral code than by its doctrinal beliefs. In other words, Christianity became a religion of do's and dont's rather than a theological faith. This is exactly what Christ preached against when He butted heads with the Pharisees. For him, the kingdom of God was all about a relationship and the condition of a person's heart. He abhorred the though that the kingdom of God would be minimized to rules and regulations and a behavioral checklist." -Bruce Bickel -Stan Jantz

Daily Prayer:
Dear God,
Thank You for helping me find the time to again sit down, spend some time with you, and write God. It feels so good to get back on this computer and really just write everything that is on my mind. I also thank You for the past week, I learned a lot and I pray that I will use what I learned the next time a busy schedule comes up. I thank You for baseball and how it has been going. I pray that it will continue to go well and that we will be able to make it deep into the play offs. I pray that I will not look at my performances to a personal level but to the teams level. I pray that I will not play for the good of myself but for the good of my team. I pray that I will not be nervous but excited to go out there and play. I pray that I will be able to trust in the talent You gave me and I will have confidence no matter how good the other team may be. I pray that as a team, we will all continue to play well and we will all get along with the long season rapidly approaching to an end. I know pray for school, I am pretty overwhelmed with homework God and I pray that I will find the time to be able to get it all done and turn it in. I pray that I not only get it done but I pray that I will get it done well so I will be able to get good grades God. I pray now for my friends and family. Between them all Lord, there are pains, hurt feelings, deaths, and frustration God. I pray that You will touch them and be with them throughout the day. I pray that they will look to You for answers and not be afraid to talk with You. I pray for the ones that don't know You God. Help them to some how find You God and please use me in that process. I pray that I can be a light in other peoples lives. I pray that others will be able to see You through me and my actions. I pray that I will not act like I walk the walk but I do indeed walk the walk for You. I pray that I will figure out what to do this summer and everything God and that I can trust You through that. I now pray for my dream girl Father, help me to find her Lord and for me to be able to trust You through that and for me to be patient in the process. Thanks again for a wonderful day God. I pray these things in You name.

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